

单词 说中
释义 ENGLISH PHRASES 英文词组〔Dickensian〕a single mother living in a Dickensian block of flats 住在像狄更斯小说中那种肮脏公寓里的单身母亲朗文当代〔cardboard〕the novel's cardboard characters小说中呆板虚假的人物外研社新世纪〔chieftain〕the legendary British chieftain, King Arthur. 传说中的不列颠部落首领——亚瑟王柯林斯高阶〔combine〕a writer whose novels combine imagination and scholarship 小说中想象力和学识兼有的作家韦氏高阶〔delineate〕delineate a character in the story 刻划小说中的人物英汉大词典〔descriptive〕the descriptive passages in the novel 小说中的描写性段落牛津高阶〔descriptive〕the descriptive passages in the novel 小说中的描绘性段落朗文当代〔echo〕a theme which echoes throughout the novel 在整部小说中不断重复的主题英汉大词典〔episode〕an episode in a picaresque novel. 流浪汉小说中的一个片断美国传统〔fabled〕a fabled monster 传说中的怪物牛津高阶〔fabled〕the fabled Fountain of Youth 传说中的青春泉朗文当代〔fabulous〕fabulous beasts 传说中的野兽韦氏高阶〔gallery〕the rich gallery of characters in this novel 这本小说中网罗的众多人物英汉大词典〔heroine〕the heroine of her latest novel 她最新小说中的女主角剑桥高阶〔historied〕an ancient and historied land. 传说中古老的地方美国传统〔imagery〕the rich symbolism and poetic imagery of her novels她小说中丰富的象征手法和诗的意象外研社新世纪〔introduce〕introduce a humorous note in a speech 在演说中添加一段幽默的评注英汉大词典〔introduce〕introduce underworld slang into a novel 在小说中引用黑社会的切口英汉大词典〔juxtapose〕the juxtaposition of realistic and surreal situations in the novel 小说中现实主义与超现实主义情节的并置牛津高阶〔legendary〕a legendary figure 传说中(或传奇性)人物英汉大词典〔legendary〕the legendary battle between St George and the dragon传说中的圣乔治大战恶龙外研社新世纪〔legend〕the heroes of Greek legend 希腊传说中的英雄牛津高阶〔lift〕an idea lifted from another novel 从另一部小说中剽窃来的想法韦氏高阶〔local color〕a writer who uses local color in his stories 在小说中融入地域风情的作家韦氏高阶〔myth〕the heroes of myth and legend 神话和传说中的英雄牛津高阶〔one-dimensional〕the novel's one-dimensional characters 这本小说中的浅薄角色朗文当代〔outlaw〕the legendary outlaw Robin Hood 传说中的绿林好汉罗宾汉麦克米伦高阶〔personage〕the chief personage in a mystery story 一部疑案小说中的主角英汉大词典〔plotty〕the plotty episodes of a novel 小说中情节复杂的章节英汉大词典〔populate〕the amazing characters that populate her novels 常见于她小说中的令人惊叹的人物牛津高阶〔prequel〕a prequel that featured the characters of the famous novel in their youth. 描述著名小说中青年期的先行篇美国传统〔purported〕the purported value of the estate 传说中这块不动产的价值韦氏高阶〔repulsive〕a repulsive character in the novel 小说中一个令人厌恶的人物 英汉大词典〔selection〕read selections from a long novel 阅读长篇小说中的精选片断英汉大词典〔spell〕spell out the government's plans in a speech 在演说中详细说明政府的各项计划英汉大词典〔storied〕a storied chieftain of guerrillas. 传说中著名的游击队首领美国传统〔story〕be famous in song and story 在诗歌和小说中很出名英汉大词典〔story〕famous in story 传说中有名的文馨英汉〔thriller〕one of the characters in the thriller 惊险小说中的角色之一牛津搭配〔tragic〕the tragic characters of her novel 她小说中的悲剧人物韦氏高阶




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