

单词 长城
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔Ordos〕A sandy desert plateau region of Nei Monggol (Inner Mongolia) in northern China bounded on the south and east by the Great Wall.鄂尔多斯:中国北部内蒙古自治区的一块沙漠高地,其南面和东面都与长城邻接美国传统〔awe-inspiring〕The Great Wall of China is an awe-inspiring sight.中国的长城是雄伟的景观。文馨英汉〔discourage from〕The bad weather discouraged us from climbing the Great Wall.恶劣天气使我们打消了爬长城的念头。21世纪英汉〔earth〕The Great Wall is the largest man-made structure on earth.长城是地球上最大的人造工程。麦克米伦高阶〔highlight〕The highlight of the trip was visiting the Great Wall of China.这次旅程最令人难忘的是参观中国的万里长城。麦克米伦高阶〔prefer〕We'll go to the Great Wall, if you prefer.你如果愿意的话,我们去长城。21世纪英汉〔queer someone's pitch〕We planned to visit the Great Wall last Sunday, but the rain queered our pitch.我们计划上星期日去游览长城,由于下雨使计划落空。21世纪英汉〔roll ... back〕Standing on the Great Wall,we could feel the centuries roll back.站在长城上,我们会感到像回到了几个世纪以前。21世纪英汉〔sally〕They sallied up to the Great Wall and shot a few shots before they left.他们临行前匆匆赶往长城拍了几张照片。英汉大词典〔self-destruct〕He won the election because the Democrats self-destructed in their primary.民主党在初选中自毁长城,所以才让他赢得了选举。柯林斯高阶〔stunt man〕The British stunt man Eddie Kidd jumped over the Great Wall of China on a motorcycle.英国特技表演者埃迪·基德骑摩托车飞越了中国长城。柯林斯高阶〔what〕What the ancient Great Wall could tell us! 古老的长城能告诉我们多少事情啊! 英汉大词典Wall Street insists that a Chinese Wall separates its research and its investment banking activities.华尔街坚持用长城将研究与投资银行活动分隔开。牛津商务




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