

单词 部位
释义 ENGLISH PHRASES 英文词组〔HURT/INJURE〕damage to a part of the body 身体某部位受到的损坏朗文写作活用〔HURT/INJURE〕to hurt a part of your body 使身体某一部位受伤朗文写作活用〔LIFT〕to lift a part of your body to a higher position 抬起身体的某个部位朗文写作活用〔PAIN〕when a part of your body feels painful 身体部位疼痛朗文写作活用〔SHAKE〕to shake a part of your body 摇动身体某个部位朗文写作活用〔STICK OUT〕to make part of your body stick out 伸出身体的某个部位朗文写作活用〔anoint〕to anoint sunburned places with cold cream在被阳光炙伤的部位涂冷霜21世纪英汉〔apply to〕to apply ointment to a rash在出疹子的部位涂油膏21世纪英汉〔ball〕the ball of the foot. 足部的圆形部位美国传统〔body〕parts of the body 身体的部位牛津高阶〔brain〕the part of the brain associated with memory大脑中与记忆相关的部位外研社新世纪〔buttock〕buttocks The rear pelvic area of the human body. buttocks 臀部:人体上接近骨盆的部位美国传统〔centre〕centre a picture on a wall 把画挂在墙壁居中部位英汉大词典〔deliver〕use ultrasound techniques to deliver heat to the local tumour 运用超声波技术将热量传递到肿瘤部位英汉大词典〔examination〕genital checks and other intimate examinations 生殖器及其他私密部位的检查牛津搭配〔fillet〕a juncture fillet 接合部位整流带英汉大词典〔fleshy〕the fleshy part of the thigh 大腿上多肉的部位韦氏高阶〔group〕a French-based insurance group. 总部位于法国的保险集团柯林斯高阶〔hollow〕a hollow ball/centre/tube 中空的球╱中心部位╱管子牛津高阶〔immobilize〕immobilize a fractured bone by a cast 上石膏固定骨折部位英汉大词典〔insensitive〕an insensitive spot on your skin.皮肤上无感觉的部位。牛津同义词〔intimate〕the most intimate parts of her body 她的身体的最隐私部位牛津高阶〔know〕parts of the body known collectively as the sensory system 统称为感觉系统的身体部位牛津搭配〔midpoint〕the midpoint between her knee and ankle 她的膝盖与脚踝之间的部位韦氏高阶〔move〕move the table to a different part of the room 把桌子搬到房间的另一个部位去英汉大词典〔part〕the parts of the body 身体各部位牛津高阶〔plaster on〕a patchy cosmetic, which may be plastered on thickly in places可以在某些部位涂厚一些的遮瑕膏外研社新世纪〔punch〕a punch in the kidneys 打在肾脏部位的一拳朗文当代〔rotator〕pl. ro.ta.tor.es[rō'tə-tôrʹēz, -tōr-] Anatomy A muscle that serves to rotate a part of the body. 【复数】 ro.ta.tor.es[rō'tə-tôrʹēz, -tōr-] 【解剖学】 回旋肌:使身体某个部位转动的肌肉美国传统〔site〕the site of a tumour 肿瘤部位麦克米伦高阶〔situs〕the situs of an inflammation 炎症部位英汉大词典〔tender〕a tender area of skin 皮肤疼痛部位英汉大词典〔tuck〕perfect for plus-sized brides because it tucks the waist and hides the hips非常适合体态丰腴的新娘, 因为它在腰的部位打了褶, 能遮住臀部外研社新世纪〔vital〕strike at sb.'s vitals 打某人的要害部位英汉大词典〔word〕words describing body parts 描述身体部位的词语牛津搭配〔zygomatic〕a zygomatic muscle. 颧骨部位的肌肉美国传统




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