

单词 豪华
释义 ENGLISH PHRASES 英文词组〔COMFORTABLE/UNCOMFORTABLE〕a luxurious yacht 一艘豪华游艇朗文写作活用〔apartment〕four luxury apartments for sale四套待售的豪华公寓外研社新世纪〔ceremony〕the pomp and ceremony of a splendid celebration豪华庆典的隆重仪式外研社新世纪〔chauffeur〕a chauffeured limousine 有专职司机驾驶的豪华轿车牛津高阶〔classiness〕the hotel's classiness 宾馆的豪华气派韦氏高阶〔cruise〕a luxury cruise ship 豪华游轮牛津高阶〔de luxe〕traveling de luxe. 豪华旅行美国传统〔deluxe〕a deluxe hotel in Paris 巴黎的一家豪华酒店剑桥高阶〔development〕a luxury development of detached houses豪华独立式住宅开发区外研社新世纪〔expensive〕expensive stores.See Synonyms at costly 豪华商场 参见 costly美国传统〔extravagant〕an extravagant display 豪华的展示韦氏高阶〔fancy〕a fancy restaurant 豪华餐厅剑桥高阶〔flash〕a flash uptown restaurant. 城郊富人区的豪华饭店柯林斯高阶〔flash〕a flash uptown restaurant市郊一家豪华餐馆外研社新世纪〔gracious〕a gracious manor house 豪华的庄园大宅朗文当代〔home〕luxury/starter homes 豪华住宅/作为过渡房而买的第一所小房子剑桥高阶〔kale〕a ritzy neighborhood where everybody has the kale 人人有钞票的豪华居住区英汉大词典〔kingly〕a kingly feast 豪华盛宴朗文当代〔layout〕a fancy layout with a swimming pool 附有游泳池的豪华大宅英汉大词典〔liner〕luxury ocean liners. 豪华远洋客轮柯林斯高阶〔lushness〕a mirrored bathroom done in soft pink tiles with a lush, plush carpet. 铺粉色瓷砖和豪华地毯、装有镜子的卫生间柯林斯高阶〔lush〕lush restaurants in Paris 巴黎的豪华餐馆文馨英汉〔luxurious〕a luxurious suite of rooms 一套豪华舒适的房间英汉大词典〔luxury〕a luxury condominium; luxury accommodations. 一套豪华的公寓套间;奢华的招待设备美国传统〔luxury〕a weekend in the luxury of one of New York's premier hotels 在纽约最好的一家旅馆度过的豪华周末麦克米伦高阶〔opulent〕opulent new homes 豪华的新房子韦氏高阶〔opulent〕the size and opulence of the rooms 这些房间的宽敞和豪华朗文当代〔ostentatious〕a magnificent and ostentatious palace 宏伟豪华的宫殿英汉大词典〔out-of-town〕a deluxe hotel for out-of-town visitors. 供外地来客下榻的豪华旅馆柯林斯高阶〔plush〕a plush hotel 豪华的旅馆牛津高阶〔plush〕a plush hotel 一家豪华酒店朗文当代〔posh〕a posh car 豪华的汽车文馨英汉〔regal〕live in regal splendour 过着帝王般豪华的生活英汉大词典〔regal〕the regal splendour of the palace 帝王宫殿之豪华气派牛津高阶〔seat〕plush leather seats 豪华皮面座椅牛津搭配〔sleeky〕comparative sleekier, superlative sleekiest时髦豪华的;新潮阔气的外研社新世纪〔swanky〕eating meals at swanky hotels 在豪华酒店吃饭朗文当代〔unseen〕a spectacular ballroom, unseen by the public for over 30 years公众三十多年来未曾见过的豪华舞厅外研社新世纪〔yacht〕a luxury yacht 豪华游艇剑桥高阶fancy restaurants with fancy prices 价格昂贵的豪华餐厅牛津商务




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