

单词 选举前
释义 ENGLISH PHRASES 英文词组〔VOTE〕political activities before an election 选举前的政治活动朗文写作活用〔couple〕a couple weeks before the election. 选举前的几周柯林斯高阶〔election〕opinion poll results in the run-up to elections 选举前的民意测验结果牛津搭配〔eve〕a special election eve show 选举前夕的一场特别表演牛津搭配〔eve〕on the eve of the election 在选举前夕朗文当代〔eve〕on the eve of the election 在选举前夕牛津高阶〔eve〕opinion polls published on the eve of the election 选举前夕公布的民意测验结果牛津搭配〔pre-election〕a pre-election campaign 选举前的竞选运动英汉大词典〔preelection〕preelection promises 选举前的承诺文馨英汉〔run-up〕during the run-up to the election 在选举前的准备阶段牛津高阶〔run-up〕during the run-up to the war/election 战争/选举前夕韦氏高阶〔woo〕woo the voters before an election 在选举前争取选民 英汉大词典




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