

单词 资历
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔ADVISE〕Your teacher will be able to advise you about what qualifications you will need. 你的老师能给你提供建议,告诉你需要哪些资历。朗文写作活用〔DISADVANTAGE〕She has the same qualifications as the other candidates, but has one big disadvantage - lack of experience. 她的资历与其他候选人一样,但有一个很大的不足—就是缺乏经验。朗文写作活用〔EARN〕Without qualifications it's nearly impossible to get a job with decent wages. 没有资历几乎不可能找到工资像样的工作。朗文写作活用〔INSTEAD〕I can't understand why they chose him instead of you -- you're much better qualified for the job. 我不明白他们为何选他而没选你—这个工作你的资历比他合适得多。朗文写作活用〔JOB〕The RSA course in teaching is a recognized professional qualification. 皇家艺术学会的教师培训课程是公认的专业资历。朗文写作活用〔NEED/NECESSARY〕In my opinion, she does not have the qualifications required for the job. 依我看,她不具备做这份工作所需的资历。朗文写作活用〔OFFEND〕He's a great manager, but he is very touchy about his lack of qualifications. 他是个很不错的经理,但他对自己资历不够很是敏感。朗文写作活用〔POSITION/RANK〕Successful sales staff will outrank less successful workers, regardless of qualifications. 不管资历如何,业绩好的销售人员终将比业绩差的级别高。朗文写作活用〔UNCERTAIN〕The Principal said there was uncertainty about the candidate's qualifications. 校长说这名应聘者资历如何还不确定。朗文写作活用〔UNSUITABLE〕They told me that the reason I was considered unsuitable was that I was over-qualified. 他们告诉我说,认为我不合适是因为我的资历过高。朗文写作活用〔aboard〕He's very impressed with your credentials; he'd like you aboard.他对你的资历印象非常深,很想拉你来参加工作。英汉大词典〔above〕Many employers value personality above experience or qualifications.许多雇主重视个性甚于经验或资历。朗文当代〔according to〕The salary will be fixed according to qualifications and experience.薪金将依资历和经验而定。牛津高阶〔anywhere〕You won't get anywhere without qualifications.没有资历,你会一事无成。朗文当代〔aspiration〕He has high aspirations and wants to improve his qualifications.他志向远大,想提高自身的资历。牛津搭配〔asset〕His Republican credentials made him an asset.他作为共和党人的资历成了他的一笔财富。柯林斯高阶〔asset〕His Republican credentials made him an asset.他的共和党资历使他成了香饽饽。外研社新世纪〔attentively〕He was listening attentively to a senior colleague.他在留心地听一位资历更高的同事讲话。外研社新世纪〔basis〕She was chosen for the job on the basis of her qualifications.她因资历适合而获选中担任这项工作。牛津高阶〔be sb's for the asking〕With three years' experience behind her, the promotion was Kate's for the asking.凯特已有3年的资历,只要她提出来,晋升的机会就是她的。剑桥高阶〔befit〕They offered him a post befitting his seniority and experience.他们给他提供了一个同他资历相当的职位。柯林斯高阶〔cachet〕The social cachet of some form of qualification in India is powerful.在印度, 某种资历所带来的社会声誉具有强大的影响力。外研社新世纪〔commensurate〕Salary will be commensurate with experience.薪金将会与资历相称。牛津高阶〔credentials〕Actor Brent Everett has impressive credentials.演员布伦特・埃弗里特的资历令人印象深刻。牛津搭配〔credentials〕She always had the right credentials to make it in the world of country music.她总会有合适的资历在乡村音乐界获得成功。牛津搭配〔credentials〕She had excellent credentials for the job.做这份工作她具备出色的资历。朗文当代〔credentials〕She had excellent credentials for the job.她资历出众,完全胜任这项工作。牛津搭配〔credentials〕There are doubts over his credentials as a future Prime Minister.对他作为未来首相的资历尚有疑问。朗文当代〔cronyism〕Favoritism shown to old friends without regard for their qualifications, as in political appointments to office.任人唯亲:在委以政治职位时无视其资历而对老朋友进行的偏袒美国传统〔differential〕Pay differentials are legal and appropriate if they are based on merit, seniority or any other factor than sex.如果工资级差建立在业绩、资历或其他非性别因素的基础上, 那就是合理合法的。外研社新世纪〔employment〕There are few employment prospects in the town for unqualified young people.对资历不足的年轻人来说,在这个镇几乎没有就业机会。牛津搭配〔fit〕His qualifications fit him well for the job.他的条件[资历]使他很适于那个工作。文馨英汉〔formal〕He has no formal teaching qualifications.他没有正规的教学资历证明。牛津高阶〔formidable〕She has a formidable list of qualifications.她有一长串令人敬畏的资历。牛津高阶〔for〕For all her qualifications, she's still useless at the job.尽管她有种种资历,她还是不能胜任这项工作。剑桥高阶〔galling〕The most galling thing is that the guy who got promoted is less qualified than me.最令人气愤的是,那个得到晋升的家伙,资历还不如我。朗文当代〔gall〕I think it galls him to take orders from a younger and less experienced colleague.我想,要他去听命于一个比他年轻且资历比他浅的同事,他会很恼火。剑桥高阶〔good〕His qualifications aren't good enough .他的资历不够好。朗文当代〔gruelling〕Junior doctors often have to work a gruelling 100-hour week.资历较浅的医生经常必须承受艰巨的工作量,一周工作100小时。剑桥高阶〔hog〕The privilege was usually hogged by the more senior staff.特权通常为资历较深的职员所攫取。英汉大词典〔intelligentsia〕I was not high up enough in the intelligentsia to be invited to such exalted meetings.我在知识界的资历还没有高到能受邀参加这种盛会。柯林斯高阶〔leapfrog〕She leapfrogged over her more experienced coworkers and became the company's president.她超越了资历更深的同事脱颖而出,成为公司的总裁。韦氏高阶〔lightweight〕He was considered too lightweight for the job.有人认为他资历太浅,不适合做这工作。牛津高阶〔long〕He has a list of qualifications as long as your arm.他的资历很深。麦克米伦高阶〔minimum wage〕Most of the junior office staff are on the minimum wage (=being paid the lowest legal amount) .大多数资历较浅的办公室工作人员领取的是法定最低工资。朗文当代〔name〕He didn't have a qualification to his name.他一点资历都没有。朗文当代〔on-the-job〕No formal qualifications are required for the work - you'll get on-the-job training.这份工作不需要正式的资历证明——你会接受在职培训。剑桥高阶〔opening〕We do have an opening for someone with your qualifications and experience.我们确实有个职位适合像你这样拥有资历和经验的人。韦氏高阶〔outlast〕Smith outlasted his rivals in the council to become leader in 1996.史密斯在委员会中比他的对手资历要深,于 1996 年成了领导人。朗文当代〔overqualified〕Educated or skilled beyond what is necessary or desired for a particular job.资历过高的:受的教育或掌握的技能超过了某特定工作的需要的美国传统〔overqualified〕The problem with employing people who are overqualified for the job is that they often don't stay in it for long.雇用资历过高的人的问题是,他们通常不会在该职位上做很久。剑桥高阶〔overqualified〕They didn't hire her because she was overqualified for the job.他们没有雇用她,因为对这个工作而言她资历过高。韦氏高阶〔overqualified〕They told me I was overqualified for the job.他们告诉我,我资历过高,不适合这份工作。麦克米伦高阶〔paper〕I've got a lot of experience in accounts, but I haven't got any paper qualifications.在会计方面我已有丰富的经验,但还没有取得任何书面资历。麦克米伦高阶〔paper〕Paper qualifications are no guide to ability.纸上资历绝不是衡量能力的准绳。朗文当代〔part〕Your salary depends in part on your qualifications.你的薪水多少会取决于你的资历。牛津搭配〔patently〕It is patently obvious that she is overqualified for the job.很明显,对于这个工作岗位她的资历过高。韦氏高阶〔power〕I applied for the job, but I guess the powers that be didn't think I was qualified.我申请了这个职位,但我猜拍板的人认为我资历不够。韦氏高阶〔practical〕Qualifications are important but practical experience is always a plus.资历固然重要,但实际经验总是个优势。剑桥高阶〔proclaim〕Two gold rings edged with white on her cuffs proclaimed her job and seniority.她袖口上的两道镶白边的金环表明了她的工作和资历。英汉大词典〔proportional〕Salary is proportional to years of experience.薪金视资历而定。牛津高阶〔qualification〕You're going to do a job where your qualifications will count.你将去做一项你的资历很能起作用的工作。英汉大词典〔qualified〕The reader should seek the services of a qualified professional for such advice.读者应该向有资历的专业人士征求此类意见。柯林斯高阶〔qualified〕The teaching staff are all highly qualified.全体教员都有很高的资历。牛津搭配〔quarrel〕While some of his peers might quarrel with the title, his credentials remain impressive.尽管他的一些同龄人也许并不认同这个称号,他的资历仍然令人钦佩不已。柯林斯高阶〔reference〕A statement about a person's qualifications, character, and dependability.推荐信:对于某人资历、性格和可靠性的陈述美国传统〔requisite〕He lacks the requisite qualifications.他缺少必要的资历。朗文当代〔résumé〕A brief account of one's professional or work experience and qualifications, often submitted with an employment application.简历:一个人的职业或工作经验和资历的简短说明,通常与求职申请一同呈交美国传统〔satisfy〕Your qualifications seem to satisfy the conditions.你的资历看来符合条件。英汉大词典〔sell〕Don't sell yourself short – tell them about all your qualifications.不要自谦,把你所有的资历都告诉他们。朗文当代〔seniority〕He has said he will fire editorial employees without regard to seniority.他说过不管资历如何,任何编辑人员他都有可能解雇。柯林斯高阶〔seniority〕I had fifteen years seniority , and they couldn't fire me.我在这里有十五年的资历,他们不可以解雇我。朗文当代〔seniority〕In future, promotion will be based on merit not seniority.以后晋升要看业绩而非资历。剑桥高阶〔seniority〕Promotion goes by seniority and by merit.提升根据资历和业绩。英汉大词典〔seniority〕Promotion in the job was by seniority.这种工作得按资历晋升。牛津搭配〔seniority〕Promotion is done strictly on the basis of seniority.晋升严格以资历为基础进行。麦克米伦高阶〔seniority〕She had seniority over three members of the department.她比本部门的三位同事资历深。牛津搭配〔seniority〕Should promotion be based on merit or seniority? 提拔一个人应当看业绩,还是看资历?牛津高阶〔seniority〕The report listed their names in order of seniority.报告按资历排行顺序列出了他们的姓名。外研社新世纪〔senior〕Having precedence in making certain decisions.资历较深的:在做出特定的决定中处于优先位置的美国传统〔senior〕She wasn't senior enough to take such a decision.她的资历还太浅,不能作这类决定。牛津搭配〔service stripe〕A stripe worn on the sleeve of the uniform of a bus driver, for example, to indicate years of seniority.公车司机袖章:公车司机制服上的色条,如用来表明资历美国传统〔shock horror〕I felt intellectually superior despite — shock horror — my lack of qualifications.我觉得自己比别人聪明,尽管,天啊,我没有什么资历。柯林斯高阶〔status〕The fact that the most senior judge of the High Court's Family Division had taken control of the case was proof of its urgency and status.高等法院家事庭里资历最高的法官已接管这个案子,这就证明了此案的紧迫性和重要性。柯林斯高阶〔suitably〕There are problems in recruiting suitably qualified scientific officers for NHS laboratories.很难为国民医疗保健系统的实验室招募到资历合适的高级科研人员。柯林斯高阶〔suited〕With her qualifications and experience, she would seem to be ideally suited to/for the job.以她的资历和经验,她似乎非常适合这份工作。剑桥高阶〔than〕I've got more qualifications than him.我有比他更高的资历。外研社新世纪〔time-scale promotion〕Rohit may not be promoted soon, but he could hope for time-scale promotion after three years or so when he is eligible under that scheme.罗希特也许不会马上得到提升,但是他能期待在工作三年左右后凭资历升职。剑桥高阶〔unmindful〕Neither man was unmindful that Roosevelt had other qualifications.两人都注意到罗斯福还有其他一些资历。英汉大词典〔vacancy〕Most vacancies are at senior level, requiring appropriate qualifications.大多数空缺属于高层职位,要求具备相应的资历。柯林斯高阶He took it as read that anyone who applied for the course would have the necessary qualifications.他认为申请读这门课程的人肯定具备所需的资历。剑桥国际Her qualifications answer the requirements of the job. 她的资历符合该项工作的要求。译典通Please list your educational qualifications and work experience.请列出你的教育资历和工作经验。剑桥国际Salary is proportional to years of experience.工资的高低与资历相当。牛津商务Should promotion be based on merit or seniority? 晋升应该看业绩,还是看资历?牛津商务The problem with employing overqualified people is that they often don't stay in the job for long.雇佣资历过高的人的问题是他们常会不安于位。剑桥国际They didn't give me the job because they said I was overqualified (for it).他们没有给我这份工作,因为他们说我资历过高了。剑桥国际Two years of experience qualified him for a promotion. 两年的资历使他有资格获得升迁。译典通With three years'experience behind her, the promotion was Kate's for the asking.凯特已有3年的资历,只要她自己提出来,晋级是没问题的。剑桥国际Your business card looks more impressive if you have letters after your name (= showing your qualifications).如果在名字后写上资历,你的名片看起来会更令人印象深刻。牛津商务




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