

单词 随意的
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔-lined〕The garden has an informal feel to soften the architectural lines of the conservatory.花园有一种随意的风格,从而使温室的建筑轮廓显得柔和了。柯林斯高阶〔PREJUDICED〕The lives of many young gay people are ruined by unthinking and widespread homophobia in society. 许多年轻同性恋者的一生被社会中广泛存在的对同性恋者随意的憎恨毁了。朗文写作活用〔ad libitum〕At the discretion of the performer. Used chiefly as a direction giving license to alter or omit a part.任意的,随意的,即兴的:由演出者斟酌决定的。主要用于允许更改或删除部分演唱、演奏的指示美国传统〔arbitrary〕The selection of the 100 participants was completely arbitrary.对100个参加者的选择完全是随意的。麦克米伦高阶〔arch〕Their casual behaviour just looks arch or patronizing.他们那种随意的做派给人的印象就是高高在上, 或者说是屈尊俯就。外研社新世纪〔awake〕Young people need to awake to the risks involved in casual sex.年轻人应该意识到,随意的性关系会带来很多危险。剑桥高阶〔breeding ground〕The company's casual atmosphere serves as a breeding ground for innovation.公司轻松随意的氛围是创新的温床。韦氏高阶〔careless〕He made a careless remark (= one made without thinking) about her appearance that really upset her.他对她外貌的一句随意的评价让她很不快。剑桥高阶〔casual〕Some of them displayed a rather casual approach.他们当中有些人表现出相当随意的态度。外研社新世纪〔casual〕There was something a little too carefully casual in his tone.他的语气里有一点儿故作随意的味道。牛津搭配〔chanceful〕Archaic Casual.【古语】 随意的美国传统〔chancy〕Random; haphazard.随意的;偶发的美国传统〔death warrant〕By indulging in casual sex, many teenagers could be signing their own death warrants .许多青少年沉迷于随意的性关系,这等于在自寻死路。朗文当代〔discussion〕After the lecture there will be an opportunity for informal discussion.讲座之后还有机会进行随意的讨论。牛津搭配〔ease〕At ease, Sergeant. This is completely informal.稍息,中士。这完全是很随意的。柯林斯高阶〔encounter〕Risk of exposure to HIV increases with each casual encounter.每发生一次随意的性行为,感染艾滋病病毒的危险就增加一些。麦克米伦高阶〔evident〕It became evident that this was not a casual visit.很明显这不是一次随意的拜访。外研社新世纪〔fashionable〕She has long fair hair and wears casually fashionable clothes.她有一头浅色长发, 穿着休闲随意的时装。外研社新世纪〔folksy〕The town had a certain folksy charm.这个镇子上有一种朴实随意的感觉。朗文当代〔helter-skelter〕Haphazard.随意的美国传统〔hiragana〕A cursive kana used for polite, informal, or casual writing.平假名:一种草体的假名,用于礼貌的,非正式的或随意的书写中美国传统〔hit-or-miss〕Marked by a lack of care, accuracy, or organization; random.漫无目的的:缺乏谨慎、精确或组织性的;随意的美国传统〔informality〕Eleanor enjoyed the relative informality of island life.埃莉诺喜欢岛上相对轻松随意的生活。柯林斯高阶〔informality〕The house has an informal atmosphere.房间里有一种轻松随意的氛围。柯林斯高阶〔informally〕She was informally dressed in blue jeans.她穿了一条很随意的蓝色牛仔裤。韦氏高阶〔interaction〕Informal interaction among employees is seen as part of the ongoing training process.员工之间随意的交流被视为当前培训过程的一部分。牛津搭配〔levity〕At the time, Arnold had disapproved of such levity.当时阿诺德已经表示反对如此随意的行为。外研社新世纪〔much〕She wore an expensive suit and diamonds, which was a bit much for such a casual restaurant.她身穿昂贵的外套,戴着钻石首饰,在这样随意的餐馆显得过分了。剑桥高阶〔negligently〕She stood in the doorway, one hand above her head in a negligent pose.她站在门口,一只手放在头上,很随意的样子。柯林斯高阶〔negligent〕She stood in the doorway, one hand above her head in a negligent pose.她站在门口, 一只手举到头上, 一副很随意的样子。外研社新世纪〔optional〕Left to choice; not compulsory or automatic.任选的;非强制的或随意的美国传统〔overdress〕He overdressed for such a casual party.对于这种随意的聚会他穿得太过正式了。韦氏高阶〔passing〕It was just a passing comment, he didn't go on about it.那只是一句随意的评论, 他没有继续谈这一点。外研社新世纪〔permissive〕Permitting discretion; optional.允许自行处理的;随意的美国传统〔plink〕To shoot casually at random targets.漫无目地射击:朝随意的目标胡乱地射击美国传统〔promenade〕A leisurely walk, especially one taken in a public place as a social activity.散步:随意的步行,尤指作为社交活动在公共场合的散步美国传统〔promenade〕To go on a leisurely walk.散步:进行一次随意的步行美国传统〔promiscuous〕Casual; random.随意的;随便的美国传统〔quality control〕A system for ensuring the maintenance of proper standards in manufactured goods, especially by periodic random inspection of the product.质量控制:一种用来确保生产出的产品保持合乎规定水平的系统,尤指通过定期对产品进行随意的检查美国传统〔rock〕He has an easygoing managerial style and won't rock the boat unless absolutely necessary.他有一套很随意的经营作风,除非极有必要否则不会改变自己一惯的做法美国传统〔strike〕Small random things struck her eye.一些随意的小事引起了她的注意。外研社新世纪〔table talk〕Casual mealtime conversation.闲谈:用餐时随意的交谈美国传统〔thumb〕Thumbing a lift had once a carefree, easy-going image.伸手搭便车曾经给人以轻松随意的形象。柯林斯高阶〔tokenism〕The policy of making only a perfunctory effort or symbolic gesture toward the accomplishment of a goal, such as racial integration.表面文章:一种只对一个要完成的目标、如种族融合而作一些随意的努力或象征性的姿态的策略美国传统〔unprecedentedly〕This is an unprecedentedly informal approach by Soviet standards.按苏联的标准, 这是一种无比轻松随意的方式。外研社新世纪〔untutored〕To my untutored eye that just looks like a load of random brush strokes, and yet it's a very valuable painting.在我这个外行人眼里,那只是一堆随意的涂鸦,但它实际上却是很有价值的作品。剑桥高阶Casual conversation tends to be filled with repetition. 随意的交谈中常常有许多重复的话。译典通He has a very offhand approach to office management.对办公室的管理他采取一种很随意的态度。剑桥国际I didn't intend to be taken so seriously, it was just an off-the-cuff suggestion.我不想引起如此重视,这只不过是个随意的建议。剑桥国际I don't trust that easy (= relaxed) charm of his.我不信任他那种从容随意的举止风度。剑桥国际Interesting and useful bits of information are often heard in informal conversation.在随意的交谈当中,经常可以听到点点滴滴有趣而且实用的信息。剑桥国际This is the latest in a sequence of seemingly random crimes/attacks/killings.这是一连串看似随意的犯罪/攻击/谋杀中的最新一个案子。剑桥国际You see, to my untutored eye that just looks like a load of random brush strokes and yet it's a very valuable painting.你知道, 在我无知的眼里那看上去只像是一堆随意的涂抹, 但它却是很有价值的画作。剑桥国际




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