

单词 超载
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔CARRY〕The car was so overloaded the bumpers were almost touching the ground. 那辆车严重超载,保险杠几乎要碰到地面了。朗文写作活用〔CARRY〕The plane was dangerously overloaded. 那架飞机超载了,很危险。朗文写作活用〔burden〕To load or overload.装载或超载美国传统〔complain〕The overloaded wagon complained at each turn.超载的货车在每次拐弯时都吱嘎作响。英汉大词典〔ground〕The plane was so overloaded it couldn't leave the ground.飞机严重超载,无法起飞。牛津搭配〔information overload〕The greater the amount of data, the greater the risk of information overload.数据量越大,信息超载的风险也越大。朗文当代〔murder〕It was murder to travel on the overcrowded trains.乘坐超载拥挤的火车旅行真是活受罪。英汉大词典〔overburden〕An excessive burden; an overload.过重的负担;超载美国传统〔overburden〕The Web site was overburdened with a high amount of traffic.万维网站因大量数据传输而超载。韦氏高阶〔overburden〕To burden with too much weight; overload.过重,超载:使负担过重;使装载过多美国传统〔overcharge〕A load or burden that is too full or heavy.超载:过量或过重的载荷或负担美国传统〔overcharge〕The family electricity should not overcharge in operation.家庭用电不可超载。21世纪英汉〔overladen〕Loaded or burdened too heavily.超载的:装载过多的或负担过重的美国传统〔overloaded〕Don't overload the boat or it will sink.别超载,否则船会沉。柯林斯高阶〔overloaded〕Some trains were so overloaded that their suspension collapsed.一些列车严重超载, 结果悬架都断裂了。外研社新世纪〔overloaded〕Some trains were so overloaded that their suspension collapsed.一些列车严重超载,结果悬架都断裂了。柯林斯高阶〔overloaded〕The aircraft was dangerously overloaded.飞机严重超载。外研社新世纪〔overload〕Don't overload the boat or it will sink.别超载, 否则船会沉的。外研社新世纪〔overload〕The barge had an overload of cargo.那艘驳船装运货物超载。韦氏高阶〔overload〕The electrical system in your house would be overloaded if you used too many electric home appliances at once.如果你同时使用许多家用电器的话,你家里的电力系统就会超载。21世纪英汉〔overload〕The truck was overloaded with wood.这辆卡车装运木料超载。韦氏高阶〔overload〕To load too heavily.使超载,使过载美国传统〔overweighted〕The truck was overweighted with coals.那辆卡车超载了煤。文馨英汉〔punishment〕A 1994 law increased punishments for overloaded trucks.1994年的一条法规加大了对超载车辆的处罚力度。麦克米伦高阶〔stall〕His car was stalled because of overloading.他的车因超载而抛锚了。21世纪英汉〔stay〕In order to stay ahead financially, truckers tend to violate speed and weight limits.卡车司机为了在经济上多得好处常常超速和超载。 英汉大词典〔surcharge〕An additional or excessive burden; an overload.负荷过重:过重负担;超载美国传统〔surcharge〕To place an excessive burden on; overload.加过重负担…上;超载美国传统〔takeoff〕The plane was so overweighted that it nearly crashed on takeoff.飞机极度超载,起飞时差一点坠毁。英汉大词典〔weigh down〕The boat was weighed down by the extra cargo.超载的货物压得船吃水很深。韦氏高阶An Internet search can often result in information overload.互联网搜索常常导致信息超载。牛津商务My voicemail's overloaded.我的语音邮件超载。牛津商务The boat that sank was grossly overloaded.沉了的那条船过分超载了。剑桥国际




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