

单词 说这是个
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔MYSTERIOUS〕Why would Ian want to claim his inheritance and then give all his money away? It was a riddle to me. 伊恩为什么会认领他的遗产,而后又送光了所有的钱财?对我来说这是个谜。朗文写作活用〔bumper〕It's been a bumper year for car sales.对于汽车销售来说这是个丰年。麦克米伦高阶〔buy〕He said it was a mistake, but I don't buy it.他说这是个失误,我才不信呢。韦氏高阶〔closed〕It is a closed society in the sense that they've not been exposed to many things.他们接触的事不多,从这一方面来说这是个封闭的社团。柯林斯高阶〔folly〕She said that the idea was folly.她说这是个愚蠢的主意。剑桥高阶〔great〕This is a great place for families.对家庭来说这是个好地方。麦克米伦高阶〔heaven-sent〕To him this was a heaven-sent relief from boring office work.对他来说这是个天赐良机, 把他从无聊的办公室工作中解脱出来。外研社新世纪〔hopeless〕The lawyers said it was a hopeless case.律师们都说这是个毫无希望的案子。麦克米伦高阶〔posse〕A posse of Marsh's friends persuaded them that this was a bad idea.马什的一群朋友劝他们说这是个馊主意。柯林斯高阶〔principle〕He refused to give me any more money as a matter of principle .他不肯再给我钱,对他来说这是个原则问题。朗文当代〔principle〕I never gamble, as a matter of principle (= because I believe it is wrong).我从不赌博,对我来说这是个原则问题。剑桥高阶〔principle〕She refuses to allow her family to help her as a matter of principle.她不要家人帮忙,对她来说这是个原则问题。牛津高阶〔principle〕They reject the proposal as a matter of principle.他们拒绝了这一提议,对他们来说这是个原则问题。牛津搭配〔root〕It is a moral question at root.从根本上说这是个道德问题。牛津搭配〔safety〕Police said it was a dangerous place, and they could not guarantee our safety.警察说这是个危险之地,他们不能保证我们的安全。麦克米伦高阶〔self-sacrifice〕People say this is a selfish society, but frankly I've seen too much kindness, self-sacrifice and generosity to believe that.人们说这是个自私的社会,但坦白地说,我看过太多善良、自我牺牲和慷慨之举,因此不会轻信这个说法。剑桥高阶〔socially〕For socially ambitious couples this is a problem.对于那些追求社会地位的夫妇们来说这是个问题。外研社新世纪〔trade secret〕My aunt won't tell anyone her age - she says that it's a trade secret.我姑妈不愿意把年龄告诉任何人,她说这是个秘密。剑桥高阶〔virgin territory〕This is virgin territory for us. We've never faced a problem like this before.对我们来说这是个新问题,在这之前我们从未遇到过。韦氏高阶〔wring〕The Government has got to get a grip. Wringing its hands and saying it is a world problem just isn't good enough.政府必须采取切实行动,一味搓着手感叹说这是个全球性问题是远远不够的。柯林斯高阶He spoke very disparagingly of the firm's environmental policy which he described as ‘a disgrace’.他轻蔑地谈到公司的环境政策,说这是个“耻辱”。剑桥国际People say this is a selfish society, but frankly I've seen too much kindness, self-sacrifice and generosity to believe that.人们说这是个自私的社会,但是坦白地说,我看到过太多的仁慈、自我牺牲和慷慨,因而不会轻信这一观点。剑桥国际




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