

单词 蹂躏
释义 ENGLISH PHRASES 英文词组〔afflict〕a country afflicted by civil war 饱受内战蹂躏的国家剑桥高阶〔depopulate〕populārī [to ravage] from populus [people, throng] populārī [破坏,蹂躏] 源自 populus [人民,群众] 美国传统〔depredation〕the depredations of ageing岁月的蹂躏外研社新世纪〔desolate〕the desolate cities of war-torn Europe. 欧洲经过战争蹂躏的无法居住的城市美国传统〔desolation〕the desolation of a country by an invading army 入侵军对一个国家的蹂躏英汉大词典〔grinding〕a country devastated by civil war and grinding poverty 一个饱受内战和极度贫困蹂躏的国家朗文当代〔havoc〕do [cause, create, raise, work] havoc 破坏,蹂躏文馨英汉〔malignant〕a community overrun by a malignant minority indulging in crime and violence被肆无忌惮从事犯罪和暴力活动的一小撮坏人蹂躏的社区外研社新世纪〔rape〕a rape of justice 对正义的蹂躏 英汉大词典〔ravage〕the ravaged people/city/land 遭受蹂躏的人民/城市/土地韦氏高阶〔scourge〕the numerous wars that have scourged Europe 蹂躏欧洲的无数次战争英汉大词典〔take〕take a town apart 蹂躏城镇英汉大词典〔tread〕be trod to death 被蹂躏致死英汉大词典〔war-torn〕the problems created by the massive flows of refugees from this war-torn region来自这一遭受战争蹂躏地区的大批难民引发的问题外研社新世纪




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