

单词 飞向
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔THINK〕His mother continued to talk angrily, and Tim's thoughts automatically switched to more pleasant subjects. 蒂姆的母亲继续气愤地说着,而蒂姆的思绪已不自觉地飞向更为愉快的方面去了。朗文写作活用〔UP〕The ball soared high into the air. 球高高地飞向空中。朗文写作活用〔approach〕Many kinds of birds fly south at the approach of winter.很多鸟在冬天来临之际飞向南方。剑桥高阶〔arch〕The high fly ball arched toward the stands.高高飞起的球成弧形飞向看台美国传统〔belt〕He belted the ball down the fairway.他用力猛击,高尔夫球飞向了球道。韦氏高阶〔butterfly〕Sweetly scented flowers will attract butterflies to your garden.散发香气的花朵会吸引蝴蝶飞向你的花园。牛津搭配〔clumsily〕The rooks flew clumsily towards their nests.那些秃鼻乌鸦笨拙地飞向它们的巢。柯林斯高阶〔diversion〕The pilot set the aircraft up for a diversion to the nearest suitable airfield.飞行员调整好飞机,飞向距离最近的适合降落的机场。牛津搭配〔divert〕They diverted the plane to another airport.他们把飞机的航向改变,飞向另一个机场。牛津同义词〔go on to〕The plane stops in Shanghai before going on to Beijing.飞机在上海停留一下,接着继续飞向北京。21世纪英汉〔heave〕With one enormous heave he sent the sack flying through the air.他用力一抛, 袋子飞向空中。外研社新世纪〔momentum〕The spacecraft will fly around the earth to gain/gather momentum for its trip to Jupiter.航天器将绕着地球飞行以获取飞向木星所需的动力。剑桥高阶〔north〕The geese will soon be flying north.这些鹅很快就要飞向北方。麦克米伦高阶〔plane〕A large bird planed upwards on broad wings.一只大鸟展翅飞向天空。外研社新世纪〔pop fly〕He hit a high pop fly to the second baseman.他击出一个高高的小腾空球,飞向二垒手。韦氏高阶〔pop〕The cork popped and shot to the ceiling.软木塞砰的一响, 飞向天花板。外研社新世纪〔principle〕There's no reason in principle why man shouldn't one day travel to the most distant stars.从理论上讲,没有理由认为人类不可能在将来的某一天飞向最遥远的星球。英汉大词典〔propel〕The tiny rocket is attached to the spacecraft and is designed to propel it toward Mars.小火箭捆绑在宇宙飞船上,用于推动飞船飞向火星。柯林斯高阶〔propel〕The tiny rocket is designed to propel the spacecraft toward Mars.这个小火箭用于推动航天器飞向火星。外研社新世纪〔pull ... down〕The outfielder pulled down a long drive to center-field.外野手快跑接住了飞向中外野的远球。21世纪英汉〔race〕The plane raced the setting sun toward the airport.飞机赶在太阳落山前飞向机场。英汉大词典〔radiate〕Just before the breeding season, these birds radiate outwards to warmer climates.每当繁殖季节即将来临,这些鸟飞向四面八方,迁徙到气候较温暖的地带。剑桥高阶〔rain〕The archers sent a rain of arrows towards the enemy.弓箭手的箭如雨点般飞向敌人。朗文当代〔redirect〕The flight was redirected to Cleveland.航班改道飞向克利夫兰。朗文当代〔saucer〕Three large saucers tilted skyward among green hills.3只大飞碟在苍翠的小山间倾斜着飞向天空。英汉大词典〔sight〕It's a spectacular sight as the flamingos lift into the air.一群红鹳飞向空中,景象十分壮观。牛津高阶〔snick〕Carlton snicked the ball low and fast to Lynch's right.卡尔顿打出一记速度很快的低平削球,飞向林奇的右边。剑桥高阶〔southward〕Birds fly southward in the fall.鸟儿秋天飞向南方。英汉大词典〔spray〕The dog shook himself sending a spray of water into the air.狗晃了晃自己的身体,溅起的水花飞向空中。麦克米伦高阶〔tag〕The runner at third tagged and tried to score on a fly ball to left field.三垒的跑垒员用脚触垒,试图凭借飞向左外野的高飞球得分。韦氏高阶〔trapshooting〕Shooting at clay pigeons hurled into the air from spring traps.飞靶射击:向从抛射器弹飞向空中的泥鸽射击美国传统〔upward〕The hawk spiraled upward.鹰盘旋着飞向高空。韦氏高阶〔view〕It's a spectacular sight as the flamingos lift into the air.一群红鹳飞向空中,景象十分壮观。牛津高阶〔way〕Dan saw a plane way off in the distance.丹看见一架飞机飞向远方。麦克米伦高阶A small bird flapped its wings furiously and flew upwards.一只小鸟猛烈地拍动着翅膀,飞向天空。剑桥国际It is unnatural for birds to fly north in the winter. 鸟儿在冬天飞向北方是反常的。译典通Migrating birds make use of airstreams to assist them on their long journey south.候鸟利用气流来帮助它们长途飞向南方。剑桥国际Planes travelling from America to Europe usually have a tail wind rather than a head wind.从美洲飞向欧洲的飞机通常顺风,而不是逆风。剑桥国际The bee buzzed from flower to flower.蜜蜂嗡嗡地从一朵花飞向另一朵。剑桥国际The rocket will travel to Mars at a speed of over 25 000 miles per hour.火箭将以每小时25 000英里的速度飞向火星。剑桥国际




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