

单词 部位
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔ATTACK〕If you are attacked, go for your attacker's eyes as they are the most vulnerable part of the face. 如果你遭到袭击,就对准袭击者的眼部打去,眼睛是脸上最脆弱的部位。朗文写作活用〔BODY〕Each exercise is designed to build up muscles in a different part of your body. 每项运动都是为了锻炼身体不同部位的肌肉而设计的。朗文写作活用〔BODY〕The cancer may have spread to other parts of her body. 癌细胞也许已扩散到她身体的其他部位。朗文写作活用〔Lamarckism〕A theory of biological evolution holding that species evolve by the inheritance of traits acquired or modified through the use or disuse of body parts.拉马克主义:一种生物进化理论,它认为物种的进化是通过因为使用或弃用某些身体部位而获得或改变了的特点的遗传来完成的美国传统〔Tempe〕A valley of northeast Greece between Mount Olympus and Mount Ossa. Strategically important in ancient times, it is noted for its rugged scenery.滕比谷:希腊东北部位于奥林匹斯山和奥萨山之间的山谷。在古代具有十分重要的战略意义,以其多石的风景而著称美国传统〔acantha〕A sharp spiny part or structure, such as the spinous process of a vertebra.脊柱,椎骨脊突:带尖刺的部位或结构,如脊椎动物的棘状突起美国传统〔anatomy〕He was hit in a rather sensitive part of his anatomy.他被击中了一个相当敏感的部位。牛津搭配〔anatomy〕Those are parts of your anatomy that we'd rather not hear about.那些就是我们不愿听人说起的人体部位。麦克米伦高阶〔anlage〕Biology The initial clustering of embryonic cells from which a part or an organ develops; primordium.【生物学】 原基,芽基,胚基:长出部位或器官的胚胎细胞群;原基美国传统〔antiseptic〕Clean the affected area with an antiseptic.用抗菌剂清洗感染部位。韦氏高阶〔apply〕Apply the cream liberally to exposed areas every three hours and after swimming.每3小时及游泳后将防晒霜充分涂抹于身体裸露部位。剑桥高阶〔area〕Be sure to apply sunblock to sensitive areas of your skin.一定要把防晒霜抹在皮肤的敏感部位。麦克米伦高阶〔arm〕A part similar to a human arm, such as the forelimb of an animal or a long part projecting from a central support in a machine.臂状物:与人体上肢相似的部分,如动物的前肢或机器上从中间支撑部位伸出的部分美国传统〔axilla〕A body part analogous to the armpit, such as the hollow under a bird's wing.腋部:类似于腋窝的身体部位,比如鸟翅下面的空隙美国传统〔bathe〕Bathe the infected area in a salt solution.用盐水冲洗发炎部位。外研社新世纪〔bathe〕Bathe the infected area in a salt solution.用盐水清洗感染的部位。柯林斯高阶〔beam〕They focus a high-powered X-ray beam on the affected area.他们用高强度的 X 射线光束照射感染部位。牛津搭配〔butt weld〕A welded butt joint.焊接接头:焊接的对接部位美国传统〔caruncle〕Biology A fleshy, naked outgrowth, such as a fowl's wattles.【生物学】 垂肉:一个肉质裸露生长的部位,如鸟的垂肉美国传统〔compelling〕Her eyes were her best feature, wide-set and compelling.眼睛是她最完美的部位, 眼距较宽, 非常迷人。外研社新世纪〔consensual〕Of or relating to involuntary movement of a body part accompanying voluntary movement of another.交感的:与身体一部位的自觉运动相伴随的另一部位的不自觉运动的,或与之相关的美国传统〔correlate〕Attempts to correlate specific language functions with particular parts of the brain have not advanced very far.人们试图将特定的语言功能与大脑的特定部位相关联, 但至今并未取得太大进展。外研社新世纪〔crop〕A pouchlike enlargement of a bird's gullet in which food is partially digested or stored for regurgitation to nestlings.嗉囊:鸟类食管部位的囊状的扩大部分,用来对食物进行部分消化或贮存食物进行反刍来喂食雏鸟美国传统〔decongestant〕A medication or treatment that breaks up congestion, as of the sinuses, by reducing swelling.减充血的药剂:通过使肿块缩小来止住窦等部位的充血的药物或治疗美国传统〔direct〕The machine directs a powerful beam at the affected part of the body.这种机器将很强的射线对准身体感染部位。牛津高阶〔disproportion〕A leg too long, or some other disproportion.一条腿太长或别的什么部位不匀称。英汉大词典〔dose〕The amount of radiation administered as therapy to a given site.射线剂量:作为治疗,对指定部位施用的射线剂量美国传统〔enter〕Where did the bullet enter the body? 子弹从哪个部位穿入身体的?牛津高阶〔finger〕There was a hole in one of the fingers of her glove.她手套上的手指部位有一个洞。麦克米伦高阶〔focal infection〕A bacterial infection localized in a specific part of the body, such as the tonsils, that may spread to another part of the body.病灶感染:如鼻孔等某特定器官的区域性细菌感染,可能会蔓延到身体的其他部位美国传统〔free alongside ship〕Without charge to the purchaser for delivery to the point of loading aboard ship.船边交货:免费把货物运送到船的载货部位美国传统〔frieze〕A plain or decorated horizontal part of an entablature between the architrave and cornice.檐壁:上横梁中在框掾和额板之间简易或有装饰的水平部位美国传统〔from〕In many bone transplants, bone can be taken from other parts of the patient's body.在许多骨移植手术中,可以从病人身体的其他部位取骨。柯林斯高阶〔gaskin〕The part of the hind leg of a horse or related animal between the stifle and the hock.胚部:马或其他有关动物后肢膝关节和跗关节之间的部位美国传统〔glomerulonephritis〕A form of nephritis characterized by inflammation of the renal glomeruli.肾小球性肾炎:肾炎的一种,以肾脏小球腺部位发炎为特征美国传统〔heart〕The area that is the approximate location of the heart in the body; the breast.胸部:人体靠近心脏部位的区域;胸部美国传统〔heterology〕Lack of correspondence between bodily parts, as in structure, arrangement, or development, arising from differences in origin.异性:身体各部位因来源不同而在构造、排列及发展上缺乏共性美国传统〔highlighter〕A cosmetic for emphasizing areas of the face, such as the eyes or cheekbones.轮廓色:一种用于突出面部某些部位,如眼睛或颊骨的化妆品美国传统〔infection〕The urethra was the primary site of infection.尿道是原发感染部位。牛津搭配〔infection〕They want to prevent the infection spreading to other parts of the body.他们想阻止感染向身体的其他部位扩散。牛津搭配〔interpolate〕To insert or introduce between other elements or parts.插入:在其他成分或部位之间插入或添入美国传统〔intestine〕This area is always tender to the touch if the intestines are not functioning properly.要是肠的功能不正常, 这个部位总是一碰就痛。外研社新世纪〔introvert〕Medicine To turn (a tubular organ or part) inward upon itself.【医学】 使向内陷:使(管状器官或部位)向内塌陷美国传统〔joint〕A place or part at which two or more things are joined.接合处:两个或两个以上事物连接起来的地方或部位美国传统〔lap〕The front area from the waist to the knees of a seated person.膝:处于坐姿的人从腰到膝盖的大腿正面部位美国传统〔local anesthetic〕An anesthetic that induces loss of sensation only on and around the point where it is applied or injected.局部麻醉剂:只能使运用或注射部位或其四周丧失知觉的麻醉剂美国传统〔locally〕An injection of local anaesthetic is usually given first to numb the area.通常先打局麻,以使该部位失去知觉。柯林斯高阶〔lock〕Sports A hold in wrestling or self-defense that is secured on a part of an opponent's body.【体育运动】 揪扭:在摔跤或自我防卫中紧抓住对手身体的某个部位美国传统〔lumbar〕Of, near, or situated in the part of the back and sides between the lowest ribs and the pelvis.腰部的:最低的肋骨与盆骨之间与后背处的部分的,或靠近这部分的,或位于这个部位的美国传统〔malposition〕An abnormal position, as of an organ or a body part.错乱:不正常的部位形态,如器官或身体组成部分的美国传统〔massage〕The rubbing or kneading of parts of the body to aid circulation or relax the muscles.按摩:揉捏或按摩身体部位,以促进血液循环或放松肌肉美国传统〔mean〕You are meant to rub the medicine on the affected area, not swallow it.你应该把药抹在受感染部位,而不是吞服。剑桥高阶〔mouth〕The body opening through which an animal takes in food.嘴:动物通过其接受食物的开口部位美国传统〔mug〕The area of the human mouth, chin, and jaw.人的嘴、下巴和颏的部位美国传统〔myocardial infarction〕Necrosis of a region of the myocardium caused by an interruption in the supply of blood to the heart.心肌梗塞:由心脏供血的中断而引起的心肌层部位的坏死美国传统〔neb〕A projecting part, especially a nib.向前突出的部位,尤指笔尖美国传统〔neck〕The part of a tooth between the crown and the root.牙颈:在牙冠和牙根之间的部位美国传统〔numb〕An injection of local anaesthetic is usually given first to numb the area.通常先注射局部麻醉药, 使该部位失去知觉。外研社新世纪〔part〕The knee is the most frequently injured part of the body.膝盖是身体最常受伤的部位。麦克米伦高阶〔pastern〕An analogous part of the leg of a dog or other quadruped.似骹骨:狗或其它四足动物腿上的类似部位美国传统〔pes〕A foot or footlike part, especially the foot of a four-footed vertebrate.脚,足:脚或类似脚的部位,尤其指四足脊椎动物的足美国传统〔petiole〕Zoology A slender, stalklike part, as that connecting the thorax and abdomen in certain insects.【动物学】 柄,腹柄:一种细长的茎状部位,如在某些昆虫中连接胸部和腹部的物体美国传统〔pith〕Botany The soft, spongelike, central cylinder of the stems of most flowering plants, composed mainly of parenchyma.【植物学】 (木)髓:许多生花植物树干中心部位中的软似海绵的物质,主要由薄壁组织构成美国传统〔plain〕Archaic Having no visible elevation or depression; flat; level.【古语】 水平的,平坦的:看不出有凹凸的部位的;平的;水平的美国传统〔poisonous〕All parts of the yew tree are poisonous, including the berries.红豆杉树各个部位都有毒性, 包括其浆果。外研社新世纪〔proportionally〕You have proportionally more fat on your thighs and hips than anywhere else on your body.相应地, 你的大腿和臀部的脂肪比身体其他部位要多。外研社新世纪〔proportionally〕You have proportionally more fat on your thighs and hips than anywhere else on your body.相应地,你的大腿和臀部的脂肪比身体其他部位要多。柯林斯高阶〔proportion〕Your legs are very much in proportion to (= the right size for) the rest of your body.你的腿和你身体的其他部位比例非常协调。剑桥高阶〔reflexologist〕A reflexologist can often tell what is wrong with his client by the condition of certain parts of the feet.足疗师往往可以根据顾客足部某个部位的情况判断其病症所在。柯林斯高阶〔ruck〕Her dress rucked up over her thighs.她的连衣裙大腿部位起皱了。英汉大词典〔rule〕It's against the rules (of/in boxing) to hit below the belt.击打腰带以下的部位是违反(拳击比赛)规则的。剑桥高阶〔scale〕A similar part, such as one of the minute structures overlapping to form the covering on the wings of butterflies and moths.鳞状物:一种类似部位,如覆盖于蝴蝶或蛾子翅膀上形成覆盖物的微结构美国传统〔sclerosis〕A thickening or hardening of a body part, as of an artery, especially from excessive formation of fibrous interstitial tissue.硬化:身体部位的增厚或发硬,如血管硬化,尤指过多的纤维间隙组织美国传统〔scotia〕A hollow concave molding at or near the base of a column.凹圆线:在柱子底座或接近底座部位的空的凹边装饰美国传统〔site〕In the fetus blood cells are formed in different sites at different ages.胎儿的血细胞在不同时期生成在不同的部位。英汉大词典〔step dance〕A dance in which emphasis is placed on certain steps, such as clogging or tapping, rather than body position or gesture.踢达舞:一种将重点放在如跳木鞋舞或轻叩地板等舞步上的舞蹈,而非身体部位或姿式美国传统〔stone〕Pathology A mineral concretion in an organ, such as the kidney or gallbladder, or other body part; a calculus.【病理学】 结石:在一器官如肾脏或膀胱处或身体其他部位的矿物质凝聚美国传统〔studwork〕The supportive framework of a wall or partition.墙或隔板的支撑部位美国传统〔suction〕The surgeon will suction blood out of the area.外科医生将吸除这个部位的血。韦氏高阶〔sunburn〕She had put on some cream to soothe her sunburn.她在晒伤的部位涂了药膏以减轻疼痛。外研社新世纪〔swelling〕Something swollen, especially an abnormally swollen body part or area.肿胀处:肿胀物,尤指身体上异常肿胀的部位或区域美国传统〔tarsus〕The section of the vertebrate foot between the leg and the metatarsus.跗骨:脊椎动物足部位于腿和跖骨之间的部位美国传统〔tender〕Treat any tender points by massaging.用按摩法治疗疼痛部位。外研社新世纪〔thorax〕A part in other vertebrates that corresponds to the human thorax.胸部:其它脊椎动物的身体上和人胸部相应的部位美国传统〔tingle〕I tingle where I sat in the nettles.我坐过在荨麻上的那个部位觉得刺痛。牛津同义词〔transplant〕Medicine To transfer (tissue or an organ) from one body or body part to another.【医学】 移植:将(组织或器官)从一身体或身体部位移到另一个身体或身体部位美国传统〔tumbler〕A projecting piece on a revolving or rocking part in a mechanism that transmits motion to the part it engages.转臂:机械装置中转动或摇动部分上的凸出部分,用来把另一机体移到啮合部位美国传统〔tumefaction〕A puffy or swollen part.肿胀:鼓起或肿大的部位美国传统〔tumid〕Swollen; distended. Used of a body part or organ.肿胀的:以肿胀为标志的,肿的。用于身体部位或器官美国传统〔unlike〕Unlike in men, heart disease in women is often found in the smaller arteries.与男性不同, 女性的心脏病经常出现在小动脉部位 。外研社新世纪〔vulnerable〕His knee was his vulnerable spot.他的膝盖是容易受伤的部位。英汉大词典〔waistline〕The point or line at which the skirt and bodice of a dress join.腰部:裙子和衣服胸衣接合部位的点或线美国传统〔waist〕The narrow part of the abdomen of an insect.昆虫腹部的较窄部位美国传统〔whirlpool〕A bathtub or pool having jets of warm water that can be directed toward a body part as for therapeutic purposes.旋涡浴:一种浴缸或浴池可喷出一股热水,喷向身体的一个部位以达到治疗目的美国传统〔white〕Light or whitish in color or having light or whitish parts. Used with animal and plant names.有白色部位的:色彩上淡的或发白的,或有淡色或白色的部分,用于动物名及植物名美国传统His nose is similar to his father's but there the resemblance ends.他的鼻子与他父亲的相像,但其它部位就不像了。剑桥国际It's against the rules (of/in boxing) to hit below the belt.打击腰带以下的部位是违反(拳击)规则的。剑桥国际Please do not park your car outside the marked parking bays.请不要把车停在划了线的停放部位外。剑桥国际She kicked him in the whatsits.她踢了他那个叫什么来着的部位。剑桥国际The water came up to my knees. 水升到了我的膝盖部位。译典通




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