

单词 附件
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔ADD〕Add-ons such as modems and DVD drives can easily cost you hundreds of dollars. 调制解调器、DVD光盘驱动器等附件一下子就能花掉你几百美元。朗文写作活用〔COMPUTERS/INTERNET/EMAIL〕I'm sending the document as an attachment. Please let me know if you have trouble reading it. 我将此文件以附件形式发送,你阅读若有问题请告诉我。朗文写作活用〔SHOW〕Please find enclosed a map showing where our offices are 附件是一份地图,标出了我们办事处的位置。朗文写作活用〔accessorize〕This toy horse is accessorized.这个玩具马配有附件。英汉大词典〔accessory〕A cigar-lighter is an accessory to a car.点烟器是汽车的一种附件。英汉大词典〔accessory〕A subordinate or supplementary item; an adjunct.附加品,附属物;附件美国传统〔add-in〕Something designed or intended for use in conjunction with another.附件:设计或计划用来与它事物配合使用的一事物美国传统〔adjunct〕The memory expansion cards are useful adjuncts to the computer.内存扩充卡是计算机很有用的附件。牛津高阶〔adnexa〕Accessory or adjoining anatomical parts, as ovaries and oviducts in relation to the uterus.附件:附属的或邻接的解剖学部分,如与子宫相连的卵巢与输卵管美国传统〔affix〕Something that is attached, joined, or added; an appendage or addition.附加物:贴上、加入或加上的东西;附件或附加美国传统〔alidade〕A topographic surveying and mapping instrument used for determining directions, consisting of a telescope and attached parts.照准仪:用来确定方向的地形测量和绘图工具,包括望远镜和其它附件美国传统〔annexe〕You will find examples of order forms in the annexe of this document.您可以在本文档的附件中看到订货单样本。外研社新世纪〔annex〕An addition, such as an appendix, that is made to a record or other document.附件,附录:附加于报告或其它文件之中的一个附加物,如附录美国传统〔annex〕Attached at Annex A is a detailed estimate of production costs.在附件(甲)中附有一份生产成本的详细估算。英汉大词典〔appendage〕Something added or attached to an entity of greater importance or size; an adjunct.附属物,附件,附加物:附加或附在更重要或更大实体上的东西;附加物美国传统〔appendix〕A collection of supplementary material, usually at the end of a book.附录,附件:通常在书末尾处的补充材料美国传统〔attached〕Please see the document attached.请看附件。韦氏高阶〔attachment〕I sent the file as an attachment.我把该文件作为邮件附件发了出去。外研社新世纪〔attachment〕I wasn't able to open that attachment.我打不开那个附件。剑桥高阶〔attachment〕I'll email my report to you as an attachment.我将把我的报告作为附件发给你。剑桥高阶〔attachment〕I'll send the document as an attachment to my next e-mail.我将在下一封电子邮件中把这个文件作为附件发出。韦氏高阶〔attachment〕I'll send the spreadsheet as an attachment.我将把电子表格作为附件发送。朗文当代〔attachment〕No attachment was included.没有附件。牛津搭配〔attachment〕The vacuum cleaner attachments help clean in tight spaces.真空吸尘器的附件能帮助清洁狭小的空间。韦氏高阶〔attachment〕The vacuum cleaner has various attachments.这台真空吸尘器有各种附件。朗文当代〔belong〕These blades belong to the food processor.刀片是食品加工机的附件美国传统〔binder〕An attachment on a reaping machine that ties grain in bundles.捆缚装置:收割扎束机上把作物扎成束的附件部分美国传统〔chiffon〕Ornamental accessories, such as ribbons or laces, for women's clothing.女服装饰品:妇女服装上丝带或花边之类的装饰性附件美国传统〔distaff〕An attachment for a spinning wheel that serves this purpose.手纺车附件:为能达到上面纺纱目的的手纺车的附属装置美国传统〔enclosure〕He read through the covering letter and the various enclosures.他通读了附信和各种随函附件。外研社新世纪〔enclosure〕One of the enclosures was a photograph.附件之一是张照片。韦氏高阶〔expansion bolt〕A bolt having an attachment that expands as the bolt is driven into a surface.扩开螺栓:带有扩开附件的螺栓,当螺栓进入物体表面时附件可以扩开美国传统〔extra〕Something, such as an accessory on a motor vehicle, for which an additional charge is made.附加物:须另外收费的某物,如机动车上的附件美国传统〔fairing〕An auxiliary structure or the external surface of a vehicle, such as an aircraft, that serves to reduce drag.整流装置:运载工具(如飞机的)用以减少阻力的一种附件或外部表面美国传统〔heraldry〕A branch of knowledge dealing with the history and description in proper terms of armorial bearings and their accessories.纹章学:一门关于纹章及其附件的历史和描述的学问美国传统〔infection〕You only have to open an attachment to pass the infection from computer to computer.你只要打开邮件附件就能感染计算机。剑桥高阶〔launcher〕A rifle attachment for firing grenades.步枪用来发射枪榴弹的附件美国传统〔mail〕Can you mail it to me as an attachment? 你能把它作为附件发给我吗?朗文当代〔message〕The email message contains an attachment.这封电子邮件有一个附件。牛津搭配〔optional〕The car comes with many optional extras such as radio and cigarette lighter.这辆汽车配有很多可选附件, 比如收音机和点烟器等。外研社新世纪〔optional〕This model comes with a number of optional extras(= things you can choose to have but which you will have to pay extra for).这一型号有一系列可供选择的附件,价格另计。牛津高阶〔pimp〕He had pimped his truck with new lights and chrome accessories.他装了新的灯和一些镀铬附件,把他的卡车弄得好看了。剑桥高阶〔protocol〕It is set out in a legally binding protocol which forms part of the treaty.这在有法律约束力的、属于条约一部份的附件中有说明。牛津高阶〔scan〕How do I scan a photo and attach it to an email? 怎样把照片扫描并以附件形式加在电子邮件里呢?牛津高阶〔section〕Please fill in sections 1 and 2 of the attached form.请填写附件表格中的第一、二栏。外研社新世纪〔sewing machine〕A machine for sewing, often having additional attachments for special stitching.缝纫机:通常带有特殊缝制用附件的缝纫用机器美国传统〔something〕I can't always open my emails – it has something to do with the type of attachment they come with.我不是每次都能打开我的电子邮件,这同邮件的附件类型有关。麦克米伦高阶〔stuffer〕A flier, insert, or enclosure, often serving as an advertisement or announcement, that is mailed with a bill or other item.同封宣传品,附件,附页:常用作广告或通告的传单、插页或附录,与账单或其它物品一并寄出美国传统〔substage〕The part of a microscope located below the stage on which attachments are held in place.显微镜台下方固定附件的部分美国传统〔the〕Please read the enclosed.请阅读附件内容。外研社新世纪〔tucker〕One that tucks, especially an attachment on a sewing machine for making tucks.缝褶机:缝褶工具,尤指缝纫机上用于缝褶的附件,美国传统〔window envelope〕An envelope with a transparent panel that reveals the address on the enclosure.开窗信封:一种带有显示附件上地址的透明纸窗的信封美国传统〔zigzagger〕A sewing-machine attachment for sewing zigzag stitches.锁边机:用弯弯曲曲的针脚来缝合的一种缝纫机附件美国传统A modem is a useful add-on.调制解调器是一个有用的附件。剑桥国际A radio is an accessory to a car. 收音机是汽车的附件。译典通Accessories for the top-of-the-range car include leather upholstery, a compact disc player, electric windows and a sunroof.第一流汽车的附件包括真皮坐椅、激光唱机、电动窗及活动顶。剑桥国际Always state the number of enclosures at the bottom of your letter.信尾一定要注明附件的份数。牛津商务Details of my proposals are given in the accompanying enclosure (= enclosed item) .有关我建议的细节在随寄的附件中。剑桥国际Full details are given in appendix 3.详情见附件 3。牛津商务I received a letter with three enclosures. 我收到一封有三份附件的信。译典通Please affix your signature to the enclosed form and return it to us at once. 请在附件上签名后立即送还我处。译典通The computer comes with a number of optional accessories.这台计算机配有很多任选的附件。剑桥国际The document can be sent as an email attachment.这份文件可以电子邮件附件的方式发送。牛津商务The information is given in annex B of the report.这资料见报告附件乙。牛津商务The kitchen is basically finished now and it just needs to be accessorized.厨房现在已经基本完工,只需再增添附件就可以了。剑桥国际We stock the whole range of model railway accessories.我们库存有全部铁路附件产品样品。剑桥国际We use an antivirus program to screen attachments.我们用反病毒程序检查附件。牛津商务




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