

单词 逆转
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔CHANGE/NOT CHANGE〕I posted the letter, then realized that what I had done was irrevocable, and that I couldn't change my mind now. 我寄了信,然后意识到我做的事情已经不可逆转,现在不能改变主意了。朗文写作活用〔PROBABLY〕It could well be that it is too late for us to reverse the effects of global warming. 我们要逆转全球变暖带来的影响很可能为时已晚了。朗文写作活用〔STOP〕Despite claims made by skincare manufacturers, the effects of ageing are irreversible. 尽管护肤品生产商有各种说法,衰老是不可逆转的。朗文写作活用〔STOP〕New technology has brought about irreversible changes in society. 新的科技给社会带来了不可逆转的变化。朗文写作活用〔back〕The wind backed from west to southwest.风向由西逆转为西南。英汉大词典〔back〕The wind has backed upon itself.风向完全逆转。英汉大词典〔barring〕Barring a sudden reversal of fortune, the Liberals will lose.除非时运突然发生逆转, 否则自由党必输无疑。外研社新世纪〔bouncebackability〕This will be a test of their famous bouncebackability.这将是对他们众所周知的逆转能力的考验。牛津高阶〔boxhaul〕To turn (a square-rigged ship) about on the heel by bracing the sails aback.使船抢风转向:通过用帆角索将帆逆转以在船倾侧转动(方帆装船)美国传统〔buck〕Unemployment in the area has bucked the trend by falling over the last month.这个地区的失业现象已经有所逆转,最近一个月来失业率下降了。朗文当代〔change of heart〕A reversal of one's opinion, attitude, or feelings.变心:某人观点、态度或感情的逆转美国传统〔clock〕This new decision has effectively turned back the clock on 20 years of progress.这一新决定实际上是对过去20年发展的一种逆转。韦氏高阶〔come back〕The team was trailing after the first half, but they came back and won in the second half.球队在上半场结束时落后,但他们在下半场实现逆转并赢得了比赛。韦氏高阶〔come from behind〕England came from behind to beat Scotland 2–1.英格兰队成功实现逆转,以2比1战胜了苏格兰队。剑桥高阶〔comeback〕The team was trailing after the first half, but they made/staged a comeback and won in the second half.球队在上半场结束时落后,但他们在下半场实现逆转并赢得了比赛。韦氏高阶〔creatine kinase〕An enzyme present in muscle, brain, and other tissues of vertebrates that catalyzes the reversible conversion of ADP and phosphocreatine into ATP and creatine.肌酸激酶:一种存在于脊椎动物的肌肉、脑髓以及其它组织中的酶,对二磷酸腺苷、磷酸肌酸和三磷酸腺苷、肌酸之间的可逆转换能起催化作用美国传统〔dissipated〕Irreversibly lost. Used of energy.散逸的,被消耗的:不可逆转地失去的。指能量美国传统〔entropy〕Inevitable and steady deterioration of a system or society.恶化,败坏:系统或社会不可避免的无法逆转的恶化或败坏美国传统〔fertile〕The operation cannot be reversed to make her fertile again.手术结果不可逆转,无法让她恢复生育能力。柯林斯高阶〔foot〕The shoe is on the other foot and he is the one asking for help this time.形势逆转了,这次他是求助者。韦氏高阶〔furore〕Such a major policy reversal is certain to spark a furore among conservatives.如此重大的政策逆转肯定会在保守派中引起骚动。麦克米伦高阶〔give ... back〕There was nothing the doctors could do to give me back the use of my legs. The paralysis was complete and irreversible.医生对恢复我双腿的功能已无能为力。瘫痪是完全的,不可逆转的。21世纪英汉〔go into reverse〕The trend towards home ownership has gone into reverse.个人拥有房屋的趋势已经发生了逆转。剑桥高阶〔go through〕South Africa was going through a period of irreversible change.南非正在经历一场不可逆转的变革。柯林斯高阶〔irremediable〕His memory suffered irremediable damage.他的记忆力受到了不可逆转的损伤。外研社新世纪〔irreversible〕She could suffer irreversible brain damage if she is not treated within seven days.如果她在 7 天之内没有得到治疗,她的大脑有可能遭受不可逆转的损伤。柯林斯高阶〔irreversible〕Television has irreversibly changed our perception of the Royal Family.电视不可逆转地改变了我们对皇室的印象。柯林斯高阶〔irreversibly〕Television has irreversibly changed our perception of the Royal Family.电视不可逆转地改变了人们对王室的看法。外研社新世纪〔irrevocable〕Her life has been irrevocably changed.她的生活不可逆转地被改变了。韦氏高阶〔irrevocably〕My relationships with friends have been irrevocably altered by my illness.由于我生病, 我和朋友们的关系发生了不可逆转的改变。外研社新世纪〔kick back〕The motor sometimes kicks back.引擎有时会逆转。21世纪英汉〔knife〕The knives are out for the manager following England's reversal on Sunday.周日英格兰队被逆转后, 公众批评的矛头指向了主教练。外研社新世纪〔momentum〕The momentum toward victory seemed irreversible.趋向胜利的势头似不可逆转。英汉大词典〔reach〕The process of political change in South Africa has reached the stage where it is irreversible.南非的政治变革已达到不可逆转的地步。柯林斯高阶〔recover〕He recovered from a 4-2 deficit to reach the quarter-finals.他在2比4落后的情况下实现逆转闯进1/4决赛。外研社新世纪〔recover〕He recovered from a 4-2 deficit to reach the quarter-finals.他在2比4落后的情况下实现逆转闯进1/4决赛。柯林斯高阶〔reflex〕Bent, turned, or thrown back; reflected.弯折的,反射的:弯折的,逆转的或抛回的;反射的美国传统〔retrovirus〕Any of a group of viruses, many of which produce tumors, that contain RNA and reverse transcriptase, including the virus that causes AIDS.逆转录酶病毒:一种病毒,大多数会产生含有核糖核酸和逆转录酶的肿瘤,包括引起爱滋病的病毒美国传统〔reversal of fortune〕He suffered a financial reversal.他遭受了财务逆转。韦氏高阶〔reversal of fortune〕The company had a complete reversal of fortune and went bankrupt.这家公司的时运完全逆转,最后破产了。韦氏高阶〔reversal〕In a sudden reversal, the mayor has decided not to run for reelection.情况突然逆转,市长决定不参加连任竞选了。韦氏高阶〔reversal〕The President would explain his sharp reversal of policy.总统将对他政策的急剧逆转作出解释。英汉大词典〔reversal〕The government suffered a total reversal of fortune(s)last week.上星期,政府的命运发生了逆转。牛津高阶〔reversal〕We saw a marked reversal of trends in oil prices.我们看到石油价格有明显的逆转趋势。麦克米伦高阶〔reverse transcriptase〕A polymerase that catalyzes the formation of DNA on an RNA template, found in oncogenic viruses containing RNA, especially the retroviruses.逆转录酶:一种催化RNA模板上的DNA形成的聚合酶,在包含RNA的致瘤病毒中发现,尤其在逆转录酶病毒中发现美国传统〔reverse〕A mechanism, such as a gear in a motor vehicle, that is used to reverse movement.倒退装置:用来逆转运动的机械或结构,如电动运输工具中的齿轮美国传统〔reverse〕At this point the Party's fortunes went into reverse.在这一刻党的命运发生了逆转。外研社新世纪〔reverse〕In 2008 economic growth went into reverse.*2008 年,经济增长发生了逆转。牛津高阶〔reverse〕Printing Printed in such a way that the normally colored part appears white against a colored or black background.【印刷术】 色彩逆转的:以一种使正常的有色部分在有色或黑色的背景上看起来是白色的方式印刷的美国传统〔reverse〕The Party's fortunes went into reverse.该党的时运发生了逆转。英汉大词典〔reverse〕The downward trend went into reverse and the scores started to creep up again.比分下降的趋势发生逆转,分数又开始逐渐上升了。柯林斯高阶〔reverse〕The incident threatened to put the peace process into reverse.这一事件可能会使和平进程发生逆转。朗文当代〔reverse〕The rise, the first in 10 months, reversed the downward trend in Belgium's jobless rate.10个月来失业率的首次上升逆转了比利时失业率持续下降的趋势。柯林斯高阶〔reverse〕The tendency was reversed.趋势逆转。英汉大词典〔reverse〕To cause (an engine or a mechanism) to function in reverse.使逆转:使(引擎或机械装置)逆向运行美国传统〔reverse〕To reverse the action of an engine.逆转:使引擎逆向运行美国传统〔reversible〕He believes that climate change may still be reversible.他相信气候变迁依然可以逆转。剑桥高阶〔reversible〕Is the trend towards privatization reversible? 私有化趋势可能逆转吗?牛津高阶〔reversible〕The surgery is not reversible.这一手术不可逆转。剑桥高阶〔reversible〕They claim the effects of global warning may be reversible.他们声称全球变暖效应可能会逆转。麦克米伦高阶〔reversion〕A turning away or in the opposite direction; a reversal.反向,反转:偏离或转向相反方向;逆转美国传统〔reversion〕The wind underwent an abrupt reversion.风向突然逆转。英汉大词典〔run〕Against the run of the polls, the Socialist Workers' Party won Sunday's general election by an unexpectedly large margin.工人社会党逆转乾坤,出乎意料地以较大优势获得了星期天大选的胜利。柯林斯高阶〔run〕The decisive goal arrived against the run of play.这个决定性的得分逆转了场上的局势。柯林斯高阶〔run〕The decisive goal arrived against the run of play.这个决定性的进球逆转了场上的局势。外研社新世纪〔shoe〕The circumstances have been reversed; an unequal relationship has been inverted.情况已经逆转;一种不平等的关系已经被倒过来了美国传统〔situation〕What would the Republicans be doing if the situation were reversed? 如果局势逆转,共和党人又将如何呢?牛津搭配〔step〕It suddenly struck her that having a baby was an irrevocable step.她突然意识到生孩子是不可逆转的一步。牛津搭配〔tide〕They talked of reversing the tide of history.他们谈及了逆转历史潮流的问题。外研社新世纪〔time〕A nonspatial continuum in which events occur in apparently irreversible succession from the past through the present to the future.时间:事件从过去到现在至未来以不可逆转的顺序发生的非空间性的延续美国传统〔transcriptase〕Reverse transcriptase.逆转录酶美国传统〔turnaround〕What a turnaround - they were losing 3–0, they came back to win 4–3.真是一个大逆转——他们先是0比3落后,可最后却以4比3赢了。剑桥高阶〔turnover〕An abrupt change; a reversal.剧变:突然的变化,逆转,转向美国传统〔turn〕They were horrified at this unexpected turn of events.突如其来的形势逆转令他们惊骇万分。外研社新世纪After the announcement, the shares went into reverse.通告宣布之后,股票发生了逆转。牛津商务Technology has had an irreversible impact on society.技术已对社会产生不可逆转的影响。剑桥国际The company's financial problems were only a temporary reversal.这家公司的财务问题只是暂时的逆转。牛津商务The latest fall in prices is a reversal of fortune for these stocks.最近的价格下跌对这些股票来说是时运逆转。牛津商务The show tries to enlighten us about ethnic stereotypes by reversing them.展览试图以逆转的方式启迪我们种族模式的知识。剑桥国际These new findings turn the accepted theories on their head.这些新发现逆转了已被接受的理论。剑桥国际




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