

单词 蹩脚的
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔BAD AT DOING STH〕I can't believe we wasted our money on that pathetic comedian last night. 我真不敢相信昨晚我们竟然把钱浪费在那个蹩脚的喜剧演员身上。朗文写作活用〔BAD AT DOING STH〕She'll never pass the exam -- she's an awful student. 她永远也通不过这次考试—她是个蹩脚的学生。朗文写作活用〔CHEAP〕The hotel room was very small, with cheap furniture and a bumpy bed. 酒店客房很小,有蹩脚的家具和一张高低不平的床。朗文写作活用〔CHEAP〕The tourist shops were full of cheap souvenirs. 那家旅游商店里全是蹩脚的纪念品。朗文写作活用〔NEWS〕A group of hacks were huddled around the gates, waiting for her to emerge. 一群蹩脚的记者簇拥在大门口,等待她的出现。朗文写作活用〔NEWS〕The latest scandal was quickly picked up by the hacks at The Post. 最近的这个丑闻很快就被《邮报》那些蹩脚的写手拿去做文章了。朗文写作活用〔ON TIME〕Jim told one of his terrible jokes and everyone laughed on cue. 吉姆说了一个很蹩脚的笑话,在适当的时候大家都笑了。朗文写作活用〔STUPID/SILLY〕Bad acting, weak script and inane dialogue -- this movie is truly awful. 拙劣的演技、蹩脚的剧本、无聊的对白—这部电影糟透了。朗文写作活用〔TRUE〕There are some bad teachers in state schools, but the same thing goes for private schools as well. 国立学校里有一些蹩脚的老师,但在私立学校里也是如此。朗文写作活用〔WRONG〕Robert ordered two beers in very bad Spanish. 罗伯特用极其蹩脚的西班牙语要了两瓶啤酒。朗文写作活用〔broken〕Eric could only respond in broken English.埃里克只能用蹩脚的英语回答。外研社新世纪〔broken〕Eric could only respond in broken English.埃里克只能用蹩脚的英语回答。柯林斯高阶〔clunky〕His act was full of clunky one-liners.他的表演净是些蹩脚的俏皮话。韦氏高阶〔cop out〕She copped out of the parachute jump at the last minute with some feeble excuse.她在最后一刻找了个蹩脚的借口躲过了跳伞。剑桥高阶〔crap〕He's a crap driver.他是个蹩脚的司机。麦克米伦高阶〔crook〕Of poor quality; inferior.质量低劣的;蹩脚的美国传统〔dog〕Her latest book turned out to be a real dog.她最近的这本书竟是个蹩脚的作品。韦氏高阶〔excuse〕She made some feeble excuse about the car having broken down.她编造了汽车抛锚这么个蹩脚的理由。牛津搭配〔excuse〕She's a pitiful excuse for an actress.她是一个蹩脚的女演员。牛津搭配〔flat-footed〕The party's flat-footed performance leaves doubts about its electoral competence.该党蹩脚的表现让人对其竞选实力生疑。外研社新世纪〔fob off〕He thought he could fob me off with some weak excuse about being too busy to talk.他以为他可以用忙得没时间谈话这种蹩脚的借口来搪塞我。韦氏高阶〔ham-fisted〕Even the most ham-fisted cook can take pleasure in his effort.即令最蹩脚的厨师,也能在他的烹调中自得其乐。文馨英汉〔ham〕They had some dreadful old ham in the main part.他们起用了一些极为蹩脚的老演员担纲主角。剑桥高阶〔incompetent〕Incompetent detective work is another theme of the new novel.这部新小说的另一个主题是蹩脚的侦探工作。外研社新世纪〔jabber〕The man jabbered in broken English.这个男人叽里咕噜地讲着蹩脚的英语。外研社新世纪〔junky〕Of or related to junk; worthy of being discarded.蹩脚的,低劣的:与垃圾有关的;废弃的美国传统〔lame〕He mumbled some lame excuse about having gone to sleep.他含含糊糊地找了个蹩脚的借口,想要解释自己为什么睡着了。柯林斯高阶〔landlubber〕A person unfamiliar with the sea or seamanship.旱鸭子:不谙航海的人或蹩脚的水手美国传统〔measurement〕Objective measurement is difficult with such poor equipment.用这样蹩脚的设备很难进行如实的测量。牛津搭配〔moonlight〕They did moonlight flits from one awful apartment to another.他们经常半夜出逃,从一个蹩脚的公寓搬到另一个蹩脚的公寓。朗文当代〔naff〕There was a naff band playing.有一支蹩脚的乐队在演奏。牛津高阶〔paltry〕She made some paltry excuse and left.她编了个蹩脚的借口离开了。剑桥高阶〔pathetic〕That's the most pathetic excuse I've ever heard.那是我听说过的最蹩脚的借口。麦克米伦高阶〔poor〕He was a poor actor.他是个蹩脚的演员。外研社新世纪〔poor〕He was a poor actor.他是个蹩脚的演员。柯林斯高阶〔poor〕He was the poor man's Elvis Presley.他是个蹩脚的猫王。朗文当代〔poor〕It was a poor attempt at a joke.这是一个蹩脚的玩笑。韦氏高阶〔pretext〕They would now find some dubious pretext to restart the war.他们现在会找个蹩脚的借口重新发动战争。外研社新世纪〔pretext〕They would now find some dubious pretext to restart the war.他们现在会找个蹩脚的借口重新发动战争。柯林斯高阶〔rate〕That rates as the worst film I've ever seen.那是我看过的最蹩脚的电影。剑桥高阶〔redeem〕Splendid acting cannot redeem the poor play.精彩的表演无法弥补蹩脚的剧本。英汉大词典〔rinky-dink〕One that is regarded as old-fashioned, worn-out, insignificant, or cheap in quality.背时旧货,花里胡哨的蹩脚货:被认为过时的、陈旧破烂的、无足轻重或质量蹩脚的物或人美国传统〔rotten〕He's a rotten driver.他是个蹩脚的司机。朗文当代〔rotten〕She's a rotten singer.她是个蹩脚的歌手。牛津高阶〔saw〕In the hotel lounge an awful chamber orchestra was sawing away under a lot of imitation palm leaves.在旅馆大厅浓密的人造棕叶之下,一支蹩脚的室内乐乐队正在演奏。英汉大词典〔stinko〕Of poor or inferior quality.蹩脚的:质量不好或低下的美国传统〔unsavoury〕Poor teachers can make education unsavoury.蹩脚的教师会使教育索然无味。英汉大词典He does crap work.他做的是很蹩脚的工作。剑桥国际He tried to explain what had happened in broken (= not spoken easily and stopping a lot) English.他试图用蹩脚的英语解释发生的事情。剑桥国际Her later writing so lacked subtlety that it almost read like a parody of her earlier work.她的后期作品如此缺乏精巧微妙的韵味以至于读起来像是她早期作品蹩脚的模仿。剑桥国际I'm not going to stay in that fleabitten old place.我不想呆在那个蹩脚的老地方。剑桥国际It's a chintzy hat, you can't expect it to last for long.这是顶蹩脚的帽子,别指望它能戴得久。剑桥国际Many illnesses in these temporary refugee camps are the result of bad/poor/inadequate sanitation.这些临时难民营的许多疾病都是来源于恶劣的/蹩脚的/不健全的卫生设施。剑桥国际The kebab and hamburger have become debased fast-food versions of their original selves.烤肉串和汉堡包已由原来的含义降指为蹩脚的快餐。剑桥国际The seafront is full of tacky souvenir shops and amusement arcades.滨海区到处都是蹩脚的纪念品商店和娱乐场。剑桥国际The shop sold tacky souvenirs and ornaments.这家店卖蹩脚的纪念品和装饰品。剑桥国际What really gets me is the way we're expected to actually laugh at his pathetic jokes! 真正使我恼火的是,居然还想要我们对他那蹩脚的笑话大笑一番。剑桥国际




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