

单词 输精
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔Wolffian duct〕The embryonic duct of the mesonephros, which in the male becomes the vas deferens and in both sexes gives rise to the ureter.沃尔夫氏管,中肾管:中肾的胚胎导管,在雄性中变成输精管,在雌雄两性中都发育成输尿管美国传统〔epididymis〕A long, narrow convoluted tube, part of the spermatic duct system, that lies on the posterior aspect of each testicle, connecting it to the vas deferens.附睾:一个长而窄并迂回的管子,为输精组织一部分,位于睾丸后部,通向输精管美国传统〔reverse〕Some surgeons are working hard on a satisfactory way to reverse vasectomies.一些外科医师正在努力工作,以研究出一种重新接上被切除的输精管的好方法。英汉大词典〔seminal duct〕The duct of the testis that carries semen outward, especially the part of the duct that runs from the epididymis to the ejaculatory duct.输精管:将精液输送出来的睾丸的管,尤其指从附睾到射精管之间的管的部分美国传统〔snip〕He's had the snip.他已经切除了输精管。外研社新世纪〔vas deferens〕The main duct through which semen is carried from the epididymis to the ejaculatory duct.输精管:精子从附睾被运输到射精管所通过的主要导管美国传统〔vas efferens〕Any of a number of small ducts that carry semen from the testis to the epididymis.输精管道:把精液从精巢输送到附睾的许多小导管之一美国传统〔vasectomize〕To perform a vasectomy on.在…施行输精管切除术美国传统〔vasectomy〕He decided to have a vasectomy after their first child.他在有了第一个孩子之后决定接受手术切除输精管。英汉大词典〔vasectomy〕Surgical removal of all or part of the vas deferens, usually as a means of sterilization.输精管切除术:输精管的全部或部分的外科切除,尤其是作为绝育的一种办法美国传统〔vasoligation〕Surgical ligation of the vas deferens as a means of sterilization.输精管结扎术:输精管的外科结扎手术,是绝育的一种方法美国传统In need of someone to inseminate them, so that they can give birth to a child. 他们急需有个人来输精,好让他们能生一个孩子。译典通




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