

单词 连篇
释义 ENGLISH PHRASES 英文词组〔acre〕acres of good advice 连篇的忠告英汉大词典〔blithering〕pages and pages of blithering nonsense 连篇的蠢话韦氏高阶〔bog〕stop bogging oneself with hogwash 不再沉溺于连篇废话英汉大词典〔caterwauling〕a lot of caterwauling about overwork 对超负荷工作的连篇牢骚英汉大词典〔claptrap〕a speech full of claptrap 花言巧语连篇的演说英汉大词典〔crafty〕a crafty, lying character who enjoys plotting against others一个狡猾奸诈、谎话连篇而且喜欢算计别人的家伙外研社新世纪〔edifice〕an edifice of lies 谎话连篇牛津高阶〔hefty〕a hefty dose of irony 讽刺连篇韦氏高阶〔impacted〕the ponderous impacted irony that marred many of sb.'s earlier books 使某人许多早期作品逊色的连篇累牍的挖苦话英汉大词典〔kibitz〕incessant philosophical kibitzing 有关哲学的连篇废话朗文当代〔kibitz〕the usual crowd of kibitzers 那一帮平时废话连篇的人朗文当代〔saturation〕television's saturation coverage of the Olympics 电视对奥运会连篇累牍的报道牛津搭配〔windy〕a windy speaker 空话连篇的演讲者英汉大词典〔windy〕a windy speaker. 空话连篇的演讲者美国传统




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