

单词 非正式的
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔OFFICIAL〕I was offered the job after an informal interview in the staff canteen. 我在员工餐厅接受了一次非正式的面试之后,他们就给了我这份工作。朗文写作活用〔OFFICIAL〕The group meets informally each month to discuss the progress of new students. 这个小组每个月都有非正式的聚会,讨论新生的学习进度。朗文写作活用〔OFFICIAL〕The two companies have an informal arrangement to share each other's sports and leisure facilities. 这两家公司有非正式的协定,共同享用各自的体育和休闲设施。朗文写作活用〔Triple Crown〕Sports Games An unofficial championship title attained by a horse that wins the three traditional races for a specified category.【体育运动】 【游戏】 三连冠:赢得了某一特定项目的三次传统赛马比赛的马所获得的一种非正式的冠军称号美国传统〔WRITE〕Following an informal discussion, Chris decided to put her proposals in writing. 在一次非正式的讨论之后,克丽丝决定把她的建议写下来。朗文写作活用〔casual〕Suited for everyday wear or use; informal.轻便的,非正式的:适于每日穿着或使用的;非正式的美国传统〔chalk talk〕A lecture, often informal, illustrated with diagrams chalked on a blackboard.用图解说明的演讲:用粉笔在黑板上作图解说明的,通常指非正式的讲话或授课美国传统〔chat〕An informal, light conversation.闲谈:非正式的、轻松的谈话美国传统〔coffee〕An informal social gathering at which coffee and other refreshments are served.非正式的社交集会:供应咖啡和其他饮料的一种非正式的公共集会美国传统〔colloquial〕Characteristic of or appropriate to the spoken language or to writing that seeks the effect of speech; informal.口语的:以口语为特色的或适合于口语的,或者写作中追求口语效果的;非正式的美国传统〔colloquium〕An informal meeting for the exchange of views.讨论:为交换意见的非正式的会晤美国传统〔dialogue〕Usage Problem To engage in an informal exchange of views.【用法疑难】 进行非正式的意见交换美国传统〔dress〕I dressed down for such a casual occasion.在这样非正式的场合,我穿着随便美国传统〔dress〕It's a small informal party – you don't have to dress up.这是个非正式的小型聚会 — 你不用穿得那么正式。朗文当代〔extrajudicial〕The judge made it clear that the opinion he voiced was extrajudicial.法官申明自己所发表的意见是非正式的。英汉大词典〔fantasy〕A coin issued especially by a questionable authority and not intended for use as currency.非正式的货币:不打算用作通货来流通的,尤指由有争议的当局发行的硬币美国传统〔fuss up〕Don't fuss up for the party,it's very informal.这次聚会是非正式的,不必过分打扮。21世纪英汉〔gabfest〕An informal gathering or session for the exchange of news, opinions, and gossip.非正式的聚会,杂谈会:为交换消息、意见或内幕新闻而进行的非正式聚会或会议美国传统〔get-together〕A casual social gathering.非正式的社交聚会美国传统〔gimme〕A putt that is considered made in an informal game of golf.一杆进洞:在非正式的高尔夫球游戏中轻轻一击将球打进洞美国传统〔hiragana〕A cursive kana used for polite, informal, or casual writing.平假名:一种草体的假名,用于礼貌的,非正式的或随意的书写中美国传统〔informality〕We had an informal party at a hotel, and people just flooded in.我们在宾馆举行了一个非正式的晚会,人们蜂拥而至。柯林斯高阶〔informal〕Our meetings are relatively informal.我们的会见相对来说是非正式的。牛津搭配〔inscription〕The usually informal dedication of a book or an artistic work.题赠:通常以书或艺术品作为非正式的赠予美国传统〔institutionalize〕What was once an informal event has now been institutionalized.曾经是非正式的活动现在已经制度化。剑桥高阶〔klatch〕A casual social gathering, usually for conversation.闲谈聚会:非正式的社交聚会,通常为闲谈美国传统〔leisurewear〕Informal, comfortable clothing designed for wear during times of rest and relaxation.家常便服:非正式的舒适服装,专门设计在休息和娱乐时穿美国传统〔like〕We don't have a proper agreement, but we have an informal understanding, if you like.我们没有签正式的协议,但是可以说,非正式的协定还是有的。朗文当代〔minute〕This discussion is off the record and should ot be minuted.这次讨论是非正式的,不应作记录。朗文当代〔mixer〕An informal dance or party arranged to give members of a group an opportunity to get acquainted.交谊会:一个非正式的舞蹈或聚会,用以给一群成员安排认识的机会美国传统〔network〕To interact or engage in informal communication with others for mutual assistance or support.沟通,互助:介入与其他人非正式的交往以获得多方帮助美国传统〔practically〕This use ofpractically, sometimes considered informal,is widely encountered in reputable writing.practically 的这一用法, 有时被认为是非正式的,但在许多名著中我们却经常看到这一用法美国传统〔preface〕An informal brunch served as a preface to the three-day conference.以一顿非正式的早午餐做为三天会议的开端美国传统〔reform〕The demobilized soldiers were reformed into unofficial semimilitary organizations.复员军人被改编组成非正式的半军事化组织。英汉大词典〔register〕He has adopted an informal register so as not to alienate his audience.他采用了非正式的讲话形式以拉近和观众的距离。牛津搭配〔relaxed〕Easy and informal in manner.随和的:仪态轻松和非正式的美国传统〔ringleader〕A person who leads others, especially in illicit or informal activities.头目,首恶,元凶:领导其他人的人,尤指在违法活动或非正式的活动中美国传统〔sketch〕A brief, light, or informal literary composition, such as an essay or a short story.短篇作品:简要的、少量的或非正式的文学作品,例如一篇论文或短篇小说美国传统〔social〕An informal social gathering, as of the members of a church congregation.社交聚会:一种非正式的社交集会,如教会成员聚会美国传统〔sugaring off〕An informal social gathering in which the guests help make maple sugar.熬糖会,槭糖节:宾客帮忙熬制槭糖的非正式的集会美国传统〔trattoria〕An informal restaurant or tavern serving simple Italian dishes.廉价小饭馆:一种供应意大利菜的非正式的饭店或小酒馆美国传统〔undress〕Informal attire or uniform.非正式的服装或制服美国传统〔unofficially〕Some workers are legally employed, but the majority work unofficially with neither health nor wage security.虽然一些工人是合法雇用的,但大部分工人都是非正式的,没有医疗及工资保障。柯林斯高阶〔unstructured〕Lacking a definite structure or organization; not formally organized or systematized.非正式的:缺乏一个明确的结构或组织的;没有正式地予以组织或使之系统化的美国传统〔wrong〕I was wrong about it being a casual meeting.我误以为那是一个非正式的会面。外研社新世纪It was supposed to be an informal talk, but he spoke rather didactically.这本应是次非正式的谈话,可他来了番说教。剑桥国际She was nervous about giving a talk to her colleagues, but she carried it off very well.给同事作非正式的演讲使她很紧张,但她成功了。剑桥国际The American Stock Exchange developed from an informal kerb market.美国股票交易所是从非正式的场外证券市场发展起来的。牛津商务The company has an informal dress code.这家公司有一个非正式的着装规范。牛津商务The famous 1969 TV documentary took an informal approach to the Royal Family.著名的1969年电视记录片对王室采取了非正式的处理方式。剑桥国际What was once an informal event has now become institutionalized.一度非正式的活动现在已经制度化了。剑桥国际




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