

单词 豁免权
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔benefit of clergy〕Exemption from trial or punishment in a civil court, given to the clergy in the Middle Ages.豁免权:在中世纪,教士享有的在民事法庭免受处罚的权利美国传统〔charter〕Special privilege or immunity.特权或豁免权美国传统〔codify〕The Act, due to come into force next week, codifies the immunity that has previously existed under common law.该法案将于下周开始实施, 正式确立了之前习惯法中已经存在的豁免权的法律地位。外研社新世纪〔diplomatic immunity〕He did not have to pay his speeding fine because he pleaded diplomatic immunity.他不用交纳超速罚款,因为他享有外交豁免权。剑桥高阶〔diplomatic immunity〕The exemption from taxation and ordinary processes of law afforded to diplomatic personnel in a foreign country.外交豁免权:外交人员在外国被赋予的税收和通常法律程序的豁免权利美国传统〔disfranchise〕To deprive of a privilege, an immunity, or a right of citizenship, especially the right to vote; disenfranchise.剥夺权利:剥夺…的特权、豁免权或公民权,尤指选举权;剥夺…的权利美国传统〔franchise〕The territory or limits within which immunity, a privilege, or a right may be exercised.特区:可以享有豁免权、特权或权利的区域范围美国传统〔immune〕Diplomats are immune from prosecution.外交官享有外交豁免权。麦克米伦高阶〔immunity〕Ambassadors have diplomatic immunity in the countries in which they are stationed.大使在其所驻国享有外交豁免权。英汉大词典〔immunity〕Officials of all member states receive certain privileges and immunities.各成员国的官员均享有某些特权和豁免权。牛津高阶〔immunity〕Several ministers were stripped of parliamentary immunity as a prelude to facing corruption charges.数名部长被剥夺了议会豁免权,这还只是对其提起腐败指控的前奏。牛津搭配〔immunity〕The Supreme Court lifted the company's immunity from criminal prosecution.最高法院撤销了该公司的刑事起诉豁免权。牛津搭配〔immunity〕Unions were granted immunity from prosecution for non-violent acts.工会被赋予非暴力行动的起诉豁免权。牛津搭配〔privilege〕Part Four deals briefly with such topics as the privilege of freedom from arrest.第四部分简要讲述了免于逮捕的豁免权等话题。外研社新世纪He did not have to pay his speeding fine because he pleaded diplomatic immunity.因他以外交豁免权为理由,所以不必付超速罚金。剑桥国际




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