

单词 豆泥
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔FOOD〕They had turkey and stuffing topped off with large helpings of mashed potatoes. 他们吃了火鸡和填料,上面还有大份的土豆泥。朗文写作活用〔SQUASH〕He ate the mashed potatoes but not the meat. 他吃了土豆泥,但没有吃肉。朗文写作活用〔bangers and mash〕We ordered bangers and mash. [=sausages and mashed potatoes] 我们点了香肠和土豆泥。韦氏高阶〔colcannon〕An Irish dish of mashed potatoes and cabbage, seasoned with butter.土豆泥包心菜:一道爱尔兰风味菜,把土豆和卷心菜捣碎并佐以黄油美国传统〔cook up〕The Irish had cooked up tinned bangers and instant mash.那个爱尔兰人用罐装的香肠土豆泥做了顿饭。外研社新世纪〔falafel〕Ground spiced chickpeas and fava beans shaped into balls and fried.炸鹰嘴豆泥球:磨过的加香料的鹰嘴豆与磨碎后做成球状并油煎的豌豆美国传统〔give new life to something〕Plain old mashed potatoes take on a new life in this recipe.普通的老式土豆泥在这个食谱中得到了创新。韦氏高阶〔hummus〕A smooth, thick mixture of mashed chickpeas, tahini, oil, lemon juice, and garlic, used especially as a dip for pita.鹰嘴豆泥:一种由捣碎的鹰嘴豆、芝麻酱、油、柠檬汁和蒜组成的调匀的、粘稠的混合物,尤用于浸泡皮塔面包美国传统〔layer〕Finish with a layer of mashed potato and grated cheese.最后抹上一层拌有碎干酪的土豆泥。麦克米伦高阶〔pulverize〕The fries are made from pellets of pulverised potato.这些炸土豆是土豆泥球做成的。柯林斯高阶〔puree〕Push the potatoes through a sieve to make a puree.用漏勺轧土豆做成土豆泥。柯林斯高阶〔refried beans〕Beans that have been cooked and then mashed and fried with seasonings.回锅煎炸菜豆泥:菜豆煮好后捣成泥加调料煎炸美国传统〔scoop〕Just one scoop of mashed potato for me, please.请给我一勺土豆泥就够了。剑桥高阶〔serving〕This is my third serving of mashed potatoes.这是我吃的第三份土豆泥了。韦氏高阶〔shepherd's pie〕A meat pie baked in a crust of mashed potatoes.肉馅土豆泥饼:一种夹在捣碎的土豆馅饼皮里经烘烤制成的肉馅饼美国传统〔taramasalata〕A Greek appetizer consisting of a light paste of fish roe, olive oil, lemon juice, and moistened bread crumbs or mashed potatoes.红鱼子泥色拉:一道希腊式的开胃菜,用一种较稀的鱼子酱、橄榄油、柠檬汁和潮湿的面包片或土豆泥做成美国传统〔work〕We went to the chip shop and had the works: fish, chips, gherkins, mushy peas.我们去薯条店吃了套餐:炸鱼、炸薯条、小黄瓜、豆泥。牛津高阶Chickpeas are used to make houmous and felafel.鹰嘴豆是用来做鹰嘴豆芝麻酱沙司和炸豆泥的。剑桥国际For lunch we had felafel in hot pitta bread.午饭我们吃炸豆泥馅的热空心圆面包。剑桥国际He loves potatoes and happily eats mash (= mashed potatoes) by the plateful.他嗜食土豆,高兴地吃整盘的土豆泥。剑桥国际I'd like corned beef hash (=corned beef mixed with potato) and a fried egg, please.请给我来一份咸牛肉土豆泥和一个煎蛋。剑桥国际It's bangers and mash (= potatoes) for tea! 茶点是香肠加土豆泥。剑桥国际Just one scoop of mashed potato for me, please.请给我盛一勺土豆泥。剑桥国际The main course was served with creamed potatoes, cauliflower and peas.主菜配的是土豆泥,花菜和豌豆。剑桥国际There is a strong market for extruded snacks--potato or maize paste made into the strange shapes that children enjoy.压制型的点心有着巨大的销售市场----孩子们喜爱由土豆泥或玉米糊压制成奇形怪状的点心。剑桥国际




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