

单词 转移注意
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔CONNECTED WITH/RELATED〕Concerns about the cost of the project are a red herring. 对于项目成本的关注是在转移注意力。朗文写作活用〔TRICK/DECEIVE〕Some of the prisoners started a fight as a diversion to give the others time to escape. 几个囚犯打起架来以转移注意力,使其他囚犯有时间逃跑。朗文写作活用〔diversionary tactic〕This is nothing more than a diversionary tactic to distract attention from the issues.这无非是一个转移注意力的策略,以便分散大家对那个问题的关注。韦氏高阶〔diversionary〕Fires were started by the prisoners as a diversionary tactic.囚犯纵火以转移注意力。外研社新世纪〔diversionary〕Fires were started by the prisoners as a diversionary tactic.犯人纵火以转移注意力。柯林斯高阶〔diversionary〕Most children are skilled in diversionary tactics .大多数儿童都很会使用转移注意力的小花招。朗文当代〔divert〕You can divert attention by talking about someone else.你可以通过谈论别人来转移注意力。外研社新世纪〔red herring〕Something that draws attention away from the central issue.转移注意力者:把注意力从中心论题转移开的东西美国传统〔red herring〕The argument is a red herring. It actually has nothing to do with the issue.这个论点旨在转移注意力。它实际上和争论的问题没有任何关系。韦氏高阶I noticed that he had been diverting attentions away from himself. 我发现他一直在转移注意力。译典通Instead of cutting expenditure, the government's relying on smoke and mirrors to make it seem as though it's doing something.政府不削减开支,而是依赖转移注意力,造成一种在干事的假象。剑桥国际The police investigated many clues, but they were all red herrings.警方调查了许多线索,但它们都是转移注意力的东西。剑桥国际




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