

单词 起钓
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔bite〕If I don't get a bite in a few minutes I lift the rod and twitch the bait.如果几分钟没有鱼上钩, 我就提起钓竿晃动一下鱼饵。外研社新世纪〔bite〕If I don't get a bite in a few minutes I lift the rod and twitch the bait.如果几分钟没有鱼上钩,我就提起钓竿晃动一下鱼饵。柯林斯高阶〔reel〕Some anglers reeled in and went home.有些钓鱼的人绕起钓丝回家了。21世纪英汉〔reel〕The fisherman reeled in and went home.渔夫收起钓丝回家去。英汉大词典〔serious〕When it comes to fishing, he's very serious. = He's very serious about fishing.一提起钓鱼,他就来劲。韦氏高阶He reeled in a big trout. 他绕起钓丝,钓起一条大鳟鱼。译典通Slowly the fisherman reeled in his line, bringing the fish ashore.慢慢地渔夫收起钓鱼线,把鱼拉上岸。剑桥国际




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