

单词 蹲伏
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔ATTACK〕He crouched on the ground, like an animal ready to pounce. 他蹲伏在地上,就像一头野兽准备随时扑出去。朗文写作活用〔BEND〕I crouched behind a bush as the soldiers marched by. 那队士兵走过时,我蹲伏在一片灌木丛后面。朗文写作活用〔carcass〕A cluster of vultures crouched on the carcass of a dead buffalo.一群秃鹫蹲伏在一具野牛的尸体上。柯林斯高阶〔carcass〕A cluster of vultures crouched on the carcass of a dead buffalo.一群秃鹫蹲伏在一头野牛的尸体上。外研社新世纪〔couchant〕Lying down with the head raised.抬头蹲伏的美国传统〔couchant〕The shield had a lion couchant.那个盾形纹章上有一只抬头蹲伏的狮子。英汉大词典〔couch〕He saw a deer couching on the grassy bank.他看见一只鹿蹲伏在草坡上。21世纪英汉〔crouch〕The act or posture of bending low or crouching.下蹲,蹲伏:下蹲或蹲伏的动作或姿势美国传统〔crouch〕The runner was in a tense crouch, waiting for the signal to start the race.这名赛跑运动员肌肉紧绷着蹲伏就位,等待起跑号令。韦氏高阶〔crouch〕They walked in a crouch, each bent over close to the ground.他们每个人都俯身贴近地面蹲伏着前进。柯林斯高阶〔crouch〕We were crouching in the bushes.我们蹲伏在灌木丛中。外研社新世纪〔down〕I crouched down behind some bushes.我蹲伏在一片灌木丛里。麦克米伦高阶〔fielder〕The fielders crouch around the batsman's wicket.防守队员蹲伏在击球手守卫的三柱门周围。柯林斯高阶〔fielder〕The fielders crouch around the batsman's wicket.防守队员蹲伏在击球手守卫的桩门周围。外研社新世纪〔haunch〕Ferris was crouched down on his haunches.费里斯蹲伏着。柯林斯高阶〔kill〕The animal crouched down, getting ready for the kill.野兽蹲伏下来,准备捕杀猎物。牛津搭配〔magot〕A fanciful, often grotesque figurine in the Japanese or Chinese style rendered in a crouching position.奇形偶像:见于中国或日本的奇异的呈蹲伏姿态的,经常是奇形怪状的小雕像美国传统〔setter〕English/Irish setters 英格兰/爱尔兰蹲伏猎狗韦氏高阶〔spring〕The panther crouched, ready to spring.豹子蹲伏着, 准备扑过来。外研社新世纪〔spring〕The panther crouched, ready to spring.豹子蹲伏着,准备扑过来。英汉大词典〔squat〕A squatting or crouching posture.蹲或蹲伏的姿势美国传统〔squat〕Crouched in a squatting position.象蹲伏姿势一样蹲着的美国传统〔squat〕To crouch down, as an animal does.蹲伏,象动物那样美国传统〔squat〕To put (oneself) into a crouching posture.使(自己)成蹲伏姿势美国传统〔tableau〕The children remained crouching in a motionless tableau, as if frozen into stone.孩子们保持着静止的蹲伏姿势,简直像化作了石头。英汉大词典The deer couched. 那只鹿蹲伏下来。译典通




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