

单词 顾问
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔ADVISE〕I will be present at committee meetings, but purely in an advisory capacity. 我将出席委员会的会议,但纯粹以顾问的身份出席。朗文写作活用〔BOOKS〕Talk to the career counselors and check out the reference books on career choices. 去和就业顾问谈谈,并去查找一些有关选择职业的参考书。朗文写作活用〔DOCTOR〕Maybe we should see a marriage counsellor. 也许我们该去咨询一下婚姻顾问。朗文写作活用〔DOCTOR〕The consultant told Jean that an operation was necessary to save her life. 顾问医生告诉琼,要挽救她的生命就必须动手术。朗文写作活用〔GOOD AT〕Our advisors are skilled at dealing with financial problems. 我们的顾问很善于解决财务问题。朗文写作活用〔HAPPEN〕It has been an eventful week in politics, with the resignations of three Presidential advisers. 本周是政界的多事之秋,有三名总统顾问辞去了职务。朗文写作活用〔KC〕Sir William Garner, KC 威廉‧加纳爵士,王室法律顾问剑桥高阶〔LEADER〕It was Dever's job to advise the president on his public image. 德弗的工作是为总统的公众形象做顾问。朗文写作活用〔OBEY〕My financial advisor is very straight - he does everything by the book. 我的理财顾问是个很诚实的人—一他什么都照章办事。朗文写作活用〔ORGANIZATION〕Belfast City Airport Forum is a new advisory body set up to discuss environmental issues affecting the airport and the surrounding area. 贝尔法斯特市机场论坛是一个新的顾问团体,其目的是探讨影响机场及其周边地区的环境问题。朗文写作活用〔PLAN〕A panel of advisors is urging The White House to adopt a blueprint for dealing with such emergencies. 顾问小组敦促白宫采纳应对这种紧急事件的计划。朗文写作活用〔PLAN〕The proposal will be carefully examined by a committee of executives, planners and consultants. 这项提议将由一个管理人员、策划人员和顾问组成的委员会仔细审核。朗文写作活用〔QC〕He hired a top QC to defend him.他雇了一名顶级的王室法律顾问为他辩护。柯林斯高阶〔SECRET〕Although America is a democracy, a lot of key decisions are made behind closed doors by unelected advisers. 美国虽然是个民主国家,但是许多重大事情还是由未经选举的总统顾问私下决定的。朗文写作活用〔TELL〕Another three of the president's advisors were subpoenaed. 另有三名总统顾问受到传唤。朗文写作活用〔WORK〕Campaign adviser Ken Polaski has been saddled with the job of explaining the recent presidential gaffes. 竞选顾问肯·波兰斯基有件苦差事,要为总统最近的失言作出解释。朗文写作活用〔adviser〕Do you have a financial adviser? 你有财务顾问吗?牛津搭配〔adviser〕She acts as an adviser to the president.她担任总统的顾问。牛津搭配〔advisory〕He was employed in a purely advisory role.他纯粹以顾问身份受聘。朗文当代〔attorney general〕The chief law officer and legal counsel of the government of a state or nation.检查总长:一州或一国中政府的主要法官及法律顾问美国传统〔biologically〕Jim Litsinger, a consultant on biological control of agricultural pests.农业虫害生物防治顾问吉姆·利钦格柯林斯高阶〔blow someone's cover〕The agent posed as a consultant until someone blew her cover.在身份暴露之前,这位女特工对外声称是顾问。韦氏高阶〔business〕Eventually they found a consultant they felt they could do business with (= with whom they could work well).最后他们找到了一个他们觉得可以与其愉快合作的顾问。剑桥高阶〔call back〕If you want further advice, you can call back and speak to the same adviser.如果需要进一步的建议, 可以再打电话和同一位顾问谈谈。外研社新世纪〔cast of characters〕The cast of characters includes President Johnson and his top advisers during the Vietnam War.重要角色有约翰逊总统以及越南战争期间他的几名高级顾问。韦氏高阶〔caution〕Her financial adviser urged caution before investing in the project.她的金融顾问奉劝她投资这个项目要慎重。韦氏高阶〔conciliate〕An independent adviser has been brought in to conciliate between the two sides involved in the conflict.一位独立顾问被请来在冲突双方之间作调解。剑桥高阶〔consigliere〕An adviser or counselor, especially to a capo or leader of an organized crime syndicate.顾问:建议者或顾问,尤指一个有组织的犯罪集团头目或领袖美国传统〔consultant〕He was a consultant to the Swedish government.他曾是瑞典政府的一名顾问。外研社新世纪〔consultant〕She is now a hospital consultant.她现在是一位医院顾问医师。牛津搭配〔consultant〕The review was carried out last year by independent consultants.这项审查是由独立顾问在去年进行的。牛津搭配〔consultative〕Of or relating to consultation; advisory.顾问的:咨询或与之有关的;顾问的美国传统〔consultative〕There are opportunities as a consultative specialist to one of the many industries.作为某一行业的专家顾问有很多机遇。外研社新世纪〔consultor〕A priest or religious appointed to assist and advise a bishop.主教顾问团成员:被委派协助和指导主教的祭司或宗教教团成员美国传统〔consult〕I had the opportunity to consult for a weight-loss group for two years.我有机会为一个减肥小组当过两年的顾问。外研社新世纪〔consult〕If you are in any doubt, consult a financial adviser.如有任何疑问, 请向金融顾问咨询。外研社新世纪〔consult〕If you are in any doubt, consult a financial adviser.如有任何疑问,请向财务顾问咨询。柯林斯高阶〔consult〕She consults for a living.她是咨询顾问。韦氏高阶〔crisis center〕A center staffed especially by volunteers who give support and advice to people experiencing personal crises.急难事务顾问中心:一个主要由志愿者组成的中心,他们向那些有个人急难事件的人给予支持和提供建议美国传统〔deadwood〕He cut the deadwood from his staff of advisers.他裁减了无用的顾问。英汉大词典〔demonstrate〕A style consultant will demonstrate how to dress to impress.时尚顾问将示范如何穿着以给人留下深刻印象。柯林斯高阶〔detoxified〕Counsellors worked to detoxify her.顾问们工作以使她戒毒。21世纪英汉〔draw〕Our advisers have been drawn from a wide range of experts.我们的顾问是从众多专家中挑选出来的。麦克米伦高阶〔engagement〕He had an important engagement with his financial adviser.他与他的财务顾问有一个很重要的约谈。牛津搭配〔executive〕I don't envisage I will take an executive role, but rather become a consultant on merchandise and marketing.我不设想自己将成为管理人员,但很希望成为商品营销顾问。柯林斯高阶〔female〕Only 13 per cent of consultants are female.高级顾问医师中只有 13%是女性。柯林斯高阶〔flank〕The president entered the room, flanked by his advisers.总统走进房间,两侧跟着他的顾问们。麦克米伦高阶〔followup〕After the report, advisers are expected to carry out follow-up work.报告发表后,预计顾问将着手做后续工作。牛津搭配〔goombah〕A companion or an associate, especially an older friend who acts as a patron, a protector, or an adviser.同伴或同事:同伴或同事,特指以赞助人,保护人或顾问身份出现的年长的朋友美国传统〔guidance〕I went to a counselor for guidance on my career.我去找了一位顾问给我作职业指导。朗文当代〔help〕Talking to a counsellor / counselor helped her enormously.同顾问的交谈使她受益匪浅。牛津搭配〔huddle〕During the crisis the President's national security advisers huddled.危机时期,总统的国家安全顾问们聚到了一起美国传统〔impulsively〕The president's impulsiveness often worries his advisers.总统爱冲动的脾气经常让他的顾问们担心。柯林斯高阶〔inner circle〕The President has an inner circle of advisers.总统有一个核心顾问团。韦氏高阶〔kudos〕There was considerable kudos attached to being on the advisory board.能跻身于顾问委员会是个莫大的荣誉。牛津搭配〔leave (someone) in the lurch〕His advisers left him in the lurch when he needed them the most.当他最需要顾问时,他们却置他于困境而不顾。韦氏高阶〔low〕She refused to promote Colin above the low rank of 'legal adviser'.她拒绝把科林由“法律顾问”这一低级别往上提。柯林斯高阶〔manage〕Consultants can help academic institutions to manage their resources more efficiently.顾问可以帮助学术机构更有效地使用他们的资源。朗文当代〔mobile〕A mobile team of counsellors was sent to the disaster scene.一个机动顾问团被派往灾难现场。麦克米伦高阶〔opponent〕The president's former adviser is now one of his most outspoken opponents.总统的前顾问现在成了他最直言不讳的反对者之一。麦克米伦高阶〔oracle〕My sister's the oracle on investment matters.我姐姐是个万无一失的投资顾问。牛津高阶〔oral〕Stuart Isaacs QC will put the oral arguments against the ban to the European Court of Justice.王室法律顾问斯图亚特•艾萨克斯将向欧洲法院陈述反对这一禁令的论据。外研社新世纪〔outside〕Consultants were brought in to provide some outside advice.请来顾问提供一些外界的建议。朗文当代〔paid〕He got a job as a highly paid consultant.他得到了一份高薪的顾问工作。韦氏高阶〔patience〕His advisers are trying to counsel patience.他的顾问们正努力劝告他要有耐心。牛津搭配〔place〕A staff of four counsellors is in place to handle calls to the new hotline.已有一个4人顾问团来处理打进新热线的电话。麦克米伦高阶〔point〕A financial adviser should be able to point you in the right direction .理财顾问应该能够给你指点迷津。朗文当代〔pool〕Special consultants have pooled their talents and knowledge.特别顾问们已经把他们的才能和智慧贡献给共同的事业。21世纪英汉〔protective〕He was extremely protective of his role as advisor.他极力保护自己的顾问角色。牛津高阶〔rebuild〕Counsellors helped him rebuild his shattered self-image.顾问们帮他恢复了破碎的自我形象。外研社新世纪〔resident〕A colonial official acting as adviser to the ruler of a protected state, often having quasi-gubernatorial powers.殖民地官员:作为被保护国的统治者的顾问的殖民地官员,通常具有类似州长的权力美国传统〔scoop〕Advisors will scoop fees of up to one million pounds.顾问们将赚得多达100万英镑的费用。麦克米伦高阶〔serve〕He served as an adviser to the company.他任公司的顾问。英汉大词典〔stylist〕A designer of or consultant on styles in decorating, dress, or beauty.设计家:装饰、服饰或美容方面的设计家或顾问美国传统〔talk sb down〕Just as soon as the President voiced his dissent, his advisors talked him down.总统刚出声表示异议,他的顾问就立刻说服他打消这个念头。剑桥高阶〔tap〕Your adviser's experience is there to be tapped.可以利用你的顾问的经验。朗文当代〔top〕The President met this afternoon with his top military advisers.总统今天下午会见了他的最高军事顾问。外研社新世纪〔trade up/down〕Financial advisers warn against trading up to a larger home unless you are sure you can afford it.财务顾问们警告说除非确信付得起,不要换更大的房子。剑桥高阶〔trusted〕After speaking to a group of her most trusted advisers, she turned her anger into action.在和一群她最信任的顾问交谈之后, 她把愤怒转化成了行动。外研社新世纪〔uncomfortable〕If you are uncomfortable with your counsellor or therapist, you must discuss it.如果面对咨询顾问或治疗师时你觉得不自在,一定要提出来。柯林斯高阶〔unpaid〕I served as an unpaid consultant on the project.我是这个项目的义务咨询顾问。韦氏高阶Consultants found the experience frustrating -- their reports were only partly implemented, or, worse still, just pigeonholed.顾问们灰心丧气----他们的报告只执行了一部分,或更糟,被束之高阁。剑桥国际He came to public attention when he started in a high-profile job as economic adviser to the Prime Minister.他在成为备受注目的首相经济顾问之后,开始引起公众的注意。剑桥国际He was a weak ruler surrounded by corrupt advisers.他是一个软弱的统治者,身边全是腐败的顾问。剑桥国际He was not one of the innermost (=most powerful) circle of presidential advisers.他不是总统顾问最核心集团中的一位。剑桥国际I waited so long for my turn to see the careers adviser that I missed my train.我等着轮到见就业顾问的时间太长, 故而错过火车了。剑桥国际Many clients want their advisers to fit into neat pigeonholes.许多客户想把他们的顾问简单地分类。牛津商务She acts as a consultant to start-ups.她担任新成立的公司的顾问。牛津商务She is the party's main economic adviser.她是这个党派的主要经济顾问。剑桥国际She travels worldwide as a consultant.她以顾问的身分往世界各地。牛津商务She was one of the first women to be made a QC.她是最早成为英国王室法律顾问的妇女之一。剑桥国际She works as a special adviser/assistant to the President.她是总统的特别顾问/助理。剑桥国际That was a rather inept comment/remark for a trained counsellor.对于一个训练有素的顾问来说,那是很不明智的评论。剑桥国际The CEO brought in a team of consultants to sort out the company's problems.总裁请来一个顾问小组来解决公司的问题。牛津商务The doctor gave him a referral to (= arranged for him to see) the consultant.医生介绍他去看顾问医师。剑桥国际They hired a firm of consultants to design the new system.他们临时雇用了一家顾问公司来设计这套新系统。牛津商务They hired an external consultant to do the dirty work of firing people.他们从外面雇了一个顾问来干解雇员工的脏活。牛津商务This afternoon the Prime Minister was consulting with his advisors and we are expecting an announcement shortly.今天下午总理在征求顾问的意见,我们在等他稍后宣布结果。剑桥国际We need to set up a consultative committee to advise us on the problem.我们需要成立一个顾问委员会来为我们在该问题上提供建议。剑桥国际We ought to hire a public relations consultant to help improve our image.我们应该雇用一名公共关系顾问来改善我们的形象。剑桥国际




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