

单词 雌蕊
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔apocarpous〕Having carpels that are free from one another. Used of a single flower with two or more separate pistils, as in roses.离心皮的:心皮彼此分开的。用于一朵有两个或多个分隔雌蕊的花,如玫瑰美国传统〔bisexual〕Botany Denoting a single flower that contains functional staminate and pistillate structures; perfect.【植物学】 雌雄同体的:一朵花具有官能雄蕊和雌蕊结构的;雌雄蕊同花的美国传统〔carpellate〕Having carpels; pistillate.有心皮的;有雌蕊的美国传统〔carpel〕One of the structural units of a pistil, representing a modified, ovule-bearing leaf.心皮:雌蕊的结构单位之一,表示一片变异的、含胚珠的叶子美国传统〔complete〕Botany Having all principal parts, namely, the sepals, petals, stamens, and pistil or pistils. Used of a flower.【植物学】 完整的花的:具有全部基本器官的,即:花萼、花瓣、雄蕊和雌蕊。用于花卉美国传统〔compound〕A pistil composed of two or more united carpels.复合子房:包含两个或多个心皮的雌蕊美国传统〔dichogamous〕Having pistils and stamens that mature at different times, thus promoting cross-pollination rather than self-pollination.雄雌蕊异时成熟的:雄雌蕊不同时期成熟从而促成交叉授粉而不是自花授粉的美国传统〔female〕Relating to or designating an organ, such as a pistil or an ovary, that functions in producing seeds after fertilization.雌性的:与一种器官有关或指示这种器官的,如用于受精后产仔的雌蕊或子房美国传统〔gynandrous〕Having the stamens and pistil united to form a column, as in orchids.雌雄蕊同体的:由雄蕊和雌蕊一起组成一个蕊柱的,如兰花等植物美国传统〔gynoecium〕The female reproductive organs of a flower; the pistil or pistils considered as a group.雌蕊群:花的生殖器官;作为一个群体的雌蕊美国传统〔gynophore〕The stalk of a pistil.雌蕊柄美国传统〔homogamous〕Having stamens and pistils that mature simultaneously.雌雄同熟的:雄蕊和雌蕊同时成熟的美国传统〔imperfect〕Botany Having either stamens or a pistil only. Used of a flower.【植物学】 不完全的:只有雄蕊或雌蕊的。用于描述花美国传统〔incomplete flower〕A flower lacking sepals, petals, stamens, or pistils.不完全花:没有萼片、花瓣、雄蕊或雌蕊的花美国传统〔neuter〕A plant without stamens or pistils.无性植物:没有雌蕊或雄蕊的植物美国传统〔neuter〕Botany Having no pistils or stamens; asexual.【植物学】 无性生殖的:既无雌蕊也无雄蕊的;无性生殖的美国传统〔ovary〕Botany The ovule-bearing lower part of a pistil that ripens into a fruit.【植物学】 子房:雌蕊中含有胚珠的较底的部分,成熟为果实美国传统〔perfect〕Botany Having both stamens and pistils in the same flower; monoclinous.【植物学】 雌雄同株的:雄蕊和雌蕊在同一朵花上的;雌雄同花的美国传统〔pistillate〕Having one or more pistils.有雌蕊的:长有一个或多个雌蕊的美国传统〔pistil〕The female, ovule-bearing organ of a flower, including the stigma, style, and ovary.雌蕊,雌蕊群:包括柱头、花柱和子房的花雌蕊,长有胚珠美国传统〔polycarpous〕Having fruit or pistils with two or more carpels.果为多心皮的,有多子房雌蕊的:有带两层或更多层心皮的果实或雌蕊的美国传统〔protogynous〕Of or relating to a flower in which the stigma is receptive before the pollen is shed from the anthers of the same flower.雌蕊先熟的:花中柱头在该花花药释放花粉以前就有接受能力的或与此有关的美国传统〔simple fruit〕A fruit, such as a pea pod, an orange, or a tomato, that develops from a single pistil.单果:由一个单个雌蕊长成的果实,如豆荚果、桔子或西红柿美国传统〔stigma〕Botany The receptive apex of the pistil of a flower, on which pollen is deposited at pollination.【植物学】 柱头,眼点:花雌蕊花柱顶部,授粉时花粉被旋转于此美国传统〔stipe〕A supporting stalk or stemlike structure, especially the stalk of a pistil, the petiole of a fern frond, or the stalk that supports the cap of a mushroom.茎杆:一种小柄的支撑茎或茎状结构,尤指雌蕊的茎、蕨叶的叶柄或支撑菌类帽的茎美国传统〔style〕Botany The usually slender part of a pistil, situated between the ovary and the stigma.【植物学】 花柱:位于子房及柱头之间的,雌蕊之通常较细的部分美国传统〔syncarpous〕Having or consisting of united carpels. Used of a pistil.合心皮的:有联合的心皮的或由联合的心皮构成的。用于指雌蕊美国传统〔unisexual〕Botany Having either stamens or pistils but not both.【植物学】 雌雄异花的:有雄蕊雌蕊两者之一的,但不是两者兼有美国传统




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