

单词 邻国
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔ATTACK〕Some analysts fear that increasing desperation could lead to a military invasion of the country's southern neighbors. 一些分析家担心,这个国家越来越深的绝望会使它对南部邻国发动军事侵略。朗文写作活用〔BETTER〕Government officials are claiming that the health care available here is of a much higher standard than in neighbouring countries. 政府官员声称本国的国民保健水准比邻国的高得多。朗文写作活用〔GIVE〕The nation is not prepared to sacrifice its independence for the sake of an alliance with a powerful neighbour. 该国不愿意为了与一个强大的邻国结盟而牺牲本国的独立。朗文写作活用〔PEACE〕From 1564 until 1585, England was at peace with most of her neighbours. 1564至1585年间,英格兰与大多数邻国和平相处。朗文写作活用〔SPREAD〕Government chiefs are worried that the refugee problem might spill over from neighboring countries. 政府的长官担心邻国的难民问题会蔓延开来。朗文写作活用〔absorb〕The area is being absorbed into its neighbouring country.这一地区正在并入邻国。英汉大词典〔added〕The findings will give the Israeli government an added incentive to accept the offer of talks with its Arab neighbours.这些发现会进一步激励以色列政府接受与阿拉伯邻国举行会谈的提议。外研社新世纪〔all-out〕He warned that an all-out assault on their neighbours would be folly.他警告说对他们邻国发起全面进攻实属愚蠢之举。外研社新世纪〔ancient〕History, ancient and modern, has taught these people an intense distrust of their neighbours.古今历史都让这些人对邻国产生了极度不信任的思想。剑桥高阶〔bilaterally〕Disputes and differences between the two neighbours would be solved bilaterally.两个邻国之间的争端和分歧应当通过双边途径解决。外研社新世纪〔bilaterally〕Disputes and differences between the two neighbours would be solved bilaterally.两个邻国之间的争端和分歧应当通过双边途径解决。柯林斯高阶〔bind〕The treaty binds them to respect their neighbour's independence.条约规定他们必须尊重其邻国的独立。外研社新世纪〔bind〕The treaty binds them to respect their neighbour's independence.条约规定他们必须尊重其邻国的独立。柯林斯高阶〔bond〕We will work to strengthen our bonds with neighbouring countries.我们将加强与邻国的联系。麦克米伦高阶〔continental〕Britain's continental neighbours 英国的欧洲大陆邻国牛津高阶〔cousin〕Many politicians want to foster closer links with our European cousins.许多政客都想和我们的欧洲邻国发展更密切的关系。麦克米伦高阶〔culturally〕Culturally, they have much in common with their neighbours just across the border.在文化方面, 他们与邻国人民有许多共同之处。外研社新世纪〔disquieting〕The disquieting situation between these two neighbouring countries looks as if it will continue.这两个相邻国家间令人担忧的局势看起来仍将持续下去。剑桥高阶〔drive〕The war drove thousands of people into neighbouring countries.战争迫使成千上万的人涌入邻国。外研社新世纪〔escape to〕The criminal attempted to escape to a neighbouring country.那个罪犯企图逃到邻国去。21世纪英汉〔evacuate〕Over 10,000 refugees have now been evacuated to neighbouring countries.1万多难民已经撤到了邻国。麦克米伦高阶〔exile〕The deposed leaders are currently in exile in the neighbouring country.遭到罢黜的那些领导人现在流亡邻国。剑桥高阶〔feud〕The neighboring states are feuding over the rights to the river.邻国在这条河的权属问题上结怨多年。朗文当代〔flood〕Refugees continue to flood into neighbouring countries.难民不断涌入邻国。牛津高阶〔friction〕The decision is likely to lead to friction with neighbouring countries.这个决定有可能导致与邻国发生摩擦。麦克米伦高阶〔friendly〕The new country hopes to establish friendly relations with all its neighbours.这个新成立的国家希望和所有邻国建立友好关系。麦克米伦高阶〔good-neighbo(u)r〕To avoid good-neighbo(u)r complications the U.S. authorities suppressed the story of the Brazilian sailors.为了避免与拉丁美洲邻国的关系复杂化,美国当局不让发表关于巴西水手的报道。英汉大词典〔head start〕Hungarian businessmen have had a head start over most of their Eastern European neighbors.匈牙利商人已经领先于东欧邻国的大多数同行了。柯林斯高阶〔head start〕Hungarian businessmen have had a head start over most of their Eastern European neighbours.匈牙利商人已经领先于大多数东欧邻国的同行了。外研社新世纪〔internal〕The government warned its neighbours not to interfere in its internal affairs.该政府警告邻国不要干涉其内政。剑桥高阶〔intervene〕The prime minister has pledged not to intervene militarily in neighbouring countries.首相承诺不对邻国进行军事干涉。麦克米伦高阶〔leapfrog〕It cannot simply be argued that Spain leapfrogged to prosperity on the backs of her Northern neighbours.毫无疑问, 西班牙是乘着北方邻国的东风才大步走向繁荣的。外研社新世纪〔lull〕Hitler had aimed at domination while lulling his neighbours with talk of peace and limited aims.希特勒打着和平谈判和所图不多的旗号麻痹邻国, 却一心想着称霸。外研社新世纪〔march〕If its strategy succeeds, Mexico could even steal a march on its northern neighbour.如果策略得当, 墨西哥甚至可以赶在其北部邻国之前抢得先机。外研社新世纪〔march〕If its strategy succeeds, Mexico could even steal a march on its northern neighbour.如果策略得当,墨西哥甚至可以赶在其北部邻国之前抢得先机。柯林斯高阶〔mediate〕They mediate territorial disputes between neighbouring nations.他们调解邻国间的领土争端。麦克米伦高阶〔neighbor〕Canada is a neighbor of the U.S.加拿大是美国的邻国。韦氏高阶〔neighbour〕Israel and its Arab neighbours 以色列及其阿拉伯邻国朗文当代〔neighbour〕Relations with its southern neighbour are seen as crucial for the country.与其南方邻国的关系对该国至关重要。外研社新世纪〔neighbour〕The United States' northern neighbour is Canada.美国北部的邻国是加拿大。外研社新世纪〔neighbour〕Turkey and its European neighbours 土耳其及其欧洲邻国麦克米伦高阶〔neighbour〕What is Britain's nearest neighbour? 英国最近的邻国是哪个国家?牛津高阶〔neutral〕The two countries were neutrals while their neighbors were at war.这两个国家在它们的邻国交战时保持中立。韦氏高阶〔noise〕The government makes noises about better relations with its neighbouring countries.政府再三讲要处理好同邻国的关系。英汉大词典〔notice〕The government is serving notice on (或 to) its neighbouring countries that it means what it says.政府警告邻国说讲出的话是算数的。英汉大词典〔opprobrium〕International opprobrium has been heaped on the country following its attack on its neighbours.该国袭击邻国之后,国际上对其大张挞伐。剑桥高阶〔optic〕We two countries know each other through each other's and not through our neighbour's optic.我们两国是通过彼此双方的而不是通过邻国的眼睛来互相了解的。英汉大词典〔overflow〕The population overflowed into the adjourning territory.人口外流到邻国。英汉大词典〔overrule〕The planning committee overruled neighbours' objections.计划委员会拒不接受邻国的反对意见。外研社新世纪〔peace〕The country is at peace with its neighbours for the first time in years.这是多年来该国和其邻国第一次和平共处。朗文当代〔plot〕Reports revealed that the government was plotting an invasion of neighbouring territories.有报告显示, 政府正在密谋侵占邻国领土。外研社新世纪〔plunge〕Relations with the neighbouring country took a steep plunge during the crisis.危机期间,与邻国的关系大大恶化。英汉大词典〔pour〕Refugees have been pouring into neighbouring countries to escape the civil war.难民大量涌入邻国以逃避内战。剑桥高阶〔rebuttal〕That country's statement drew a prompt rebuttal from one of its neighbouring nations.该国的声明立即招致一个邻国的驳斥。英汉大词典〔redefine〕We will finally have to redefine our relationship with neighbouring states in north Africa.我们最终将不得不重新界定我们和北非邻国的关系。柯林斯高阶〔refugee〕Thousands of refugees fled across the border.数以千计的难民越过边境逃入邻国。剑桥高阶〔relation〕Relations with neighbouring countries are under strain at present.目前,与邻国的关系正处于紧张状态。牛津高阶〔set sb against sb〕This war has set neighbour against neighbour.这次战争使邻国之间反目成仇。剑桥高阶〔sophisticated〕In some ways Canada is more sophisticated than its giant southern neighbour.就某些方面来说,加拿大比它南面强大的邻国更为先进。英汉大词典〔sound〕The government is sounding a tougher foreign policy towards the neighbouring nations.政府宣告将对邻国采取更强硬的外交政策。英汉大词典〔subjection〕The book discusses the political subjection of the island by its larger neighbour.这本书谈论了该岛在政治上受到其强大邻国控制的问题。剑桥高阶〔treaty〕We've signed/concluded a treaty with neighbouring states to limit emissions of harmful gases.我们和几个邻国签署/缔结了限制有害气体排放的条约。剑桥高阶A country can't invade its neighbour just because it covets its wealth and resources.一国不能因垂涎邻国的财富和资源而侵犯该国。剑桥国际A country should not aggrandize itself at the expense of its neighbors. 一个国家不应该牺牲邻国来壮大自己。译典通If the country continues building up its supply of weapons, one of the neighboring states may respond with a pre-emptive air strike.如果该国继续加强军备,某个邻国就会采取先发制人的空袭。剑桥国际Independence came to the country after centuries of subservience to powerful neighbours.该国在屈从于强大邻国几个世纪之后终于获得了独立。剑桥国际International opprobrium has been heaped on the country following its attack on its neighbours.在这个国家袭击了它的邻国之后,国际上对该国大加声讨。剑桥国际It's one of those outcast nations, hated and feared by its neighbours for its willingness to use terrorism.它是那些被排斥的国家之一,为其邻国所憎所惧,因为它愿意施行恐怖主义。剑桥国际National borders will become blurred as more and more foreign interlopers move into their neighbours’most profitable businesses.随着越来越多的外国无执照营业者介入邻国最赢利的生意,国界会变得模糊不清。剑桥国际Nationalist jealousies began to reappear once the neighboring states became independent.一旦邻国独立了,民族主义的妒忌情绪重又出现。剑桥国际Neighbouring countries are paranoid (= extremely worried) about the possibility of a disastrous explosion at one of these old-fashioned nuclear reactors.邻国终日提心吊胆,深怕这些老式的核反应堆会灾难性地爆炸。剑桥国际Neighbouring countries have closed their borders.邻国已将其边界封锁了。牛津商务Refugees have been pouring into neighbouring countries to escape the civil war.难民大量涌入邻国以逃避内战。剑桥国际Switzerland is surrounded by four large neighbours, namely (= that is) France, Germany, Austria and Italy.瑞士被四个大邻国包围,即法国、德国、奥地利和意大利。剑桥国际That country disengaged from military dependence on its neighbor. 那个国家在军事上摆脱了对邻国的依赖。译典通The UK lags far behind its European neighbours in recycling levels.英国的再回收利用水平远远落后于其欧洲邻国。牛津商务The allies’ main war objective is to end his country's potentialities as a military threat to neighbouring countries.盟国作战的主要目的是摧毁该国军事威胁邻国的潜力。剑桥国际The book discusses the political subjection (= control) of the island by its larger neighbour.这本书探讨该岛在政治上被其强大邻国控制的问题。剑桥国际The country has restored diplomatic relations with its neighbours in an attempt to gain international respectability.这个国家已恢复了与其邻国的外交关系,以图赢得国际威望。剑桥国际The country is coming closer to economic parity with its neighbours.这个国家在经济上越来越接近其邻国。牛津商务The deposed leaders are currently in exile in the neighbouring country.被罢黜的领导人目前流亡邻国。剑桥国际The disquieting situation between these two neighbouring countries looks set to continue.两个邻国之间令人担忧的情形看来必定要继续下去。剑桥国际The neighboring country demanded sovereignty over the island. 它的邻国要求对该岛拥有主权。译典通The neighboring nations warred upon one another for over a decade. 这几个邻国互相打了十多年仗。译典通The neighbouring countries have become involved willy-nilly in the conflict.邻国已经无可奈何地卷进了这场冲突。剑桥国际The president is paying a private visit to his neighboring country. 总统正在对邻国作非官方的访问。译典通Their country's economy has decoupled from the problems of its neighbours.他们国家的经济已从邻国的问题中解脱出来。牛津商务There are increasing fears that neighbouring countries/states might be drawn into the civil war.有一种与日俱增的恐惧,认为邻国可能被卷入这场内战。剑桥国际There's a worrying degree of antagonism towards neighbouring states.对邻国的敌意已达到令人担忧的程度。剑桥国际These neighboring states had lived in concord for centuries. 这些邻国几百年来和睦相处。译典通They are anxious to develop friendly relations with their neighboring countries. 他们急于同邻国发展友好关系。译典通They are bravely resisting subjugation by their more powerful neighbours.他们勇敢地抵抗强大邻国的征服行动。剑桥国际They eventually swallowed their pride (= accepted that they had to change their opinion) and signed a transport deal with the neighbouring country.他们最后收起傲气与邻国签订了运输协议。剑桥国际They reached an accommodation with neighboring countries. 他们同邻国和解了。译典通This war has set neighbour against neighbour.这场战争使邻国反目为仇。剑桥国际Troop movements on the border have bolstered (= increased) fears that the country is planning to invade its neighbour.边境军队的调动使人们更加害怕这个国家有意入侵它的邻国。剑桥国际We've signed/concluded a treaty with neighbouring states to limit emissions of harmful gases.我们已和邻国签署/缔结条约,限制排放有害气体。剑桥国际




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