

单词 顺风
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔adieu〕Used to express farewell.再见,顺风,一路顺风:用于表示再见美国传统〔advantage〕We had the advantage of a following wind.我们占顺风的便宜。牛津同义词〔arrive〕These are cars which show you've arrived and had a good time along the way.这样的车可以显示你已功成名就, 并且一路顺风顺水。外研社新世纪〔arrive〕These are cars which show you've arrived and had a good time along the way.这样的车可以显示你已功成名就,并且一路顺风顺水。柯林斯高阶〔back〕They had the wind at their backs as they set off.他们出发时顺风。朗文当代〔behave〕I'll go tomorrow if the wind behaves.只要老天乖乖儿吹顺风,我明天就动身。英汉大词典〔bon voyage〕Goodbye! Bon voyage! 再见!一路顺风!柯林斯高阶〔bon voyage〕Goodbye! Bon voyage!再见!一路顺风!外研社新世纪〔coast〕They scored three goals in the first half and from then on United were coasting.他们在上半场进了三个球,此后联队就踢得顺风顺水了。朗文当代〔company〕May fair winds company your safe return.愿你归途上一路顺风。英汉大词典〔downwind〕He attempted to return downwind to the airfield.他试图顺风回到飞机场。柯林斯高阶〔downwind〕He attempted to return downwind to the airfield.他试图顺风飞回机场。外研社新世纪〔downwind〕In the direction in which the wind blows.顺风的:顺着风吹动的方向美国传统〔downwind〕We sailed downwind.我们顺风航行。韦氏高阶〔fair〕They set sail with the first fair wind.顺风一起他们就扬帆出航了。牛津高阶〔following〕Blowing in the same direction as the course of a ship or an aircraft. Used of wind.顺风的:顺船、飞机方向而吹的。用于风美国传统〔following〕The following wind and eastward running tide had given us a very pleasant, lazy sail.顺风和向东的潮水使我们的航行很惬意、很省力。柯林斯高阶〔foot〕While I struggle through life, she lands on her feet.在我挣扎过活的时候, 她却顺风顺水。外研社新世纪〔friendly〕A friendly breeze helped us sail the boat into the harbor.一阵柔和的顺风帮助我们的船驶入港湾。韦氏高阶〔get〕The sailing boat was getting along fast before the wind.帆船正在顺风飞速前进。英汉大词典〔hitchhiker〕Neff hitchhiked to New York during his Christmas vacation.内夫在圣诞节假期里搭顺风车去了纽约。柯林斯高阶〔hitch〕There was no garage in sight, so I hitched a lift into town.放眼望去看不到修车厂,所以我就搭顺风车进了城。柯林斯高阶〔hitch〕Why don't we hitch?我们为什么不搭个顺风车呢?外研社新世纪〔large〕Nautical Favorable. Used of a wind.【航海】 顺风的。用于风美国传统〔leeboard〕One of a pair of movable boards or plates attached to the hull of a sailing vessel to reduce downwind drift.下风板,减横漂板:装在帆船船体外侧的一对可移动的木质板或金属板的一块,用于减弱顺风漂移美国传统〔leeward〕The ship cruised slowly to leeward.船慢慢地顺风航行。朗文当代〔lift〕I need a lift to the bus station.我需要搭顺风车到公共汽车站。韦氏高阶〔luff〕Nautical To sail (a vessel, such as a yacht) closer into the wind during a race so as to prevent an opponent's craft from passing on the windward side.【航海】 抢到对手的上风那一边:在赛艇时把(船只,比如游艇)驶向上风方向以避免对手的船驶到顺风边上美国传统〔lunette〕A broad, low-lying, typically crescent-shaped mound of sandy or loamy matter that is formed by the wind, especially along the windward side of a lake basin.眼镜堡:一片广阔的、地势低的、典型的新月形沙堆或土堆,由风力形成,尤其是沿湖泊的顺风方向美国传统〔materially〕The favorable wind helped the progress of the boat materially.顺风大有助于该船的行进。文馨英汉〔overshoot〕He attempted to return downwind to the airfield, overshot, and crashed through the boundary hedge.他曾试图顺风返回机场, 结果滑出了跑道, 冲进了旁边的树篱。外研社新世纪〔pay ... off〕The captain paid his vessel off before the wind.船长把船转向顺风。21世纪英汉〔piggyback on〕They are piggybacking on developed technology.他们在搭先进技术的顺风车。外研社新世纪〔piggyback〕They are piggybacking onto developed technology.他们在搭先进技术的顺风车。柯林斯高阶〔ride〕The rats hitch a free ride on ships.老鼠惯于搭顺风船。牛津搭配〔run〕The sailboat ran before the wind.那艘帆船顺风行驶。文馨英汉〔sailing〕We know it won't be plain sailing at Wembley because there are no easy games at this level.我们知道在温布利不会顺风顺水,因为在这一级别就没有轻松的比赛。柯林斯高阶〔scud〕Nautical To run before a gale with little or no sail set.【航海】 顺风行驶:在大风时很少或没有用航海设备的航行美国传统〔smoothly〕Life is running smoothly for them.生活对他们而言是顺风顺水。外研社新世纪〔spinnaker〕A large triangular sail set on a spar that swings out opposite the mainsail, used on racing yachts when running before the wind.三角帆:安装于船用圆材上的大三角帆,展开时与主帆相对,当赛艇顺风行驶时使用美国传统〔spinoff〕The games will certainly have positive financial spin-offs for local companies.这些运动赛事肯定会让地方企业搭上金融的顺风车。牛津搭配〔stand〕The ship was standing down from the north.那艘船从北边顺风驶来。英汉大词典〔tail wind〕A wind blowing in the same direction as that of the course of an aircraft, a ship, or another vehicle.顺风:一架飞机、一艘船或另一种运载工具向着与风吹一致方向行驶美国传统〔tailwind〕A tailwind had cut the flying time by half an hour.由于顺风,飞行时间缩短了半小时。柯林斯高阶〔tailwind〕It's faster coming back across the Atlantic because of tailwinds.因为顺风,回程横渡大西洋时速度较快。英汉大词典〔veer〕Nautical To change the course of (a ship) by turning the stern windward.【航海】 使顺风:通过把船尾转向风改变(船)的航向美国传统〔veer〕Nautical To change the course of a ship by turning the stern to the wind while advancing to windward; wear ship.【航海】 顺风转向:在向着风的方向前进时,通过使船尾转向风来改变船的航向;船张挂旗美国传统〔way〕The yacht continued its passage with favorable winds.小艇顺风继续航行。美国传统〔wear〕Nautical To make (a sailing ship) come about with the wind aft.【航海】 使船尾向顺风向美国传统〔weatherly〕Able to sail close to the wind with little drift to leeward.能迎风航行的:能迎风航行而不会顺风漂移的美国传统〔wind〕A tail wind made the ride home very relaxing.顺风使骑车回家格外轻松。牛津搭配〔wind〕In the same direction as the wind.顺风,借风力:按与风向相同的方向美国传统〔wind〕Nautical Close to the wind.【航海】 顺风的美国传统〔wind〕Nautical In the same or nearly the same direction as the wind.【航海】 顺风向的:与风向相同或接近的方向美国传统〔wind〕They set sail the next morning with a fair wind.第二天早上,他们顺风扬帆出发了。牛津搭配〔winning〕The team are on a winning streak .该队连场胜利,正当顺风顺水时。朗文当代〔with〕The wind was with me on the home stretch and I ran well.在赛跑的最后冲刺阶段赶上了顺风,所以我跑得很好。剑桥高阶〔with〕We sailed with the wind.我们顺风航行。朗文当代〔with〕We were sailing with the wind.我们顺风航行。韦氏高阶Because of the following wind, I did my run much more quickly than usual.因为顺风,我跑得要比平时快得多。剑桥国际Foreign exchange traders may not give the peso such an easy ride.外汇交易商不会让比索如此顺风顺水。牛津商务It was less tiring running on the way back, because we had the wind in our favour.跑回来不如跑去时累,因为我们是顺风。剑桥国际Our team got all the way to / through to the final before being beaten.在决赛失败之前,我们队一路顺风。剑桥国际Planes travelling from America to Europe usually have a tail wind rather than a head wind.从美洲飞向欧洲的飞机通常顺风,而不是逆风。剑桥国际The smoke drifted downwind.烟雾顺风飘走了。剑桥国际




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