

单词 雇用
释义 ENGLISH PHRASES 英文词组〔barony〕employ some 350 people to operate and maintain a barony 雇用约350人来经营管理一大片土地英汉大词典〔blackball〕winegrowers hiring union grape pickers for fear of being boycotted; 种葡萄兼酿酒者雇用工会葡萄采摘工,因为害怕他们拒绝参加;美国传统〔casualization〕the casualisation of employment. 雇用临时化柯林斯高阶〔casual〕staff employed on a casual basis 临时雇用的员工朗文当代〔clampdown〕a clampdown on the employment of illegal immigrants. 对雇用非法移民的打击柯林斯高阶〔condition〕the terms and conditions of employment 雇用的条款牛津高阶〔contract〕a contract of em ployment 雇用合同牛津高阶〔contract〕a contract of employment 雇用合同剑桥高阶〔degenderize〕to degenderize employment policies使雇用政策不与性别有联系21世纪英汉〔diversifiability〕to diversify the campus by hiring people with unusual interests通过雇用具有特殊兴趣的人们使大学生活多样化21世纪英汉〔employment〕terms and conditions of employment 雇用条款和条件朗文当代〔employment〕the employment of children under nine. 对不满9岁的儿童的雇用柯林斯高阶〔engage as〕to engage someone as an interpreter雇用某人当译员21世纪英汉〔equality〕equality in employment 雇用平等文馨英汉〔fire〕the hiring and firing of employees 员工的雇用和解雇韦氏高阶〔juvenile〕juvenile crime/employment 少年犯罪;童工的雇用牛津高阶〔keep〕to keep servants雇用仆人21世纪英汉〔large-scale〕the large-scale employment of women 对女性大批的雇用牛津高阶〔law〕the 1996 law against the hiring of illegal immigrants 禁止雇用非法移民的 1996 法规牛津高阶〔lifetime〕the lifetime employment system 终身雇用制英汉大词典〔many〕twice/three times etc as many The company now employs four times as many women as men. 公司现在雇用的女职员是男职员的四倍。朗文当代〔non-union〕non-union employers/employees 不雇用工会会员的雇主/未加入工会的雇员剑桥高阶〔nondiscrimination〕nondiscrimination in employment 雇用上的一视同仁英汉大词典〔procedure〕the correct procedure for hiring staff 雇用员工的正确程序牛津搭配〔service〕take sb. into one's service 雇用某人英汉大词典〔sheltered〕a sheltered employment factory 雇用弱智者(或残疾者)的福利工厂英汉大词典〔shill〕to shill one's goods雇用托儿进行推销21世纪英汉〔ship〕ship a sailor 雇用水手英汉大词典〔sign on〕to sign on some new workers签约雇用几名新工人21世纪英汉〔staff〕to staff for a new project为新工程雇用工作人员21世纪英汉〔streamline〕streamlined companies using cheap freelance staff. 雇用廉价自由职业者的精简高效的公司柯林斯高阶〔term〕your terms and conditions of employment 你的雇用条款和工作条件朗文当代〔topless〕a topless bar/nightclub 雇用坦胸女招待的酒吧/夜总会麦克米伦高阶〔unskilled〕companies employing unskilled labour (=people who have no special training) 雇用非熟练工的公司朗文当代〔uptick〕an uptick in sales/hiring 销量/雇用率的小幅上升韦氏高阶〔workforce〕an employer of a very large workforce. 雇用了大量员工的雇主柯林斯高阶a report from our Employment Correspondent 来自我们的雇用记者的报告牛津商务conditions/terms of employment 雇用条件/条款牛津商务the 1999 Employment Relations Act 1999 年雇用关系法牛津商务the concept of lifetime employment in Japan 日本终身雇用的概念牛津商务




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