

单词 超文本
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔HTML〕A markup language used to structure text and multimedia documents and to set up hypertext links between documents, used extensively on the World Wide Web.超文本链接标识语言:用以建构文章及多媒体文件并建立文件与文件间的超内文连结所使用的上升语言,普遍用于万维网美国传统〔HTML〕Do you know HTML? 你知道超文本标记语言吗?韦氏高阶〔HTML〕HTML documents 超文本标示语言文件朗文当代〔HTTP〕A protocol used to request and transmit files, especially webpages and webpage components, over the Internet or other computer network.超文本传输通讯协议:透过因特网或其它计算机网络用以取得并传输文件的通讯协议,尤其是网页及网页组件的文件美国传统〔essentials〕You need to learn the essentials of HTML.你要学会超文本标记语言的要点。牛津搭配〔hyperlink〕To follow a hypertext link to an electronic document or file.超级链接文件:将一份电子文档或文件置于超文本链接之后美国传统〔hyperlink〕To make a hypertext link in (an electronic document or file).超级链接:将超文本链接到(一份电子文档或文件)美国传统〔hypertext〕A computer-based text retrieval system that enables the user to provide access to or gain information related to a particular text.超文本:一种计算机文本检索系统,此系统能令使用者存取或获得某一特定文本的相关信息美国传统〔hypertext〕The Web is based on hypertext links that allow people to easily move from document to document.网络是基于超文本链接的,这可以使人们方便地从一个文档跳转到另一个文档。剑桥高阶〔inbox〕We'll deliver fully formatted HTML pages right to your inbox.我们将会把完全格式化的超文本网页直接发送到你的收件箱。麦克米伦高阶〔link〕Certainly, Andreessen didn't think up using hypertext to link Internet documents.当然,用超文本链接因特网文档并不是安德烈亚森发明的。柯林斯高阶〔mark-up〕HyperText mark-up 超文本标记麦克米伦高阶〔markup language〕A coding system, such as HTML and SGML, used to structure, index, and link text files.标记语言:用于架构、建索引和链接文本文件的编码系统,如超文本标识语言(HTML)和标准通用标记语言(SGML)美国传统HTML ( hypertext markup language ) is the primary code used for web pages.超文本标记语言是用于网页的基本代码。牛津商务Web pages are written in HTML.网页都是用超文本标记语言编写的。牛津商务




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