

单词 踩下
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔STOP〕I slammed on the brakes, skidding to a stop. 我猛力踩下刹车,汽车滑着停了下来。朗文写作活用〔abruptly〕I had to apply the brakes rather abruptly at a red light.红灯亮了, 我不得不猛然踩下刹车。外研社新世纪〔accelerate〕She stepped on the gas and accelerated the car.她踩下油门让车加速行驶。韦氏高阶〔accelerate〕She stepped on the gas and the car accelerated.她踩下油门,车速加快了。韦氏高阶〔accelerator〕He panicked, hitting the accelerator instead of the brake.他惊慌失措, 踩下了油门而不是刹车。外研社新世纪〔churn〕I pressed the gas pedal, and slowly the wheels began to churn.我踩下油门踏板,车轮就开始慢慢转动了起来。朗文当代〔clutch〕Push the clutch in, put the car into gear, rev the engine, and then gently let the clutch out.踩下离合器,挂上挡,踩油门,然后慢慢松开离合器。剑桥高阶〔depress〕Slowly depress the accelerator/brake pedal.慢慢踩下油门/制动踏板。剑桥高阶〔depress〕Slowly depress the car's brake pedal.慢慢地踩下汽车的刹车踏板。韦氏高阶〔engage〕He engaged the clutch and drove away.他踩下离合器,开车走了。韦氏高阶〔engage〕She engaged the clutch and the car moved.她踩下离合器,汽车便开动了。朗文当代〔engage〕You must engage the clutch in order to change gear.你要踩下离合器才能换挡。外研社新世纪〔gas〕We stepped on the gas (=pushed down the gas pedal and made the car go faster) and sped away.我们踩下油门快速开走。朗文当代〔jam〕He jammed his foot on the accelerator and the car sped off.他使劲踩下油门,汽车飞驰而去。朗文当代〔kick-start〕He lifted the bike off its stand and kick-started it.他收起摩托车的脚架, 踩下启动杆骑走了。外研社新世纪〔lurch〕Sam hit the gas and the car lurched forward.萨姆踩下油门,汽车猛地向前冲去。朗文当代〔pedal〕She put her foot down on the accelerator pedal.她踩下了油门踏板。朗文当代〔pound out〕He stamped down hard on the bass pedal, pounding out a steady chugging rhythm.他使劲踩下低音踏板, 用力弹奏出一阵轧轧突的节奏。外研社新世纪〔press〕He pressed down on the accelerator of the car.他踩下汽车的加速器。文馨英汉〔press〕She pressed down hard on the gas pedal.她用力踩下油门踏板。牛津高阶〔press〕She pressed the gas pedal and the car leapt forwards.她踩下油门,汽车向前冲了出去。朗文当代〔put〕You can put your foot down when you get on the highway.上了公路你就可以踩下油门加速了。英汉大词典〔ram〕I rammed my foot down on the brake.我猛力踩下刹车。朗文当代〔re-engage〕He re-engaged the clutch.他再次踩下离合器。外研社新世纪〔roar〕She pressed on the accelerator,roaring the engine.她踩下油门踏板,使引擎隆隆作响。21世纪英汉〔roar〕She put her foot down and the car roared away.她踩下油门,车子呼啸而去。牛津高阶〔skid〕He slammed on the brakes and we went into a long skid (=started to skid) .他猛力踩下刹车,我们的车子开始打滑。朗文当代〔slam〕He slammed the brakes on (= used them quickly and with force) when a child ran in front of his car.一个孩子在他车前跑过,他猛地踩下刹车。剑桥高阶〔stamp〕His foot stamped down on the accelerator.他一脚踩下油门。柯林斯高阶〔step〕He suddenly stepped on the brake and the car stopped at once.他突然间踩下了制动踏板,车子一下子就停了下来。21世纪英汉〔throttle〕When you press a car's accelerator, it opens the throttle, and the car goes faster.踩下车的加速器,油门就会开启,车就会加速。韦氏高阶〔time lag〕There's a time lag between when you see a stop sign and when your foot steps on the brake.从你看见停车标识到你踩下刹车之间有时间滞差。韦氏高阶〔turn〕Turn a special key, press the brake pedal, and your car's brakes lock.转动一把特制的钥匙,踩下刹车踏板,这样你的汽车刹车就锁住了。柯林斯高阶〔warning〕Before he could give a warning , he slammed on the brakes.他还没来得及发出警告,就一脚踩下刹车。朗文当代He pushed hard on the brake pedal to avoid a collision. 他使劲踩下煞车踏板以避免撞车。译典通She jammed on the brakes when the lights turned red.当交通灯变为红灯时她突然踩下刹车。剑桥国际Slowly depress the accelerator pedal/brake pedal.慢慢踩下加速踏板/刹车踏板。剑桥国际




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