

单词 赎回
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔atonement〕Atonement The redemptive life and death of Jesus. Atonement 耶稣救难:耶稣为赎回人间罪恶而生、死美国传统〔buy〕He will buy back his property.他将赎回他的财产。英汉大词典〔couponing〕The sending out or turning in of coupons, especially the regular redemption of a manufacturer's coupon for cash.息票交易:息票的发出或收回,尤指生产者定期将息票赎回为现款美国传统〔default〕When they defaulted in their payments,the bank foreclosed on the car.因他们拖欠赎款,银行取消了赎回汽车的权利。21世纪英汉〔delinquency〕Not all delinquencies lead to foreclosure.并不是所有未按时还债的情形都会导致丧失抵押品的赎回权。柯林斯高阶〔delinquency〕Not all delinquencies lead to foreclosure.并不是所有未按时还债的行为都会导致丧失抵押品的赎回权。外研社新世纪〔equity of redemption〕The right of one who has mortgaged property to redeem that property upon payment of the sum due within a reasonable amount of time after the due date.赎回抵押品的权利:抵押物品的人在付款期后合理的期限内付清应付款后赎回抵押品的权利美国传统〔equity〕Equity of redemption.衡平法关于赎回担保物的权利美国传统〔foreclose〕Building societies may foreclose on a mortgage if payments are not kept up.如果房贷断供,建屋协会就有可能会取消抵押品赎回权。朗文当代〔foreclose〕The bank foreclosed on the mortgage for his previous home.银行取消了他先前住房的抵押赎回权。柯林斯高阶〔foreclose〕The bank foreclosed on the mortgage for his previous home.银行取消了他前一套住宅的抵押赎回权。外研社新世纪〔foreclose〕The bank has threatened to foreclose on their property/mortgage.银行警告说要取消他们的房产赎回权/按揭贷款的房屋赎回权。韦氏高阶〔foreclose〕The bank has threatened to foreclose their mortgage.银行警告说要取消他们按揭贷款的房屋赎回权。韦氏高阶〔foreclose〕The bank was threatening to foreclose on his mortgage.银行威胁要取消他的贷款抵押赎回权。麦克米伦高阶〔foreclose〕They've been unable to make their mortgage payments, and the bank has threatened to foreclose.他们无力支付按揭贷款,银行警告说要取消他们的房屋赎回权。韦氏高阶〔foreclose〕To bar an equity or a right to redeem a mortgage.取消赎回抵押品的权利美国传统〔foreclose〕To deprive (a mortgagor) of the right to redeem mortgaged property, as when payments have not been made.取消(抵押品的)赎回权:如当无法支付款项时,剥夺(分期付款者)收回抵押财产的权利美国传统〔foreclosure〕If homeowners can't keep up the payments, they face foreclosure.业主如果未能按时交房贷,就会面临丧失抵押品赎回权的危险。柯林斯高阶〔foreclosure〕If homeowners can't keep up the payments, they face foreclosure.如果房主不能继续付款, 他们的抵押品赎回权就将取消。外研社新世纪〔foreclosure〕If interest rates go up, won't foreclosures rise?如果利率上涨, 难道丧失抵押品赎回权的案例不会增加吗?外研社新世纪〔foreclosure〕The act of foreclosing, especially a legal proceeding by which a mortgage is foreclosed.抵押品赎回权的丧失:取消抵押品赎回权的行为,尤其指取消收回抵押品权利的法律程序美国传统〔forfeit〕Something placed in escrow and then redeemed after payment of a fine.罚物游戏的抵押物:写于契据之上在付清罚金之后赎回的物品美国传统〔freedom〕Many slaves bought their freedom with what they saved from farming.许多奴隶用耕作攒下的钱赎回自由身。外研社新世纪〔hock〕She got her earrings out of hock.她赎回了她的耳环。韦氏高阶〔mystery〕An incident from the life of Jesus, especially the Incarnation, Passion, Crucifixion, or Resurrection, of particular importance for redemption.神迹:耶稣生活中的事件,尤指化身、受难、受钉于十字架或复活,对赎回很重要美国传统〔paid-up〕Partly paid-up securities cannot be bought back.未付清全部款项的证券不可赎回。外研社新世纪〔poundage〕A fee charged for the redemption of impounded animals or other property.认领家畜费:为赎回关在栏中的动物或被存放在库栈中的财产而支付的费用美国传统〔pound〕A place in which impounded property is held until redeemed.待赎所:暂时保持私人财物直至主人赎回的库栈美国传统〔ransom〕The family is willing to pay ransom for his release.这家人愿意用钱将他赎回。韦氏高阶〔ransom〕The same system was used for ransoming or exchanging captives.相同的制度还应用于赎回或交换俘虏。柯林斯高阶〔ransom〕To obtain the release of by paying a certain price.赎出,赎回:支付一定钱财来获得释放美国传统〔redeem〕He finally redeemed his watch from the pawnbroker.他终于从当铺老板手里赎回了自己的手表。朗文当代〔redeem〕He redeemed his watch from the pawnbroker’s.他从当铺赎回手表。牛津同义词〔redeem〕He was able to redeem his watch from the pawnshop.他得以从当铺赎回他的表。牛津高阶〔redeem〕Make sure you know exactly what you will be paying back when you plan to redeem the item.务必弄清楚将来赎回物品时需要偿还多少。外研社新世纪〔redeem〕Make sure you know exactly what you will be paying back when you plan to redeem the item.务必弄清楚将来赎回物品时需要支付多少钱。柯林斯高阶〔redeem〕She couldn't afford to redeem her wedding ring from the pawnbroker.她没钱从典当商那里赎回她的结婚戒指。麦克米伦高阶〔redeem〕She is going to redeem her diamond ring.她将赎回她的钻石戒指。21世纪英汉〔redeem〕The company redeemed some of its stock.公司赎回了它的部分股票。韦氏高阶〔redeem〕The government will pay you interest when it redeems the bonds you bought.政府赎回债券时会支付利息。韦氏高阶〔redeem〕To recover ownership of by paying a specified sum.赎回:通过交纳一定数量的钱重新获得所有权美国传统〔redeem〕To set free; rescue or ransom.释放;解救,赎回美国传统〔redemption〕Recovery of something pawned or mortgaged.赎回物:重新取得当掉或抵押的东西美国传统〔redemption〕The act of redeeming or the condition of having been redeemed.赎回:赎回的行为或已被赎回的状态美国传统〔save〕He redeemed his ring from the pawnbroker.他从当铺赎回了他的戒指。美国传统〔zero〕A zero-coupon bond.无收益但在赎回价格之下的债券美国传统A Series EE bond cannot be redeemed (= exchanged for cash) until 12 months after its issue date.EE 系列债券在发行之后 12 个月内不得赎回。牛津商务A haircut of 2.5 per cent is applied to each buy/sell-back transaction.每笔购买/赎回交易有 2.5% 的扣减额。牛津商务He had a drawerful of unredeemed pledges for loans he had made to students from his personal funds.他利用私人资金发放学生贷款,留下了大量未赎回担保。牛津商务He redeemed his watch from pawn. 他赎回了典当的表。译典通How can I redeem my pledge (= pay back the loan and get the valuable item back)? 我怎样才能赎回抵押品?牛津商务If you redeem your shares early, you may pay a redemption fee.如果提前赎回股票,可能要支付赎回费用。牛津商务Mortgage customers should be clearly informed of penalties such as redemption charges.按揭客户应被明确告知诸如赎回费用等罚则。牛津商务Mortgage foreclosures reached their highest level in April.取消抵押品赎回权的情况在四月份达到最高水平。牛津商务Most corporate bonds have a call provision.大部分公司债券附有提前赎回条款。牛津商务Only the government can redeem non-marketable government securities, which do not trade on secondary markets.只有政府才能赎回不在二级市场上交易的非上市政府证券。牛津商务She managed to save enough money to redeem her jewellery from the pawn shop.她设法存够钱从当铺赎回了珠宝。剑桥国际The Bank foreclosed on the mortgage. 银行取消了该抵押品的赎回权。译典通The bank applied to the court for an order for foreclosure.这家银行提请法院下令取消抵押品赎回权。牛津商务The bank foreclosed a mortgage on the property. 银行取消了抵押人的财产赎回权。译典通The bank has threatened to foreclose on the company.银行扬言要取消这家公司的抵押品赎回权。牛津商务The bond is callable after 5 years.5 年后债券可随时提前赎回。牛津商务The bonds are redeemable at their face value after five years.债券五年后可按面值赎回。牛津商务The issuing company can usually exercise the call provision at any time after a specified date. 债券发行公司通常在指定日期后随时可行使提前赎回条款规定的权利。牛津商务They ransomed the kidnapped child with 10,000 dollars. 他们用一万元赎回了被绑架的孩子。译典通They will foreclose our mortgage. 他们将取消我们赎回抵押品的权利。译典通




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