

单词 附文
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔attach〕We attached several riders to the document.我们在主文件上加了几条附文美国传统〔document〕Please sign the enclosed document and return it to me.请在所附文件上签字,然后返还给我。牛津搭配〔rider〕A clause, usually having little relevance to the main issue, that is added to a legislative bill.附加条款,附文:加于立法法案上的条款,通常和主要条款很少有关联美国传统〔rider〕An amendment or addition to a document or record.(文件后面的)附文:文件或记录的修正案或附加物美国传统〔rider〕She added a rider to her life insurance policy that increased her coverage.她在她的寿险保单上又加了一条附文,扩大了她的投保范围。韦氏高阶I should like to add a rider to the judgment of the court.我想为法庭的判决加一条附文。剑桥国际Our price schedule is printed in the enclosed document.我们的价目表印在所附文件上。牛津商务




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