

单词 说话者
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔aporia〕A figure of speech in which the speaker expresses or purports to be in doubt about a question.窘迫,困惑:修辞方法,说话者表示或表明对问题存有疑问美国传统〔bore〕The speaker was boring everybody.说话者令每个人生厌。21世纪英汉〔cast〕All eyes were cast upon the speaker.所有目光皆投注在说话者身上美国传统〔direct to〕He directed his remarks to the speaker.他的话是针对说话者说的。21世纪英汉〔hearer〕Communication of whatever sort involves not just a speaker but a hearer too.任何一种交流都不仅要有说话者,还要有听者。柯林斯高阶〔lip reading〕A technique for understanding unheard speech by interpreting the lip and facial movements of the speaker.唇读法:通过解释说话者嘴唇和面部的动作来理解听不了的话语的一种技巧美国传统〔nonstandard〕Linguistics Associated with a language variety used by uneducated speakers or socially disfavored groups.【语言学】 非标准语的:由未受教育的说话者或社会不赞成的群体用的与一种语言异体有关的美国传统〔problematic〕Rules of grammar are more problematic for non-native speakers.语法规则对非母语说话者来说更难掌握。韦氏高阶〔search〕Used by a speaker to indicate that he or she does not have an answer to a question just asked.我可不知道:说话者用来暗示(她或他)不能解答刚才被问的问题美国传统〔speaker〕One who speaks.说话者美国传统〔speaker〕Pay attention to the body language of the speaker.注意这位说话者的身体语言。朗文当代〔speaker〕Sometimes the listener takes over the talk and becomes the speaker.有时听话者会接过话头成了说话者。英汉大词典〔speaker〕The word “take” often indicates movement away from the speaker, while “bring” indicates movement toward the speaker.单词take常指从说话者处拿走,而bring则指带到说话者处。韦氏高阶〔status〕The relative status of the speakers affects what language is used.说话者的相对地位影响到使用哪种语言。牛津搭配Without a microphone, the speakers could not be heard by at least half the audience.没有麦克风,至少一半的听众听不清说话者的声音。剑桥国际




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