

单词 越感
释义 ENGLISH PHRASES 英文词组〔GROUP〕a clique of literary friends who thought they were so superior 优越感很强的一个文人朋友圈子朗文写作活用〔disenchanted〕a growing sense/feeling of disenchantment with his job 对他的工作越来越感到失望牛津高阶〔ethnocentric〕ethnocentric history textbooks 表露种族优越感的历史教科书朗文当代〔fantastic〕fantastic ideas about her own superiority. 对自己怀有奇特的优越感美国传统〔lordly〕lordly airs of superiority 高傲的优越感韦氏高阶〔skewed〕a skewed sense of priorities 偏激的优越感麦克米伦高阶〔snobbery〕her obsession with petty social snobberies 她为狭隘的社会优越感所困牛津搭配〔snobbery〕intellectual snobbery 智力上的自我优越感牛津高阶〔snobbery〕the elitism and social snobbery of the art world 艺术界的精英优越感和社会势利牛津搭配〔superiority〕his air of male superiority 他那种大男子主义的优越感牛津搭配〔superiority〕his sense of superiority 他的优越感朗文当代〔superior〕a false sense of his superiority over mere journalists. 他在微不足道的记者面前所表现出的一种虚妄的优越感柯林斯高阶




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