

单词 逆境
释义 ENGLISH PHRASES 英文词组〔adverse〕adverse change/circumstances/weather conditions 不利的变动;逆境;恶劣天气牛津高阶〔adverse〕adverse circumstances 逆境文馨英汉〔adversity〕courage in the face of adversity 面对逆境的勇气牛津搭配〔adversity〕courage in the face of adversity 面对逆境的勇气牛津高阶〔adversity〕his courage in the face of adversity 他面对逆境的勇气朗文当代〔adversity〕in the face of adversity 面临逆境英汉大词典〔adversity〕patience in adversity 在逆境中保持耐心牛津搭配〔backbone〕displayed grit and backbone in facing adversity. 面对逆境和苦难时显示出刚毅和勇气美国传统〔circumstance〕people facing adverse circumstances 面对逆境的人牛津搭配〔deal〕a rough deal 逆境;不幸文馨英汉〔dignity〕maintain one's dignity even in great adversity 即使身处逆境也始终不失尊严英汉大词典〔face〕maintain a firm face in spite of adversity 尽管处于逆境仍保持坚定的自信心英汉大词典〔heartwarming〕a heartwarming tale of triumph over adversity 讲述战胜逆境的感人故事剑桥高阶〔hostile〕a hostile environment 逆境英汉大词典〔knock〕the school of hard knocks 逆境的磨炼英汉大词典〔misfortune〕debt-ridden farmers struggling with adversity. Bothmishap and mischance connote slight or negligible incidents or consequences: 负债累累的农场主和逆境进行斗争。 Mishap 和 mischance 两词都包含着轻微的或微不足道的事件或影响的意思: 美国传统〔misfortune〕wanted to help those in misfortune. 想帮助那些身处逆境的人美国传统〔odds〕a new company that has beaten the odds and succeeded (=it was not likely to succeed, but it did) 战胜逆境、取得成功的一家新公司朗文当代〔overcome〕a story about overcoming adversity 克服逆境的故事韦氏高阶〔overpass〕overpass both prosperous and adverse encounters 经历顺境和逆境英汉大词典〔riddance〕a riddance from adversity (sin) 从逆境(罪恶)的解脱 英汉大词典〔school〕be schooled by adversity 受逆境磨炼英汉大词典〔school〕go through the hard school of adversity 经受逆境的磨炼英汉大词典〔school〕in the hard school of adversity 在逆境的磨练场地上文馨英汉〔weal〕in weal or woe无论顺境还是逆境;无论是福是祸外研社新世纪〔weal〕whether for weal or woe 无论在顺境还是在逆境英汉大词典




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