

单词 额外的
释义 ENGLISH PHRASES 英文词组〔MORE〕more of the same thing, or another one of the same things 更多的或额外的同样的东西朗文写作活用〔absorb〕couldn't absorb the additional hardships. 不能忍受额外的困苦美国传统〔added〕an added attraction/advantage 额外的魅力/优势韦氏高阶〔additional〕additional costs/problems 额外的费用/另外的问题剑桥高阶〔disproportion〕the disproportion between the extra responsibilities and the small salary increase 额外的责任与小幅增加的薪金之间的不相称牛津高阶〔favour〕do extra work to get back in the teacher's favour 做额外的课业以重新博得教师的欢心英汉大词典〔finagle〕finagle an extra week's holiday 耍花招弄到额外的一周假期英汉大词典〔gain〕gain a living; gain extra credits in school. 维持生计;在学校里修得额外的学分美国传统〔layer〕an extra layer of clothing 额外的一层衣服牛津搭配〔mile〕a willingness to go the extra mile (= make an extra effort) to make a project work 愿意付出额外的努力使项目运行牛津搭配〔pass〕pass on extra labour costs to the consumer 把额外的人工成本转嫁到消费者头上英汉大词典〔payment〕an extra $9 million in interest payments 额外的 900 万美元利息款牛津搭配〔plus〕a plus benefit 额外的好处英汉大词典〔plus〕a plus benefit. 额外的收益美国传统〔responsibility〕take on (carry out) additional responsibilities 承担(执行)额外的任务 英汉大词典〔shoulder〕place extra work on sb.'s shoulders 把额外的工作加在某人肩上英汉大词典〔side〕side payment 额外的支付英汉大词典〔summer〕the extra light brought by British Summer Time 英国夏令时带来的额外的日光牛津搭配〔take〕took on extra responsibilities. 担负了额外的责任美国传统〔weigh〕be weighed down by the extra work 被额外的工作所压垮英汉大词典




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