

单词 轮唱
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔introit〕Roman Catholic Church The beginning of the Mass, usually consisting of a psalm verse, an antiphon, and the Gloria Patri.【罗马天主教】 应答轮唱圣诗:弥撒的开端,通常由赞美诗篇、轮流应答吟唱的颂歌以及《荣耀颂》组成美国传统〔round〕Music A composition for two or more voices in which each voice enters at a different time with the same melody.【音乐】 轮唱歌:每个声音在不同的时间以同一曲调加入的复调声作品美国传统〔troll〕Music A vocal composition in successive parts; a round.【音乐】 轮唱曲:由连续的部分构成的声乐曲,轮唱曲美国传统〔troll〕To sing in succession the parts of (a round, for example).轮唱:连续地唱(如轮曲)的各部分美国传统To the surprise and chagrin of the employer, the workers engaged in trolling with much gaiety. 让雇主大为吃惊懊恼的是,工人们居然很快乐地轮唱起来。译典通




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