

单词 较小的
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔CONFIDENT/NOT CONFIDENT〕Jenny was younger than her sister but seemed much more sure of herself. 珍妮是两姐妹中较小的一个,但是却自信得多。朗文写作活用〔ENVIRONMENT〕Car manufacturers worldwide are working to develop environmentally cleaner vehicles. 全球的汽车制造商正在努力研制对环境污染较小的汽车。朗文写作活用〔LIQUID〕It's best to pour your yoghurt into small containers before it sets. 最好在酸奶凝固之前倒在较小的容器里。朗文写作活用〔MORE〕The new computer is as good as the old one, with the added advantage of being smaller. 新的电脑和旧的一样好,另外还具有体积较小的优点。朗文写作活用〔MOTHER〕The older girls seemed to feel quite maternal towards the younger ones. 年长些的女孩对年龄较小的孩子非常呵护,像母亲似的。朗文写作活用〔NOTICE/NOT NOTICE〕Psychologists observed that the mice became more aggressive when they were put in smaller cages. 心理学家观察到,老鼠关在较小的笼子里时变得更具攻击性。朗文写作活用〔Tucana〕A constellation in the polar region of the Southern Hemisphere near Indus and Hydrus, containing the smaller Magellanic Clouds.杜鹃星座:南半球极地地区的一个星座,靠近印第安座和水蛇星座,包含较小的麦哲伦云美国传统〔YOUNG〕At school, the younger children go home an hour before the rest. 在学校里,年纪较小的孩子比其他孩子早一小时回家。朗文写作活用〔advantage〕She has the advantage of being the younger player.她具有在选手中年龄较小的优势。外研社新世纪〔against〕The regulations tend to work against smaller companies.法规往往对较小的公司不利。朗文当代〔aggregate〕The smaller minorities got an aggregate of 1,327 votes.较小的少数党总共获得 1327 张选票。朗文当代〔airtime〕The smaller political parties are campaigning to be allowed free airtime before general elections.规模较小的政党正竭力争取大选之前免费在广播电视上宣传其政见的时间。剑桥高阶〔archaic〕Many smaller radio stations broadcast on archaic equipment.许多较小的电台使用过时的设备播音。朗文当代〔band〕Interest rates stayed within a relatively narrow band.利率在一个相对较小的范围内波动。朗文当代〔between〕Put the two smaller vases on the ends and the big one in between.把两个较小的花瓶放在两端,大花瓶放在中间。麦克米伦高阶〔boat〕A relatively small, usually open craft of a size that might be carried aboard a ship.无篷小船:相对较小的敞篷船,尺寸较小,以至可用轮船装载美国传统〔brushfire〕A relatively minor crisis.相对较小的危机美国传统〔cell〕A small religious house dependent on a larger one, such as a priory within an abbey.附属修道院:依附于一个较大房子的较小的宗教性房子,比如修道院内的小修道院美国传统〔co-opt〕These industry-wide gatherings are used by the major companies to co-opt their smaller competitors.这些业界的聚会被大公司用来拉拢他们较小的竞争对手。麦克米伦高阶〔come on to〕We're now looking at a smaller system but I'll come on to that later.我们现在看的是较小的系统,但是稍后我会谈到那个问题。柯林斯高阶〔compactor〕An apparatus that compresses refuse into relatively small packs for handy disposal.压实机,压缩机:代替手工处理将废物压缩成比较小的包的设备美国传统〔crack〕Inside the reactor the large molecules are cracked into smaller molecules.在反应堆内部大的分子被裂解为较小的分子。21世纪英汉〔cue〕An extract from the music for another part printed, usually in smaller notes, within a performer's part as a signal to enter after a long rest.提示小节:在乐谱中为另一声部作准备的选段,通常用较小的字体印刷,在演奏部分之内,作为在长时间休息后另一声部进入的信号美国传统〔depth〕The smaller lake ranges from five to fourteen feet in depth.这个较小的湖深度在5至14英尺之间。外研社新世纪〔directive〕The team leader will have a less directive role.这名队长将起较小的指导作用。朗文当代〔disaster〕The new regulations could be a disaster for smaller businesses.新规章对较小的企业可能是个灾祸。韦氏高阶〔disfavor〕The current laws favor large businesses and disfavor smaller businesses.现行法律对大企业有利,对较小的企业不利。韦氏高阶〔disproportionate〕The country's great influence in the world is disproportionate to its relatively small size.该国在世界上的巨大影响力与其相对较小的面积有些不成比例。剑桥高阶〔dissolve〕The company was dissolved into smaller units.那家公司分裂为几家较小的单位。英汉大词典〔divide up〕The Trust needs a new law to divide it up into smaller bodies.信托公司需要新法律将其分成较小的分支。外研社新世纪〔duopoly〕Their smaller rival is battling to end their duopoly.规模较小的竞争对手正拼尽全力结束他们两强垄断的局面。外研社新世纪〔freeze ... out〕The competition became so keen that many of smaller companies were frozen out.竞争是如此激烈,许多较小的公司被排挤了出来。21世纪英汉〔gang〕The smaller shopkeepers ganged together to beat off competition from the supermarkets.一些规模较小的店家联合起来对抗超级市场的竞争。朗文当代〔gold mine〕The programme was a gold mine for small production companies.这一方案能为产量较小的公司带来滚滚财源。柯林斯高阶〔golden bantam〕A variety of corn having large, bright-yellow kernels on a relatively small ear.甜玉米:一种能在相对较小的穗上结出大的、亮黄色玉米粒的玉米美国传统〔good〕We moved to a smaller house in a good area.我们搬到高级社区一幢较小的房子里。麦克米伦高阶〔harm〕The younger children were kept out of harm's way.年龄较小的孩子已经安排在安全的地方。牛津搭配〔helpful〕The level of expertise and helpfulness is far higher in smaller shops.规模较小的商店专业得多,对顾客也体贴得多。柯林斯高阶〔house〕She has moved to a smaller house.她搬进了一所较小的房子。外研社新世纪〔impotent〕The smaller nations feel politically impotent on the world stage.较小的国家觉得在世界政治舞台上无能为力。麦克米伦高阶〔keep〕The younger boys were not able to keep up in the race.年龄较小的男孩在比赛中跟不上。英汉大词典〔knitter〕Pattern charts with small print are often difficult for older knitters to use.图案较小的针织花样印制图册对年纪较大的编织者来说往往很难使用。外研社新世纪〔label〕They signed to one of the smaller independent labels.他们和其中一家较小的独立唱片公司签了约。麦克米伦高阶〔league〕Smaller manufacturing firms are being squeezed both by big league competition and by low-cost imports.较小的制造商正受到大企业团体竞争和廉价进口货的双重压挤。英汉大词典〔leap〕The smaller animals can easily leap from tree to tree.身体较小的动物可以在树丛间轻巧地跳来跳去。朗文当代〔leg-of-mutton〕Resembling a leg of mutton in shape; tapering sharply from one large end to a point or smaller end, as a sleeve or sail.羊腿形的,一头宽一头窄的:在形状上与羊腿相似的;由粗大的一端向另一点或较小的一端突然变细的,如衣袖或船帆美国传统〔let〕They decided to let out the smaller offices at low rents.他们决定以低租金把那些较小的办公室租出去。牛津高阶〔merger〕Law The absorption of a lesser estate, liability, right, action, or offense into a greater one.【法律】 吸收合并:将一较小的地产、债务、权力、行为或违法行为并入一更大的美国传统〔microgamete〕The smaller of a pair of conjugating gametes, usually the male, in an organism that reproduces by heterogamy.小配子:一对并合配子中较小的一个,通常是由异配产生的有机物中的雄性美国传统〔microspore〕The smaller of two types of spores that give rise to a male gametophyte.小孢子:两种孢子中较小的一种,其产生一雄性配子体美国传统〔minor〕Chiefly British Relating to or being the junior or younger of two pupils with the same surname.【多用于英国】 较年少的:指同姓的两个学生中年级较低或年龄较小的或与之有关的美国传统〔minor〕Lesser or smaller in amount, extent, or size.较小的,较少的:在数量、规模或尺寸上较少或较小的美国传统〔monitor〕Our son was made the milk monitor for the younger children.我们儿子被安排监督年纪较小的孩子喝牛奶。外研社新世纪〔of〕She is the older/younger of my two sisters.她是我两个姐妹中年纪较大/较小的一个。韦氏高阶〔pickings〕The strike affecting the country's largest airline is producing easy pickings for smaller companies.罢工给全国最大航空公司带来的影响使得较小的航空公司轻易捡到便宜。牛津高阶〔pintsize〕Of small dimensions; diminutive.小型的;较小的美国传统〔plc〕Smaller plcs are worried about the effect of the new legislation.较小的公共有限公司都在为新法律所带来的影响感到忧心忡忡。麦克米伦高阶〔probability〕The probability is that smaller businesses will not have to pay the tax.较小的企业可能毋需缴这种税。朗文当代〔ride〕The smaller boat was lighter and rode higher in the water.那条较小的船比较轻,在水上浮得也较高。朗文当代〔serious〕The new tax regulations have landed some of the smaller companies in serious trouble.新的纳税规定使一些较小的公司陷入了严重的困境。剑桥高阶〔shunt〕Smith was shunted off to one of the company's smaller offices.史密斯被调到公司属下一个较小的办事处。朗文当代〔shut down〕Smaller contractors had been forced to shut down.规模较小的承包商已被迫歇业。柯林斯高阶〔simplify〕He tried to simplify the story for the younger audience.在讲给年龄较小的听众听时,他尽可能地简化这个故事。剑桥高阶〔slackness〕As major airlines give up less-traveled routes, smaller planes are picking up the slack.由于大型航空公司放弃了乘客较少的路线,一些较小的飞机正在加紧补位。柯林斯高阶〔small〕I'd rather work in a smaller company.我宁愿在较小的公司工作。麦克米伦高阶〔small〕She moved to a smaller town.她搬到了一个较小的镇子。韦氏高阶〔snap〕Ken snapped off the smaller branches.肯喀嚓一声折断了那些较小的树枝。麦克米伦高阶〔soft drug〕A drug that is believed to be nonaddictive and less damaging to the health than a hard drug.软毒品:和硬毒品相比不会上瘾和健康损害较小的毒品美国传统〔softball〕A variation of baseball played on a smaller diamond with a larger, softer ball that is pitched underhand.垒球:棒球的一种变体,在一个较小的棒球场上进行比赛,球更大、更软,用低手投球美国传统〔stipule〕One of the usually small, paired appendages at the base of a leafstalk in certain plants, such as roses and beans.托叶:一些植物叶柄基部通常较小的一对附属物,如玫瑰和豆科植物等美国传统〔stress〕It is worth stressing that this was only a relatively small survey.应该强调的是,这只是一项规模相对较小的调查。牛津搭配〔stronghold〕Some of the smaller birds have a stronghold in the New Forest.这些较小的鸟中有一些在新福里斯特还能看得到。麦克米伦高阶〔substantially〕The smaller city polled substantially more votes.较小的城市反而得到了多得多的选票。外研社新世纪〔summary〕Milligan gives a fair summary of his subject within a relatively short space.米利根用比较小的篇幅对他的课题作了一个清晰简要的概述。柯林斯高阶〔surgically〕A biopsy is usually a minor surgical procedure.活组织检查通常是一个较小的外科手术。柯林斯高阶〔swallow up〕During the 1980s monster publishing houses started to swallow up smaller companies.20 世纪 80 年代,一些出版巨头开始吞并一些较小的公司。柯林斯高阶〔take〕IBM is taking over the smaller company.IBM正着手接管这家规模较小的公司。麦克米伦高阶〔transit〕The passage of a smaller celestial body or its shadow across the disk of a larger celestial body.掩星:一个较小的星体或它的阴影通过一个较大天体的圆平面美国传统〔transverse〕The main roof beams are given extra support by the smaller transverse beams.较小的横梁给屋顶的主梁额外的支撑力。剑桥高阶〔unfavourable〕A younger child will benefit more from an older sister's help than from an unfavourable comparison between their progress.与一味地比较进步情况相比, 年纪较小的孩子会从姐姐的帮助中获益更多。外研社新世纪〔unload〕Smaller trucks unload at the roadside.较小的卡车在路边卸货。麦克米伦高阶〔weighted〕The voting system is weighted against the smaller parties.这种选举制度对较小的党派不利。朗文当代〔width〕A piece of material measured along its smaller dimension, especially a piece of fabric measured from selvage to selvage in sewing.一块料子:沿较小的部分测量的一块材料,尤指缝纫时从一个布边到另一个布边测量的一块织物美国传统〔young〕Being the junior of two people having the same name.年龄较小的:同名的两人中年龄较小的美国传统After four kilometres, we turned onto a smaller road.走了四公里后, 我们拐上了一条较小的路。剑桥国际It is now easier for smaller companies to attract investors and raise equity finance.目前规模较小的公司在吸引投资者和股票融资方面都更为容易。牛津商务Last year the company acquired its smaller rival for $6.9 bn.去年这公司以 69 亿美元收购了规模较小的竞争对手。牛津商务People in richer countries tend to have smaller families.富有国家的人们倾向于较小的家庭。剑桥国际Smaller companies can offer greater value in terms of key financial ratios, such as price-earnings.就主要的财务比率而言,如价格 ── 收益率,规模较小的公司可以提供更大的价值。牛津商务Smaller companies that do not issue publicly traded shares are a vital part of the economy.不能发行公开交易股票的较小的公司是经济的重要组成部分。牛津商务Some of the smaller funds are at risk of folding.一些规模较小的基金正处于倒闭的边缘。牛津商务Squadrons of pirates hung around the smaller islands. 成群结队的海盗船还在较小的岛屿附近游荡。译典通The company has decided not to go through with the takeover of its smaller rival.这家公司决定不接收规模较小的对手。剑桥国际The fear is that these minor clashes may develop into all-out confrontation.怕就怕这些较小的冲突可能发展成全力的对抗。剑桥国际The main roof beams are given extra support by the smaller transverse beams.较小的横梁给屋顶的主梁额外的支撑力。剑桥国际The river is populated (= lived in) mainly by smaller species of fish.这条河里大部分都是较小的鱼。剑桥国际The smaller 10 pence coin was introduced in 1992.形状较小的10便士硬币是在1992年采用的。剑桥国际The smaller wrestler held his opponent in a (full body) lock from which he couldn't escape.个子较小的摔跤选手将他的对手(全身)牢牢擒住,使之动弹不得。剑桥国际The supermarket has sweetened its offer (= offered more money) for its smaller competitor.这家超市向其较小的竞争对手提供更优厚的(收购)条件。牛津商务They decided to let out the smaller offices at low rents.他们决定以低廉的租金将那些较小的办公室租出去。牛津商务




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