

单词 长期以来
释义 ENGLISH PHRASES 英文词组〔agelong〕man's agelong struggle for freedom 人类长期以来为自由而进行的斗争英汉大词典〔backyard〕the Caribbean, an area that the United States has long regarded as its own backyard加勒比地区, 一个被美国长期以来看作自己后院的区域外研社新世纪〔bedevil〕a question that has long bedevil(l)ed the West 长期以来困扰西方的问题英汉大词典〔commitment〕your long commitment to feminism你对女权主义事业长期以来的奉献外研社新世纪〔drawn-out〕resolve a drawn-out government crisis 解决长期以来的政府危机英汉大词典〔gender〕groups that are traditionally discriminated against on grounds of gender, colour, race, or age. 长期以来因为性别、肤色、种族或年龄而遭歧视的人群柯林斯高阶〔longevity〕had unusual longevity in the company; her longevity as a star. 在公司里呆的时间超乎寻常地长;她长期以来一直是明星美国传统〔longtime〕longtime economic sanctions 长期以来的经济制裁英汉大词典〔obstruct〕the prejudice that has obstructed the progress of women's football for so long长期以来阻碍女足发展的偏见外研社新世纪〔partition〕the partition of inheritances over the ages长期以来对于遗产的分割外研社新世纪〔recognition〕a country that has long sought recognition as a major power 长期以来寻求承认其主要强国地位的国家牛津搭配〔starve〕an audience hungry for American films and long starved of choice. 渴望看到美国电影且长期以来没有多少选择的观众柯林斯高阶〔want〕meet a long-felt want 满足长期以来的渴望英汉大词典〔wrangle〕a lengthy planning wrangle over the height of the building 长期以来对于建筑高度的规划争论牛津搭配




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