

单词 远山
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔LIVE〕Some tribes still inhabit the more remote mountains and jungles of the country. 有些部落仍生活在该国的边远山区及丛林之中。朗文写作活用〔NEW〕The inhabitants of these remote mountain villages tend to be very suspicious of newcomers. 这些偏远山村的居民往往对外来的人疑心重重。朗文写作活用〔TRADITION〕The trip offers you a unique opportunity to experience the culture of the remote hill tribes of the north. 这趟旅游使你有独一无二的机会体验一下北方偏远山区部落的文化。朗文写作活用〔cleave to sth〕People in the remote mountain villages still cleave to their old traditions.边远山村的人们依然固守着古老的传统。剑桥高阶〔glimpse〕He sometimes went there to catch a glimpse of the mountain in the distance.他有时去那儿看一看远山。英汉大词典〔hazy〕The distant mountains looked hazy and mysterious.远山看上去烟雾迷蒙,神秘莫测。牛津搭配〔hinder〕A building under construction obstructs our view of the mountains.正建的楼房挡住了我们眺望远山的视线。美国传统〔horseback〕In remote mountain areas, voters arrived on horseback.在偏远山区,选民骑着马赶来了。柯林斯高阶〔overcast〕The smoke haze overcast the distant mountain.烟雾遮蔽了远山。英汉大词典〔rebound〕The echoes rebounded from the faraway mountains.阵阵回声从远山传回。英汉大词典〔sun〕The distant mountains glowed in the light of the setting sun.远山在落日的余晖中熠熠发光。牛津搭配People in the remote mountain villages still cleave to (=continue to believe in) their old traditions.住在边远山村里的人们仍然固守他们古老的传统。剑桥国际These two lads from a remote village in Norway have enjoyed undreamed of success with their first album.这两个来自挪威一个遥远山村青年的第一张专辑获得了梦想不到的成功。剑桥国际They live in some village in the back of beyond (= far away from any big town).他们住在边远山村。剑桥国际




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