

单词 雇佣
释义 ENGLISH PHRASES 英文词组〔casual〕casual employment at a factory; a casual correspondence with a former teacher. 工厂的临时雇佣人员;与先前老师的不定期通信美国传统〔contract〕a contract killer/killing 雇佣杀手/雇佣谋杀麦克米伦高阶〔demimonde〕the literary demimonde of ghost writers, hacks, and publicists. Also called In this sense, also called demiworld 由代人写作的人、雇佣文人或出版者组成的名声不好的文人阶层 也作 在此意义上也可称作 demiworld美国传统〔despoil〕the mercenaries sent to subjugate you and to despoil you of your liberties and your honour派来征服你们并剥夺你们的自由和荣誉的外国雇佣兵外研社新世纪〔discharge〕a discharge from employment 雇佣关系的解除韦氏高阶〔disciplinable〕disciplinable mercenaries 可加训练的雇佣兵英汉大词典〔discriminative〕discriminative hiring practices. 差别对待的雇佣行为美国传统〔employment〕an employment contract 雇佣合同韦氏高阶〔employ〕agreed to employ the job applicant. 同意雇佣这位求职者美国传统〔employ〕factories that employ thousands. 雇佣几千人的工厂美国传统〔goal〕the company's goal of employing as many women as men within five years 公司要在5年内雇佣和男职员一样多的女职员的目标。麦克米伦高阶〔hack〕a hack writer 雇佣文人 英汉大词典〔hack〕hack out articles for a magazine 以雇佣文人身份为杂志撰稿英汉大词典〔hire〕hired a new clerk. 雇佣了一个新职员美国传统〔hire〕hired himself out as a cook; hired out the cottage for the summer. 他被雇佣当厨师;夏天把小屋租了出去美国传统〔irregular〕irregular hiring practices. 不规范的雇佣美国传统〔journeyman〕a journeyman electrician 雇佣的电工麦克米伦高阶〔lawyer〕counsel also applies to a team of lawyers employed in conducting a case: counsel 还指被雇佣参与案件审理的一群律师: 美国传统〔mercenarism〕be arrested on the charge of mercenarism 以充当外国雇佣兵的罪名被逮捕英汉大词典〔mercenary〕a British mercenary soldier一名英国雇佣兵外研社新世纪〔mercenary〕a mercenary army (soldier) 雇佣军(兵)英汉大词典〔mercenary〕a mercenary army一支雇佣军外研社新世纪〔mercenary〕a mercenary soldier 雇佣兵韦氏高阶〔mercenary〕a mercenary soldier 一名雇佣兵朗文当代〔mercenary〕a small army of mercenaries 一小队雇佣军牛津搭配〔mercenary〕an army of foreign mercenaries 外国雇佣兵组成的军队韦氏高阶〔mercenary〕an army of foreign mercenaries 外国雇佣军团朗文当代〔mercenary〕an army of mercenaries 雇佣军英汉大词典〔mercenary〕foreign mercenaries 外国雇佣兵牛津高阶〔mercenary〕invading mercenary troops入侵的雇佣军队外研社新世纪〔mercenary〕mercenary armies 雇佣军韦氏高阶〔mercenary〕mercenary soldiers 雇佣兵牛津高阶〔nonsexist〕nonsexist hiring policies. 非性别歧视雇佣政策美国传统〔obligation〕obligations arising from your contract of employment 根据雇佣合同你须履行的义务牛津搭配〔pay〕the workers in our pay. 我们雇佣的工人美国传统〔restrict〕restrict the activities of the mercenaries 限制雇佣军的活动 英汉大词典〔rob〕robbed the old couple blind while employed as a companion. 当被雇佣作同伴时向这对老盲人夫妻进行抢劫美国传统〔rotary〕a rotary hiring system 轮流雇佣制英汉大词典〔sign〕signed a rookie pitcher for next season; sign up actors for a tour. 为下一个赛季签约雇了一个刚刚参加比赛的投手;为了巡回演出签约雇佣了许多演员美国传统〔term〕terms of employment 雇佣条款剑桥高阶




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