

单词 退去
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔BACK〕Hardy backed slowly toward the door. 哈迪慢慢地朝门口退去。朗文写作活用〔LOOK〕When Celia dropped her robe, Richard averted his gaze and stepped back awkwardly. 西莉亚的浴袍掉了下来,理查德移开目光,窘迫地往后退去。朗文写作活用〔MOVE/NOT MOVE〕After the flood, hundreds of stranded vehicles lined the roads. 洪水退去后,数以百计滞留的车辆在路上排列成行。朗文写作活用〔SHOW〕The receding tide had exposed huge expanses of sand. 潮水退去,露出大片的沙地。朗文写作活用〔backwards〕I walked backwards towards the door.我向门口退去。剑桥高阶〔back〕He began to back her towards the open door.他开始逼着她朝开着的门退去。朗文当代〔back〕She backed off and then turned and ran.她一步一步往后退去,然后转身跑了。朗文当代〔bail out〕The flood waters have receded, but residents are still bailing out.洪水已经退去, 但居民们还在往外舀水。外研社新世纪〔coldness〕Within a quarter of an hour the coldness of the night had gone.一刻钟的时间内, 夜晚的寒冷便退去了。外研社新世纪〔consciousness〕The sound of the fighting receded from my consciousness.打斗声从我的意识中退去了。麦克米伦高阶〔dematerialize〕She dematerialized backwards into her office.她朝后退去,消失在办公室里。英汉大词典〔deposit〕The flood waters fell, depositing mud over the whole area.洪水退去后留下的淤泥覆盖了整个区域。剑桥高阶〔dereliction〕A gaining of land by the permanent recession of the water line.产生新生地:因海水永久退去而产生陆地美国传统〔dereliction〕The land so gained.新生地:海水永久退去后露出的陆地美国传统〔door〕He backed away and in that split second she slammed the door in his face.他往后退去,就在这一刹那,她砰地把他关在门外了。英汉大词典〔drop〕The water level in the flooded region has finally begun to drop.受灾地区的洪水终于开始退去了。剑桥高阶〔dye〕A good dye will not fade.高质量染料上色后不会退去。英汉大词典〔ebb tide〕The receding or outgoing tide; the period between high water and the succeeding low water.落潮:退去或退落的潮水;高水位相继的低水位时期美国传统〔ebb〕The tide is on the ebb.潮水正在退去。外研社新世纪〔flood〕The floods are slowly subsiding.洪水在慢慢退去。牛津搭配〔go out〕The tide is going out [=(more formally) ebbing] now.潮水正在退去。韦氏高阶〔go〕The floods are going down.洪水在渐渐退去。英汉大词典〔grip〕He released his grip and stepped back.他放开手往后退去。朗文当代〔lay〕When the tide goes out, vast stretches of sand are laid bare.潮水退去,露出大片大片的沙地。朗文当代〔mud flat〕Low-lying muddy land that is covered at high tide and exposed at low tide.潮泥滩:在水位高涨时被淹没、水退去即露出来低洼的泥地美国传统〔out〕The tide is going out.潮水正在退去。外研社新世纪〔pool〕The receding tide pooled in hollows along the shore.潮水退去后留下的小水洼美国传统〔recede〕The coast receded as we sailed away.我们起航出海,陆地渐渐往后退去。英汉大词典〔recede〕The deep purple had begun to recede from his cheeks.深紫的血色开始从他双颊退去。英汉大词典〔recede〕The flood waters finally began to recede in November.洪水终于在十一月开始退去。朗文当代〔recede〕The floods gradually receded from the fields.洪水从田野里逐渐退去。21世纪英汉〔recede〕The floodwaters slowly receded.洪水渐渐退去。韦氏高阶〔recede〕The high water receded.高潮退去。英汉大词典〔retreat〕The flood waters are slowly retreating.洪水正在慢慢退去。朗文当代〔roll〕The fog rolled away.迷雾滚滚退去。英汉大词典〔sink〕To subside or settle gradually, as a massive or weighty structure.退去:缓缓沉降或落下,例如庞大或沉重的构架美国传统〔slack〕The flood began to slack off.洪水开始退去。英汉大词典〔subside〕Local officials say the flood waters have subsided.当地官员称洪水已经退去了。柯林斯高阶〔surround〕Once the euphoria surrounding this victory subsides, reality must return.这场胜利的喜悦退去后,人们将不得不回归现实。柯林斯高阶〔tidal〕The tidal stream or current gradually decreases in the shallows.浅滩上的潮水逐渐退去。柯林斯高阶〔tide〕When the sea recedes, tide pools reveal a bewildering diversity of marine life.海水退去后,潮水潭里会出现各种各样的海洋生物,令人眼花缭乱。牛津搭配〔water〕The water is now receding after the floods.洪水结束后水现在在退去。牛津搭配A few small boats were left stranded on the beach as the tide/sea went out (= returned to a lower level and moved away from the beach).潮水退去之后,几只小船搁浅在海滩上。剑桥国际As the boat picked up speed, the coastline receded into the distance until finally it became invisible.随着船加速,海岸渐渐往后退去直至看不见。剑桥国际As the body of the religious leader was carried through the crowd, people drew back respectfully (= to show their honour).当宗教领袖的尸体被抬过人群时,人们恭敬地向后退去。剑桥国际On seeing the dog, she backed away. 一见到狗,她便向后退去。译典通The doctor says that in the course of time (= after weeks, months, etc. have gone past), the scars will fade.医生说过一段时间伤疤会逐渐退去的。剑桥国际The flood waters fell, depositing mud over the whole area.洪水退去,整个地区留下遍地的泥浆。剑桥国际The flood waters subsided. 洪水退去了。译典通The thought returned with a dogged insistence. 这个想法固执地坚持著,不肯退去。译典通




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