

单词 邻地
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔Azeri〕A member of a traditionally Shiite Muslim people of Azerbaijan and adjacent areas of Armenia and northern Iran; an Azerbaijani.阿塞拜疆人:阿塞拜疆以及亚美尼亚和伊朗北部相邻地区传统什叶派回教徒中一员;阿塞拜疆人美国传统〔Munda〕An Austro-Asiatic language family spoken in northeast India and adjacent regions and including Santali.孟达语:印度东北及毗邻地区所讲的南亚语系语言,包括桑陀语美国传统〔Serbian〕Serbo-Croatian as spoken in Serbia and adjacent regions of Yugoslavia, written in a Cyrillic alphabet.塞尔维亚-克罗地亚语:在塞尔维亚和南斯拉夫的相邻地区说的,用西里尔字母写的塞尔维亚-克罗地亚语美国传统〔Serb〕A member of a southern Slavic people that is the principal ethnic group of Serbia and adjacent regions of Yugoslavia.塞尔维亚人:南部斯拉夫民族的一支,它是塞尔维亚和南斯拉夫相邻地区的主要民族美国传统〔Shan〕A member of any of a group of tribes inhabiting the hills and plateaus of northeast Burma and adjacent parts of China, Laos, and Thailand.掸族:一个居住于缅甸东北部的平原和山区以及中国、老挝及泰国的毗邻地区内的部落成员美国传统〔contiguous〕Italy and contiguous areas意大利和周边相邻地区外研社新世纪〔coonass〕Used as a disparaging term for a Cajun.蠢蛋:用作对美国亚拉巴马州西南部和密西西比州毗邻地区白人、印第安人、黑人混血人的轻视语美国传统〔neck of the woods〕A region; a neighborhood.一带,区域:地区,邻地美国传统〔party wall〕A wall built on the boundary line of adjoining properties and shared by both owners.界墙,共有墙:建在相邻地产的界线上并且由双方所有人共同使用的墙美国传统




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