

单词 郊区
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔-saving〕Tim and Barbara are now saving for a house in the suburbs.蒂姆和芭芭拉正在攒钱,准备在郊区买一栋房子。柯林斯高阶〔AREA〕My family moved to the suburbs when I was ten. 我十岁的时候,我们家搬到了郊区。朗文写作活用〔COMMON〕Expensive foreign cars are commonplace in this Chicago suburb. 在芝加哥的这个郊区,昂贵的进口汽车相当常见。朗文写作活用〔ENVIRONMENT〕Suburban gardens can provide habitats for many forms of wildlife. 郊区的公园可为多种野生生物提供栖息地。朗文写作活用〔FEEL〕Winnetka has that small-town ambience of tree-lined streets and a one-street shopping district that you can't find in suburbia. 温内特卡有小镇特有的气氛—两边都是树木的街道,一条街的购物区。这种气氛在郊区是见不到的。朗文写作活用〔Middle America〕The American heartland thought of as being made up of small towns, small cities, and suburbs.美国中西部:美国内地,被认为由小城镇,小城市和郊区组成美国传统〔NORMAL/ORDINARY〕They were an average family living a boring life in a nondescript little house in the suburbs. 他们是一个普普通通的家庭,住在郊区一栋毫不起眼的小房子里,生活平淡无味。朗文写作活用〔RD〕Rural delivery.郊区免费投递美国传统〔SUCCEED/SUCCESSFUL〕Veronica is a high-flying young solicitor who lives in one of the more exclusive suburbs of Paris. 韦罗妮卡是一位十分年轻有为的律师,住在巴黎郊区的一个高级住宅区里。朗文写作活用〔TOWN〕I was born and brought up in a suburb of New York City. 我在纽约市的一处郊区出生和长大。朗文写作活用〔TOWN〕They have just bought a house in Pacific Palisades, a wealthy suburb of Los Angeles. 他们刚在洛杉矶富裕的郊区帕西菲克·帕利塞兹买了幢房子。朗文写作活用〔agglomeration〕This suburb has become just a vast agglomeration of houses, people, and cars.这个郊区已变成房屋、居民和汽车的庞大聚集地。韦氏高阶〔annex〕Outlying districts were annexed by the city.边沿郊区被并入该市行政范围。英汉大词典〔anonymity〕He wanted the anonymity of suburban life where his reputation was not known.他希望在郊区那种他的盛名鲜为人知的地方过隐姓埋名的生活。英汉大词典〔area〕I live outside the metropolitan area.我住在大都市的郊区。牛津搭配〔beneficiary〕This suburb has been the accidental beneficiary of a large restoration programme.这个郊区是一项大规模重建计划的意外受益者。英汉大词典〔blank〕Many blank spaces are still left in the suburbs.郊区仍留有许多空地。英汉大词典〔branch〕The city library operates several suburban branchs.市图书馆办了好几处郊区分馆。英汉大词典〔bridges the gap between〕We hope to close the gap between well-funded suburban schools and the struggling schools in poorer communities.我们希望缩小资金充裕的郊区学校与贫困社区苦苦挣扎的学校之间的差距。韦氏高阶〔built-up〕Many people left the more heavily built-up areas of the city and moved to the suburbs.许多人离开了高楼林立的市区,搬迁到了郊区。韦氏高阶〔buppie〕A young Black city or suburban resident with a well-paid professional job and an affluent lifestyle.派皮士:年轻的市区或郊区黑人居民,拥有高薪的好职业和丰富多样的生活方式美国传统〔burgeon out〕The city has burgeoned out into the surrounding suburbs.这座城市已迅速扩展到郊区。21世纪英汉〔central city〕The central city is losing population, while the suburbs are expanding.城市中心区的人口在减少,而郊区人口则在增长。韦氏高阶〔cheap〕He took a flat in a cheap suburb of Paris.他在巴黎房租低廉的一处郊区租了一套房间。英汉大词典〔connect up with〕Suburban motorways connect up with main highways.郊区高速公路和干线公路相连。外研社新世纪〔cut across〕School crime and violence cuts across urban, rural and suburban areas.城市、乡村和郊区都出现了校园犯罪和校园暴力现象。柯林斯高阶〔decentralize〕To bring about the redistribution of (an urban population and industry) to suburban areas.人口疏散:把(城市人口和工业)疏散分布至郊区美国传统〔delivery〕Suppliers refused to make deliveries to a suburban store.供应厂商不愿为郊区一家商店送货。英汉大词典〔domesticity〕He now leads a life of suburban domesticity.他现在住在郊区, 过着居家的生活。外研社新世纪〔downtown〕I work downtown, but I live in the suburbs.我在城里上班,但住在郊区。剑桥高阶〔encroach〕The suburbs encroach further into the rural areas each year.郊区每年不断地侵占农村土地。韦氏高阶〔environs〕A surrounding area, especially of a city.郊区:周围的地区,尤指城市周围美国传统〔expand〕Cities have expanded out toward the suburbs.城市已向郊区扩展。英汉大词典〔fish〕Like suburbia itself, Margot was neither fish, flesh, nor fowl: an urban matron dressed as a countrywoman.郊区既不是城市也不是农村, 马戈特也是这样不伦不类, 自己是个城市主妇, 却打扮成村姑的模样。外研社新世纪〔home〕He wanted to home in the suburb.他想在郊区安个家。21世纪英汉〔house〕They moved to California and set up house in a suburb of Los Angeles.他们搬到了加利福尼亚州,并且在洛杉矶的郊区住了下来。韦氏高阶〔infrequent〕This city's suburban railway system carries some 100 million passengers a year and deaths are infrequent.这个城市的郊区铁路系统每年约载运1亿名旅客,死亡事故很少发生。英汉大词典〔inner city〕Suburban life styles are very different from those in the inner city.郊区的生活方式与旧城区截然不同。麦克米伦高阶〔leafy〕Professionals sitting comfortably at home in their leafy suburb know nothing of the deprivations of the poor in the city.那些惬意地坐在位于树木繁茂的郊区住宅的专业人士对市内贫民的穷困生活一无所知。外研社新世纪〔live〕We lived in the city/suburbs/country.我们住在城里/郊区/农村。韦氏高阶〔lure〕The suburbs are luring middle-class families away from the city.郊区吸引着中产阶级家庭搬离市区。韦氏高阶〔metroplex〕A large metropolitan region, especially one encompassing two or more cities and their surrounding suburbs.城市带,大都会带:大都会地区,尤指一个包括两个或两个以上城市及其附近郊区的地区美国传统〔more〕This train would stop twice more in the suburbs before rolling southeast toward Munich.火车向东南驶往慕尼黑前,会在郊区再停两站。柯林斯高阶〔on the outskirts of〕We live on the outskirts of town.我们住在郊区。韦氏高阶〔ordinary〕He lives in an ordinary house in suburban Melbourne.他住在墨尔本郊区一栋普通的房子里。麦克米伦高阶〔outskirts〕The garage was on the outskirts of town.汽车修理厂位于城镇的郊区。外研社新世纪〔overnight〕New suburbs sprang up overnight.短期内兴起一些新的郊区。英汉大词典〔proper〕Does he live in Swansea proper or in the suburbs? 他是住在严格意义上的斯旺西市区还是在郊区?麦克米伦高阶〔proper〕It's a suburb of Los Angeles really - I wouldn't call it Los Angeles proper.这实际上是洛杉矶郊区——严格来讲我不会称其为洛杉矶。剑桥高阶〔relocate〕About two thousand families will be relocated in the outer suburbs.约有两千户人家将迁至远郊区。21世纪英汉〔reside〕Margaret resides with her invalid mother in a London suburb.玛格丽特同她病弱的母亲住在伦敦郊区。柯林斯高阶〔rubble〕Entire suburbs have been reduced to rubble.成片成片的郊区变成了废墟。外研社新世纪〔satellite〕An urban or suburban community located near a big city.卫星区:临近大城市的城镇或郊区美国传统〔satellite〕We stayed in Aurora, a satellite suburb of Chicago.我们停留在奥罗拉,芝加哥的一个卫星郊区。朗文当代〔scrub〕Australian Remote rural land; the bush.【澳大利亚】 偏远的郊区;灌木丛美国传统〔shoppingcentrecentermall〕A developer in this suburb of Phoenix plans to build a shopping centre.菲尼克斯郊区有位开发商打算建一座购物中心。牛津搭配〔spread〕The suburbs spread (out) for miles to either side of the city.郊区向城市两边都伸展出数英里。剑桥高阶〔stark〕In the suburbs the spacious houses stand in stark (= extreme) contrast to the slums of the city's poor.郊区宽敞的大房子和城里的贫民窟形成了鲜明的对比。剑桥高阶〔straggle〕They were beyond the last straggling suburbs now.他们现在已经远离了最远的零星分布的郊区了。柯林斯高阶〔straw-hat〕Of or relating to summer theater that operates in suburban or resort areas.夏季剧场的:属于或关于在郊区或旅游胜地的夏季剧场的美国传统〔suburbanite〕One who lives in a suburb.郊区居民:居住在郊区的人美国传统〔suburbanite〕Patsy's father is a typical suburbanite.帕奇的父亲是个典型的郊区人。朗文当代〔suburbanize〕Many rural areas around the city have been suburbanized now.该市四周的乡村现在都已成为该市的郊区了。21世纪英汉〔suburban〕A suburbanite.郊区居民美国传统〔suburban〕He drove away up the quiet suburban street.他沿着郊区安静的街道行驶。外研社新世纪〔suburban〕Of, relating to, or characteristic of a suburb.郊区的:郊区的、与郊区有关的或具郊区特点的美国传统〔suburbia〕Suburbanites considered as a group.郊区居民:作为一个整体而言的郊区居民美国传统〔suburbia〕The suburbs.郊区:城市的郊区美国传统〔suburb〕A usually residential area or community outlying a city.郊区:在城市外的通常作为居民区的地区或社区美国传统〔suburb〕Anna was born in a suburb of Manchester.安娜出生于曼彻斯特的郊区。外研社新世纪〔suburb〕As soon as we can afford it, we'll move to the suburbs.一旦能负担得起,我们就会搬到郊区去。牛津搭配〔suburb〕I grew up in a suburb of Denver.我在丹佛市的郊区长大。韦氏高阶〔suburb〕Once we have kids, we'll probably move to the suburbs.我们有了孩子后很可能会搬到郊区。麦克米伦高阶〔suburb〕People often prefer to live in the suburbs and commute to work.人们往往喜欢住在郊区,乘车上下班。牛津搭配〔suburb〕The middle-class suburbs are growing fast.中产阶级居住的郊区正在迅速发展。牛津搭配〔suburb〕Wanstead is a suburb of London.旺斯特德是伦敦的一个郊区城镇。麦克米伦高阶〔ticket〕It's a ticket that was designed to appeal to suburban and small town voters.这一竞选政策意在吸引郊区和小城镇选民。柯林斯高阶〔ticket〕It's a ticket that was designed to appeal to suburban and small town voters.这条纲领的目的是吸引郊区和小城镇的选民。外研社新世纪〔uptown〕She's living the organised life of a level-headed uptown girl.她过着头脑冷静的郊区女孩过的那种井井有条的生活。外研社新世纪〔voucher〕Suburban voters are completely against vouchers.郊区选民完全反对私立学校奖学金。剑桥高阶〔wasteland〕The outskirts of the city became a grim industrial wasteland.这个城市的郊区变成了一片凄凉的工业废墟。韦氏高阶〔way〕They live way out in the suburbs.他们住在很偏远的郊区。牛津高阶〔yore〕Suburbia is a sadder place than of yore.郊区比昔日更为糟糕。柯林斯高阶〔yuppie〕A young city or suburban resident with a well-paid professional job and an affluent, materialistic lifestyle.雅皮士:年轻的城市或郊区居民,他们拥有待遇优厚的专业工作和富裕的物质型生活方式美国传统A series of bush fires came very close to destroying several suburbs of Sydney this year.今年发生一系列林区大火,几乎毁坏了悉尼的几个郊区。剑桥国际He has written a book about middle-class suburbia.他写了一本描述中产阶级郊区生活的书。剑桥国际His family moved to the suburbs. 他的一家搬到郊区去了。译典通Houses in the suburbs often have no individuality. 郊区的房屋往往没有一点特色。译典通It's a typically suburban house with a three-piece suite and wall-to-wall carpets (= ones which cover the whole floor).那是典型的郊区房子,有三件套沙发,地面全铺了地毯。剑桥国际New suburbs are pushing outwards into previously wooded areas.新的郊区正向以前的森林地带推进。剑桥国际Rural railway lines risk being axed because they are unprofitable.郊区的铁路线因不再赢利而面临削减的危险。剑桥国际She wrote about the depression and malaise (= lack of energy and interest) felt by women trapped in their suburban homes.她记述了封闭在郊区住宅内的妇女的失落与抑郁。剑桥国际The company decided to relocate to the suburbs because the rent was much cheaper.公司决定搬到郊区,因为那里的房租便宜得多。剑桥国际The company located its branch office in the suburbs. 该公司把它的分公司设在郊区。译典通The farm holds workshops in which modern suburbanites can learn how to milk a cow or make butter.这家农场拥有可供现代郊区居民学习挤牛奶或制黄油的作坊。剑桥国际The house is situated in the suburbs. 该房子坐落在郊区。译典通The most populous areas of the city are now in the suburbs.这个城市现在人口最稠密的地方是郊区。剑桥国际The suburban ideal is a tract house identical to your neighbor's, a built-in swimming pool, a wife, a dog and 2·3 children.理想的郊区生活就是一幢小区住宅、一个建造在宅内的游泳池、一位妻子、一条狗和两三个孩子。剑桥国际The suburbs are an expansion of cities. 郊区是城市的延伸。译典通The suburbs spread out for miles to either side of the city.郊区从城市两边各伸展数英里。剑桥国际




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