

单词 阅兵
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔doing〕We had to be on the parade ground for 5.30 a.m. and that took some doing.我们得在清晨五点半到阅兵场上集合,那可不是件轻松的事。朗文当代〔drill〕We watched the soldiers drilling on the parade ground.我们观看士兵们在阅兵场上训练。剑桥高阶〔flex your muscles〕The parade is the first sign of the new regime flexing its military muscles.阅兵式是新政权显示其军事实力的第一个信号。剑桥高阶〔fly past〕To complete the military ceremony, 60 planes will fly past.将有60架飞机将从上空飞过,作为阅兵式的结束。21世纪英汉〔fly〕To complete the military ceremony, 100 planes will fly past.阅兵式结束前将有100架飞机作定点飞越。英汉大词典〔goose step〕A military parade step executed by swinging the legs sharply from the hips and keeping the knees locked.正步:一种军队阅兵时的步法:从臀部开始两腿摆动,而膝关节保持站立时的状态美国传统〔goose step〕The soldiers goose-stepped past the general in the parade.阅兵式上,士兵们踏着正步从将军面前走过。韦氏高阶〔march on〕At the beginning of a ceremonial parade,he gives the order to march on.阅兵仪式开始时,他下令部队进场。21世纪英汉〔march past〕A division of soldiers who won honour for their bravery will march past during this ceremony.今天的阅兵式上,表现英勇而受到表彰的一个师将列队通过接受检阅。21世纪英汉〔marshal〕To arrange or place (troops, for example) in line for a parade, maneuver, or review.排列,安排:为游行、演习或阅兵而按队列安排或放置(如部队)美国传统〔navy〕The parade included many of the navy.这次阅兵式中有不少海军官兵。英汉大词典〔parade ground〕Meet me at the parade grounds after the fireworks.放完烟火后来阅兵场见我。韦氏高阶〔parade〕A ceremonial review of troops.阅兵,校阅:检阅军队的仪式美国传统〔parade〕A military parade marched slowly and solemnly down Pennsylvania Avenue.阅兵队列沿宾夕法尼亚大道缓慢而庄严地行进。柯林斯高阶〔parade〕A military parade marched slowly up Pennsylvania Avenue.一支阅兵队列沿宾夕法尼亚大道缓慢地行进。外研社新世纪〔parade〕Morning parade was in progress on the parade ground.阅兵场正在进行早间检阅。柯林斯高阶〔parade〕To assemble (troops) for a ceremonial review.阅兵,校阅:为阅兵仪式而集合(军队)美国传统〔parade〕To assemble for a ceremonial military review.阅兵,检阅:为阅兵仪式而集合美国传统〔pass〕The officers passed their troops in review before the general.在阅兵大典中,军官指挥他们的部队经过将军面前接受检阅美国传统〔review〕A formal military ceremony held in honor of a person or an occasion.正式阅兵式:为表彰个人或重大事件而举行的正式军事庆典美国传统〔review〕A formal military inspection.正式阅兵:正式的军事检阅美国传统〔review〕Many diplomats attended a naval review to mark the anniversary of the end of the war.很多外交官参加了在战争结束周年纪念上举行的海军阅兵式。剑桥高阶〔review〕To subject to a formal inspection, especially a military inspection.阅兵:使经受正式视查,尤指军事检阅美国传统〔sight〕The military parade was quite a sight.阅兵式场面很壮观。牛津搭配〔snap〕He was arrested for snapping photos of a military parade.他因拍摄了阅兵式的快照而被逮捕。剑桥高阶〔stage〕At the middle of this year the government staged a huge military parade.今年年中,政府举行了一次盛大的阅兵活动。柯林斯高阶〔the trooping of the colour〕We watched the trooping of the colour live from Horse Guards Parade.我们观看了在皇家骑兵卫队阅兵场举行的军旗列队仪式的直播。剑桥高阶He was arrested for snapping photos of a military parade.他因拍摄了阅兵式的快照而被捕。剑桥国际Many people would be offended by a triumphalist victory parade to celebrate the end of the war.庆祝战争结束了的带有标榜武功意味的凯旋阅兵会触犯众怒。剑桥国际The Queen took the salute at the parade.女王驾临了阅兵式。剑桥国际The captain ordered that all his officers should attend the parade.上校命令他手下的所有军官都应该参加阅兵。剑桥国际The general inspected the parade. 将军检阅了阅兵式。译典通




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