

单词 说者
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔Hyde Park〕A large public park in west-central London, England, famous for its soapbox orators.海德公园:伦敦中西部的一个大公园,以其中众多的自由演说者而闻名美国传统〔IMPRESS〕As a speaker he would dazzle listeners with his brilliant wordplay and witty remarks. 作为演说者他妙语连珠,语带双关,使听众钦佩不已。朗文写作活用〔SHOUT〕The speaker was cheered loudly when he called for a total ban on nuclear weapons. 演说者呼吁全面禁止核武器,听众向他大声欢呼。朗文写作活用〔closely〕He listened closely to the speaker.他细心聆听演说者的话。文馨英汉〔discompose〕The speaker was not discomposed by the jeers of the crowd.演说者并没有因为听众喝倒彩而心慌意乱。英汉大词典〔discord〕The speaker's opinion discords with the principles of this society.演说者的见解和本协会的原则不符。英汉大词典〔dramatize〕The speaker dramatized his adventures with many actions and gestures.演说者用许多动作和手势生动描述种种历险遭际。英汉大词典〔echo round〕The sonorous voice of the speaker echoed round the hall.演说者洪亮的声音在大厅内回荡。21世纪英汉〔echo〕The shout echoed off the wall. The speaker's words echoed in her mind.咆哮声被墙壁回响过来;演说者的话在她的脑海中回荡着美国传统〔edge up to〕After the lecture Jack edged up to the speaker and asked him for his autograph.演讲过后,杰克从人群中迂回挤到演说者跟前,请他亲笔签名。21世纪英汉〔effect〕Here the speaker paused for effect.演说者讲到这儿停顿了一下,以加强效果。英汉大词典〔expound to〕The speaker expounded his views to the public.演说者向公众详细阐明他的观点。21世纪英汉〔gesticulate〕The speaker gesticulated by raising his arms, pounding the desk, and stamping his foot.演说者举臂,捶桌,顿足以表达他的意思。21世纪英汉〔guest〕A visiting performer, speaker, or contestant, as on a radio or television program.客串演员:在电台或电视节目中被邀请的临时演员、演说者或参赛者美国传统〔hardly〕I could hardly hear the speaker.我几乎听不到演说者的声音美国传统〔heckle〕A few angry locals started heckling (the speaker).一些愤怒的当地人开始(对演说者)起哄。剑桥高阶〔hold〕The speaker was holding forth on the collapse of modern society.演说者正在就现代社会的解体大发议论。朗文当代〔howl〕The speaker was howled down by his audience.演说者被听众轰下了台。英汉大词典〔intrude〕The speaker intruded a thin smile into his seriousness.演说者在一本正经的演说中微微一笑。英汉大词典〔keynoter〕One who gives a keynote address.作主要发言的人:作基调演说者美国传统〔lash〕The speaker lashed at (或 into) the government for its inaction.演说者对政府的不采取行动进行猛烈抨击。英汉大词典〔lobbyist〕Lobbyists for the tobacco industry have expressed concerns about the restriction of smoking in public places.烟草业的游说者们对在公共场所限制吸烟表示关切。剑桥高阶〔orator〕One who delivers an oration.演说者:发表演讲的人美国传统〔pause for〕The speaker paused for breath.演说者停下来喘一口气。21世纪英汉〔podium〕A stand for holding the notes of a public speaker; a lectern.讲台:供演说者放笔记的台子;讲台美国传统〔podium〕An elevated platform, as for an orchestra conductor or a public speaker.讲坛;乐队指挥台:一个架高的平台,如为了乐队指挥或演说者使用的美国传统〔practiced〕He is practiced in the art of design. She is a practiced lecturer.他精于设计艺术。她是个老练的演说者美国传统〔pull〕The lobbyist has pull with the senator.游说者对参议员有影响力美国传统〔rhetor〕An orator.演说者美国传统〔shout〕The crowd shouted down the unpopular speaker.人群大声叫喊着把那不受欢迎的演说者哄下了台。英汉大词典〔speaker〕One who delivers a public speech.演说者:作公共演讲的人美国传统〔spellbinder〕One that holds others spellbound, especially an enthralling speaker or a particularly interesting book.引人入胜的小说:能迷住别人的东西,尤指能吸引听众的演说者或特别有趣的书美国传统〔string together〕The speaker strung together a series of jokes.演说者讲了一连串的笑话。外研社新世纪〔string together〕The speaker strung together a series of jokes.演说者讲了一连串的笑话。柯林斯高阶〔transfuse〕The speaker transfused his enthusiasm into the crowd.演说者用自己的热情感染群众。英汉大词典〔tune〕All the students tuned out when the speaker began on a long list of uninteresting facts.演说者开始念一长串枯燥无味的资料,这时,所有学生都思想开了小差。英汉大词典〔vocalize〕The speaker vocalized the feeling of the entire group.演说者讲出了全体的心声。英汉大词典〔whip〕He was a speaker who could really whip up a crowd.他是个真正有感召力的演说者。牛津高阶〔whip〕The orator whipped the crowd up to a state of frenzy.演说者把人群的情绪鼓动到如痴如狂的地步。英汉大词典〔wit〕The speaker is known as a wit.演说者是个著名的巧嘴。英汉大词典He was renowned for being a verbose and rather tedious after-dinner speaker.他以一个嗦而且十分乏味的饭后演说者而闻名。剑桥国际He's a rather dull public speaker.他是个非常枯燥的演说者。剑桥国际The speaker captivated the audience. 演说者深深地打动了他的听众。译典通The speakers stressed they had no magic solution for the refugees’plight.演说者强调没有迅速解决难民困境的妙方。剑桥国际We find that people in rural areas often respond better to personal calls from party canvassers than to a sustained media campaign.我们发现农村地区的人们对政党游说者个人去电话的反应要比对持续的媒介宣传攻势的反应好。剑桥国际




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