

单词 谷物的
释义 ENGLISH PHRASES 英文词组〔-infested〕pests like aphids which infest cereal crops. 像蚜虫这样大肆侵害谷物的害虫柯林斯高阶〔arable〕arable farms specializing in growing cereals专门种植谷物的耕地农场外研社新世纪〔bird〕birds pecking at the corn 正在啄食谷物的鸟牛津搭配〔cereal〕the rich cereal-growing districts of the Paris Basin. 巴黎盆地盛产谷物的地区柯林斯高阶〔dishoard〕a golden opportunity to dishoard grain 抛售所囤谷物的绝好机会英汉大词典〔grain〕a field of grain. 种植谷物的田地美国传统〔grain〕golden fields of grain 长满谷物的金色田野麦克米伦高阶〔grain〕the grain harvest.谷物的收成。牛津同义词〔harvest〕a corn harvest.谷物的收成。牛津同义词〔harvest〕the grain harvest 谷物的收成牛津高阶〔infest〕pests like aphids which infest cereal crops像蚜虫这样大肆侵害谷物的害虫外研社新世纪〔maturity〕the maturity of grain 谷物的成熟英汉大词典〔nutritive〕the nutritive value of certain grains 某些谷物的营养价值韦氏高阶〔rich〕a rich harvest of grain. 谷物的巨大丰收美国传统〔silo〕a grain silo. 盛谷物的筒仓柯林斯高阶〔sprinkle〕sprinkled sugar on the cereal. 谷物的粒状糖体美国传统〔undersow〕undersow grass on land which is carrying an autumn- or winter-sown cereal 在已种有秋播或冬播谷物的土地上套种牧草 英汉大词典




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