

单词 貌似
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔BETRAY〕He seems friendly, but he wouldn't hesitate to stab you in the back if he thought it would help him get your job. 他貌似和善,但却会毫不犹豫地在背后中伤你,只要他认为这样做能得到你的那份工作。朗文写作活用〔FRIGHTENED/FRIGHTENING〕The case is a chilling reminder of how ordinary, seemingly respectable citizens still have racist and deeply intolerant views. 这一案例提醒人们,有些普通的、貌似体面的市民是如何仍然持有种族主义的、极度偏狭的观念,真让人不寒而栗。朗文写作活用〔PICTURE〕The police showed me some mug shots, and I had to say if any of them looked like the man who attacked me. 警察给我看了一些犯人的脸部照片,要我指认貌似袭击我的人。朗文写作活用〔acute〕Simon's vague manner concealed an acute mind.西蒙貌似蒙昧,其实头脑很灵活。朗文当代〔amplify〕This landscape seemed to trap and amplify sounds.这种地貌似乎可以笼住并放大声音。外研社新世纪〔apparent〕His apparent lack of interest in her work always annoyed her.他对她的工作貌似漠然的态度总是让她很恼火。麦克米伦高阶〔apparent〕She has this apparent innocence which, I suspect, she uses to her advantage.她貌似天真,但我认为,这只是对她有利的伪装。剑桥高阶〔apparent〕There is at last an apparent end to the destructive price war.这场惨烈的价格战貌似终于结束了。柯林斯高阶〔appearance〕It is strong only in appearance but brittle inside.它仅仅貌似强大,实则脆弱。英汉大词典〔arbitrarily〕He is horrified by the apparent arbitrariness by which she sets the prices.她定价时貌似的随意性让他很惊讶。柯林斯高阶〔awfully〕I looked awful and felt quite shaky.我貌似生病了,觉得很虚弱。柯林斯高阶〔brave〕This action will cause problems, despite the bank's brave talk/words about carrying on as if nothing had happened.尽管银行貌似若无其事,大言不惭地说要坚持下去,这种行为还是会产生问题。剑桥高阶〔casuistry〕Specious or excessively subtle reasoning intended to rationalize or mislead.诡辩术:目的在于使人合理思考或误导人的貌似有理或过分精细的推导美国传统〔come true〕Their prediction seems to be coming true.他们的预言貌似要成真了。韦氏高阶〔deceptively〕The storyline is deceptively simple.故事情节貌似简单, 实则不然。外研社新世纪〔dormouse〕Any of various small, squirrellike Old World rodents of the family Gliridae.榛睡鼠:一种小型貌似松鼠的东半球啮齿目睡鼠科动物美国传统〔doubter〕Some doubters fear this news may not be as good as it appears.有些持怀疑态度的人担心, 这个消息貌似是个好消息, 实际上未必。外研社新世纪〔down-to-earth〕Their ideas seem to be far more down to earth and sensible.他们的想法貌似更务实也更合理。柯林斯高阶〔emollient〕The central character is a deceptively emollient senior figure in a Conservative Government.核心人物是保守党政府中一个貌似温和的高层。外研社新世纪〔emollient〕The central character is a deceptively emollient senior figure in a Conservative Government.核心人物是保守党政府内一个貌似仁和的高层人物。柯林斯高阶〔extravagantly〕Don't be afraid to consider apparently extravagant ideas.要勇于考虑一些貌似离谱的想法。柯林斯高阶〔fair〕Don't trust his fair promises.不要相信他貌似真实的许诺美国传统〔features〕His features seemed to change.他的相貌似乎变了。外研社新世纪〔feature〕His features seemed to change.他的容貌似乎有所改变。柯林斯高阶〔grouse〕Any of various plump, chickenlike game birds of the family Tetraonidae, chiefly of the Northern Hemisphere and having mottled brown or grayish plumage.松鸡:松鸡科的狩猎禽中的一种,身体肥胖,貌似家鸡,主要产于北半球,生有带斑点的褐色或灰色羽毛美国传统〔hot stuff〕His love letters were hot stuff, apparently.他的情书貌似写得很火辣。柯林斯高阶〔hush-hush〕Apparently there's a very hush-hush project under way up north.貌似这里往北的地方有个非常机密的项目正在进行。柯林斯高阶〔impregnable〕The Bundesbank's seemingly impregnable position has begun to weaken.德国中央银行貌似不可撼动的地位开始动摇了。外研社新世纪〔inconsequential〕Seemingly inconsequential details can sometimes contain significant clues.貌似无足轻重的细节有时可能隐含着重大的线索。柯林斯高阶〔innocuous〕Some mushrooms look innocuous but are in fact poisonous.有些蘑菇貌似无害,但实际上有毒。剑桥高阶〔invent〕I was trying to invent a plausible excuse.当时我在试着编一个貌似合理的借口。外研社新世纪〔irreconcilable〕His mitigated scepticism is supposed somehow to reconcile these apparent irreconcilables.他温和的怀疑态度应当能够以某种方式调和这些貌似不相容的思想。外研社新世纪〔ostensive〕Seeming or professed; ostensible.假装的:表面上的或自称的;貌似真实的美国传统〔outside〕On the outside she seems calm, but I know she's worried.她貌似镇定,但我知道她有心事。牛津高阶〔philander〕We shouldn't philander solemnly with that point of view. On the contrary,we should treat it seriously.我们不应该貌似认真地对待这一观点,相反,我们应该认真严肃地对待它。21世纪英汉〔phony〕Giving a false impression of truth or authenticity; specious.伪善的:给人以诚实或真诚的假象;貌似有理的美国传统〔pikeperch〕A fish, such as the walleye, that is related to the perch and resembles the pike.梭鲈鱼:一种与鲈有亲缘关系并貌似长矛的鱼,如大眼鲥鱼美国传统〔plausibility〕A more plausible explanation would seem to be that people are fed up with the Conservative government.貌似更加合理的解释似乎是,人们已经厌倦了保守党政府。柯林斯高阶〔point-blank〕The army apparently refused point blank to do what was required of them.军队貌似断然拒绝做他们分内的事情。柯林斯高阶〔seeming〕Apparent; ostensible.表面上的;貌似真实而其实未必的美国传统〔seeming〕I was fooled by the seeming simplicity of the instructions.我被貌似简单的说明给骗了。韦氏高阶〔seeming〕Whatever troubles arise, we'll have peace of mind amidst seeming chaos.无论出现什么样的麻烦,我们都会在貌似混乱的情形中保持平和的心态。柯林斯高阶〔semblance〕They had nursed Peter back to some semblance of health.在他们的照料下,彼得貌似恢复了健康。柯林斯高阶〔simplicity〕The apparent simplicity of his plot is deceptive.他的故事情节貌似简单,其实不然。柯林斯高阶〔sophistry〕A plausible but misleading or fallacious argument.谬论:貌似正确但实际误导或错误的论点美国传统〔sophistry〕Plausible but fallacious argumentation.诡辩,似是而非的推论:貌似合理但实际错误的辩论美国传统〔specious〕He justified his actions with specious reasoning.他用貌似正确的推理为自己的行为辩护。韦氏高阶〔superficial〕Beneath his refined manners and superficial elegance lay something treacherous.在他温文尔雅、貌似高贵的举止下隐藏着某种奸诈。朗文当代〔syllogism〕A subtle or specious piece of reasoning.诡辩,狡辩:巧妙的或貌似有理的推理美国传统〔verisimilar〕Appearing to be true or real; probable.逼真的,可能的:貌似正确的或真实的;可能的美国传统〔verisimilitude〕Verisimilitude is not proof.貌似真实不足为凭。英汉大词典〔worm lizard〕Any of various small, legless, burrowing lizards of the family Amphisbaenidae, resembling worms and found chiefly in tropical regions.蚓蜥:一种穴居无足小蜴蜥,属蚓蜥属,貌似蚯蚓,多见于热带地区美国传统Such a theory seems very plausible. 这一理论貌似十分有理。译典通




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