

单词 重新进入
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔B2C〕We would not rule out the possibility of re-entering the B2C market if conditions change.如果情况发生变化,我们不排除重新进入B2C市场的可能。剑桥高阶〔burn up〕The satellite re-entered the atmosphere and burned up.卫星重新进入大气层,烧成灰烬。柯林斯高阶〔burn〕The satellite will burn up as it re-enters the earth's atmosphere.卫星重新进入地球大气层时将被烧毁。朗文当代〔disintegrate〕The rocket disintegrated when it re-entered the Earth's atmosphere.火箭重新进入地球大气时碎裂解体。麦克米伦高阶〔footsie〕Eden's game was to play footsie with Chamberlain and Halifax so as to get back into the Cabinet.艾登的计划是暗中勾结张伯伦和哈利法克斯, 以期重新进入内阁。外研社新世纪〔recycle〕To put or pass through a cycle again, as for further treatment.再循环:为了进一步处理等需要重新进入或经过一个循环美国传统〔reenter〕Reentry to the theater will be permitted with a ticket stub.出示入场券副券方可重新进入剧场。韦氏高阶〔reentrant〕Reentering; pointing inward.重新进入的;凹入的美国传统〔reentry〕The act of reentering.重新进入:重新进入的行为美国传统〔warp〕When a divorced woman re-enters the world of dating and romance, she's likely to feel as though she has entered a time warp.当一个离了婚的女人重新进入约会和浪漫的世界时,她很可能有种回到从前的错觉。柯林斯高阶Gold is coming back onto investors' radar screens.黄金重新进入了投资者的视线。牛津商务




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