

单词 赔偿额
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔MONEY〕The case was settled for an undisclosed sum last year. 此案去年达成和解,赔偿额未予公开。朗文写作活用〔assess〕They have assessed the amount of compensation to be paid.他们已经核定赔偿额。牛津高阶〔award〕The judge has the power to make damages awards.法官有权决定损失赔偿额的额度。牛津搭配〔damage〕The court will assess the damages.法庭将会评定损失赔偿额。牛津搭配〔double indemnity〕A clause in an insurance policy that provides for payment of double the face value of the contract in case of accidental death.双倍赔偿额:保险单上的条款,在意外死亡时付给双倍于合同协议的赔偿金美国传统〔illiberal〕This was only half the value, but it was not an illiberal amount of compensation in view of the circumstances.赔偿额仅是价值的一半, 但考虑到实际情况, 这也不少了。外研社新世纪〔loss〕The amount of a claim on an insurer by an insured.险损赔偿额:保险人从承保人获得的赔偿数量美国传统〔pledge〕Mr Dudley has pledged to give any award to charity.达德利先生已承诺将任何所获的损害赔偿额都捐给慈善机构。柯林斯高阶A tax-free sum is guaranteed if the life assured dies within the specified period.如果寿险投保人在指定期限内去世,可以获得免税赔偿额。牛津商务The policy pays double indemnity for accidental death.这份保单对意外死亡支付双倍赔偿额。牛津商务




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